(Rob Montague will join WIZS for TownTalk at 11 a.m. Monday (Feb. 15).
— courtesy of the NC Forest Service
Rob Montague, NC Forest Service area ranger for Granville and Vance counties, has been recognized as the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 2020 Employee of the Year. Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler presented the award during a virtual online meeting last week. Montague was honored for going above and beyond in his daily work, for personally responding to many of the emergency calls in his area and for being a valued resource in the local community. His commitment and service to the community also earned him the November Employee of the Month Award.
Montague is always eager to help people with their forest resources. Management plans help citizens responsibly care for their land while potentially creating a financial resource too – giving Montague a sense of pride to know it’s a way to make a difference in people’s lives.
“Rob’s commitment to helping people is evident in the number of forest management plans he helps create. Many area rangers prepare an average of 10 to 30 plans each year, but last fiscal year he wrote a plan for 96 tracts,” said Commissioner Steve Troxler. “Rob knows those plans help people use their forest resources to pay for things like their retirement or their children’s educations. So, I’m proud to know it’s one of the many ways he serves the people of his community.”
Photo Courtesy of N.C. Forest Service
Montague also responds to wildfires and many other local emergency calls where he can help – often during nights and weekends. As a result, local emergency responders have come to count on him for assistance. For example, a local sheriff’s office recently called on him to provide maps needed in the search for a missing person.
“Rob is such a valuable part of our NCFS workforce. He brings enthusiasm and dedication to his role as the area ranger in Granville and Vance counties. He is extremely proactive, personally responding to 65% of emergency response calls in those counties, and he leads a sharp team of NCFS professionals who serve and fulfill the mission of this agency. I’m proud of Rob for achieving this well-deserved recognition as Employee of the Year and for his outstanding leadership as an NCFS area ranger,” said Assistant Commissioner Scott Bissette.
Outside of forest management and emergency response, Montague holds a great number of education and outreach events to inform the community of how the N.C. Forest Service can assist them. Additional details are included in a post on the department’s blog at ncagr.gov/blog.