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Granville County Commissioners to kick-off new Law Enforcement Center
PUBLIC NOTICE A quorum of the Granville County Board of Commissioners may be present on Thursday, July 13, 2017 for an official kick-off of the Law Enforcement Center Project. The kick-off will be held at 1:45 p.m. at the Granville County Senior Center located at 107 Lanier Street, Oxford, NC, in the large conference room...
HVDDC 2nd Annual Moonlight Gala Tickets Now on Sale
The Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission will once again host Moonlight Gala on Saturday, September 9. Tickets for last year’s ticket holders go on sale TODAY. You may purchase the same quantity as last year. If you would like additional tickets, those will be available on July 14 with the general public. The cost this year...
Henderson Lions Set to Meet on Thursday July 27th
Thursday, July 27,2017 Henderson Lions – The Henderson Lions Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Henderson Country Club. The speaker will be Lion Mikey Chavis. To learn more or join the Lions and be a part of an active community service organization, contact any Lions Club member or President Randy Oxendine at 252-438-8034...
Vance County Schools to offer Credit Recovery Sessions
Vance County Schools For Immediate Release July 10, 2017 Vance County Schools is beginning its course credit recovery sessions for eligible high school students in the 2018 graduation cohort this week. The sessions will be available over the next three weeks. All sessions for high school students across the county will be held at Northern...
Recent VGCC grad featured in career pathways discussion for educators
Educators, local industry representatives, community leaders and a recent Vance-Granville Community College graduate shared ideas at a panel discussion organized on June 21 by the Advanced Manufacturing Skills Training Alliance (AMSTA), a partnership of VGCC, Granville County Schools, Franklin County Schools, Warren County Schools and Vance County Schools. The event was part of “AMSTA Summer...
Volunteers Needed for Next Coop Food Giveaway
VANCE COUNTY FOOD GIVEAWAY! On Thursday, July 13, 2017 the NC Central/Eastern Food Bank will be distributing bags of food to community members who are in need of food at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market, 210 Southpark Drive, Henderson, NC. The distribution will start at 10:00 a.m. Citizens will receive disbursements using a drive-through method...
Granville County Board of Education Names New Superintendent
The Granville County Board of Education is pleased to announce the selection and appointment of Dr. Alisa McLean as the next superintendent of the Granville County Public Schools (GCPS). Dr. McLean will take office on July 19. During the search process, the board carefully reviewed applications from a diverse field of 46 excellent candidates. Although...