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Irma Briefing Thursday Morning
— courtesy Brian Short, Director of Emergency Operations Henderson-Vance County Click Here for the National Weather Service Briefing Short wrote in an email to local officials and local preparedness teams: “Please see the attached from the National Weather Service regarding Hurricane Irma. We continue to watch this system very closely. Though we cannot say for...
Creative Ideas for Fall Color
— by Paul McKenzie, Vance/Warren Ag. Ext. Agent On Saturday, September 9th, the Extension Master Gardener Volunteers will hold a free seminar entitled “Creative Ideas for Fall Color” at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market. Learn about the many plants in addition to mums and pansies that can enhance the fall landscape. The program will...
A Dash of Hope
Plank Chapel UMC is set to help Community Partners of Hope, and your registration in or sponsorship of the 5K run will make all the difference. A sponsorship letter sent to WIZS News reads: “We cordially invite you to participate as a sponsor of “A Dash of Hope.” This event will raise money to provide funding...
Pesticide Collection Event Sept. 13
— by Paul McKenzie, Vance/Warren Ag. Ext. Agent On Wednesday, September 13, NC Cooperative Extension in Warren County will host a Pesticide Collection event. This will be held at the Warren County Center of NC Cooperative Extension, 158 Rafters Lane, 10 am to 2 pm. Bring any unneeded/unused pest control products for safe disposal. We...
Emergency Supplies-Family Preparedness Items (Irma)
Hurricane Irma’s potential to affect the local area will remain unclear a while longer. However, it is not too soon to scout around and make a list of what you may want and need in case emergency supplies and family preparedness items are needed. In a morning email to local officials and local preparedness teams...
Please see the press release below courtesy of FEMA. Remember, a donation is a powerful tool. And don’t be scammed. —– WASHINGTON – The compassion and generosity of the American people is never more evident than during and after a disaster. It is individuals, non-profits, faith- and community-based organizations, private sector partners, and governmental agencies...