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Zeb Vance Elementary Celebrates National Grandparents Day
Grandparents of students at Zeb Vance Elementary School were invited to join their grandchildren for lunch in honor of National Grandparents Day. Although the official day is to be observed on the first Sunday after Labor Day, Zeb Vance hosted its festivities on the following Monday. “The smiles on the students’ faces when they saw...
Greenglo Daycare Center Celebrates HV Chamber Membership
The Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce held a Ribbon Cutting ceremony for Greenglo Daycare Center, Inc. on Monday, October 17th. The community was invited to come out and meet the staff, show their support, and learn all about their local business. The event began at 10:00 AM at their 44 Allen Road location in Henderson. At...
Surfing the Silver Tsunami
Surfing the Silver Tsunami Thursday, October 20th the Kerr Tar Regional Council of Governments’ Area Agency on Aging will host an event call “Surfing the Silver Tsunami.” It’s an expo-style event, and you can come and go as you please between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. at the Vance Granville...