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8th Annual Lake Gaston Clean-Up Day
— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook The Lake Gaston Association’s Lake Clean-Up Committee is finalizing their plans to make their Eighth Annual “Take Pride in Lake Gaston” Lake Cleanup event on Saturday, June 2 the most participated in event ever. But they still need YOUR help!...
KLCC’s Relay for Life Reverse Raffle Canceled
-Information courtesy Cindy Robinson, Volunteer, Vance County Relay for Life Due to lack of community support, the Reverse Raffle scheduled for June 2, 2018, at Kerr Lake Country Club has been canceled. Please refer any questions to Christy Bennett at
Churchill-Five Forks VFD Open House to Celebrate 37th Anniversary
— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook You can help an incredible group of volunteers at the Churchill-Five Forks Volunteer Fire Department celebrate their 37th anniversary with an open house on Saturday, June 9 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. (rain or shine)! There will be food...
Kerr-Vance Academy Holds Commencement for the Class of 2018
-Information courtesy Frank Wiggins, Headmaster, Kerr-Vance Academy Kerr-Vance Academy held it’s 2018 Commencement on Saturday, May 26 at 10 a.m. in Crawford Gymtorium. Thirty-two seniors received their high school diplomas during the ceremony. Headmaster Frank Wiggins welcomed everyone and senior Becca Johnson gave the invocation. The Salutory Address was given by Genie Parish and Valedictorian...
Sergent Talks Downtown Oxford Street Work/Repairs, Main Street Program
Mayor Jackie Sergent joined Town Talk, WIZS’ local call-in show, earlier this afternoon to provide updates regarding the City of Oxford. Sergent, who is currently serving her seventh year and fourth term as Mayor of Oxford, spoke specifically on topics concerning the downtown area, including the maintenance needs of underground water and sewer lines, the...
Warren County Schools NASA SEMAA/STEM Program Summer Camps
— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook Jerome Williams, WCS STEM/SEMAA Director, is announcing Warren County Schools NASA SEMAA (Science, Engineering, Mathematics & Aerospace Academy)/STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) in Partnership with NASA MUREP Aerospace Program @ ECSU will hold its annual summer interactive Science, Technology, Engineering...
Relay for Life Yellow Bricks on Sale Through June 5
Follow the yellow brick road to a cure! The theme for the Relay for Life of Vance County 2018 is the yellow brick road from “The Wizard of Oz.” Personalized yellow bricks in memory of or in honor of a loved one who has fought cancer may be purchased for $25 now through Tuesday, June 5. This...
Union Chapel Methodist Women to Hold Yard Sale at Tony’s Auto
-Information courtesy Edward Woodlief, Union Chapel United Methodist Church The Methodist Women of Union Chapel United Methodist Church will hold a yard sale at Tony’s Auto located at 415 Raleigh Road in Henderson on Saturday, June 2 from 7 a.m. to noon. Furniture, household goods – including a dorm refrigerator, clothing and lots of miscellaneous items...