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Carolina Panthers Announce $250,000 in Grant Funding
High Schools in North and South Carolina eligible to apply for funding to replace essentials including athletic equipment and other athletics infrastructure. Carolina Panthers Charities is providing $250,000 in grant funding to assist high school athletic programs in North and South Carolina that have been adversely impacted by Hurricane Matthew and the storm’s aftermath. The...
Duke Energy helps Eaton-Johnson Students have fun
The National Theatre for Children, sponsored by Duke Energy, provided two actors to perform several sketches for students at Eaton-Johnson Middle School on October 6. The sketches or skits were entitled “Save the World” and focused on energy conservation covering a wide range of topics including using low energy light bulbs, energy efficient shower nozzles...
Rehoboth United Methodist Church endows VGCC Scholarship
A new scholarship has been endowed at Vance-Granville Community College by Rehoboth United Methodist Church, carrying on the legacy of a Granville County native and educator. The church, located in Vance County between Henderson and Oxford and less than five miles from the college’s Main Campus, received a bequest from the estate of Marie Wilson...
Shop with a Cop Returns for 2016
The Henderson Police Department and the Vance County Sheriff’s Office have partnered with the Vance County Department of Social Services to assist children and families in the City of Henderson and Vance County during the holiday season through the “Shop with a Cop” program. Funds raised through the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce “Shop with a...
15th Annual Show, Shine, Shag, Dine
Show, Shine, Shag and Dine and East Coast Drag Times Hall of Fame October 14th, 15th and 16th, the Vance County Tourism Development Authority presents the 15th Annual Show, Shine, Shag and Dine and The East Coast Drag Times Hall of Fame and Reunion. Tourism Director Nancy Wilson said the reunion and drag racing hall...
Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers Thanks You for Support
On September 15th The Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers held their annual Awards Banquet at Vance Granville Community honoring “The Best of the Best” in law enforcement. They would like to thank the following people for being a sponsor for helping make this award winning night so special to so many. They are: 1st Sgt. Jeff Rowan Adam...
15th Annual Corbitt Truck Show
The 15th Annual Corbitt Truck Show and the 15th Annual Show, Shine, Shag and Dine are THIS SATURDAY, OCT 15TH in downtown Henderson. Charles Powell, Curtis Paul, Kenneth Stegall and the entire Corbitt Preservation Association are proud to announce that this should be the largest show so far. Stegall wrote in a recent email to association...