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Triangle North Franklin Business Park Welcomes Cedar Peaks Enterprises Franklin County’s Shell Building May be Occupied by Mid 2018
Cedar Peaks Enterprises has purchased the shell building built by Wake Electric at 481 Airport Road at Triangle North Franklin Business Park joining the Alliance tobacco receiving station as the second tenant at the Park. Cedar Peaks Enterprises is a licensed General Contractor in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia, owned and operated by David...
Warrenton Revitalization Presents Family Movie Night
by Craig Hahn Come join us September 23rd at 7:00 p.m. on the courthouse square in Warrenton for a viewing of 2016’s “The Jungle Book!” Free Admission. Bring your own lawn chair or blanket. Refreshments will be soldstart a new family tradition and join us for this classic movie under the stars. A huge thank...
Vance County Board of Education presented Gold Bell Award
The Vance County Board of Education was presented with the Gold Bell Award from the N.C. School Boards Association (NCSBA) during the District 3 meeting for the organization in Chapel Hill on September 13. The Gold Bell Award is a prestigious award presented by the NCSBA to boards after all of their members have successfully...
McGregor Hall Opens Season With Gulf Coast Band & Fundraiser For Hurricane Victims
HENDERSON, N.C.—An award-winning eight-piece band that helped redefine the sound of “Gulf Coast Soul” opens the 2017-2018 season for the McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center in Henderson, N.C., on Thursday, Sept. 21, and half of the ticket sales to the show will be donated to help the victims of this summer’s hurricanes. The Suffers hail...
VGCC to hold Bone Marrow registration events
Vance-Granville Community College, in partnership with the Project Life Movement, is planning a three-day, three-campus bone marrow registration drive in October. Members of the community are invited to join VGCC students, faculty and staff at one of the events being held on three of the college’s campuses: Tuesday, October 3, from 11 a.m. until 2...
VGCC Golden LEAF scholarships Spring/Summer 2017
— news release courtesy of VGCC A group of students from Vance-Granville Community College recently received scholarships through the Golden LEAF Scholarship program for the North Carolina Community College System. The scholarship program, designed to help North Carolinians attend the state’s community colleges, is funded through a $750,000 grant from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The...
Vance County Food Giveaway Thurs. Sept 14
— information courtesy of NC and Vance County Cooperative Extension Service Community agencies and the faith-based community have joined forces to help feed Vance County! On Thursday, September 14, 2017 the NC Central/Eastern Food Bank will be distributing bags of food to community members who are in need of food at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market...