Maintenance At Dozens Of CSX RR Crossings In March; Drivers, Expect Detours

Drivers in Vance County who typically cross the CSX railroad tracks, the one that goes right through downtown Henderson, may encounter a detour or two starting March 3 and continuing until March 28th.

Perhaps you’ve already seen the piles of crossties along the line. Maintenance work is scheduled, with some closures lasting from 2-to-5 days. Major crossings like those at Warrenton Road, Andrews Avenue, Chavasse Avenue and Bearpond Road are expected to be completed on the same day.

New railroad ties will be installed on the track from Manson almost as far south as Franklinton.  Work is scheduled to begin in Warren County, continue through Vance County and end in Franklin County.

Initial projections have the work at Warrenton Road being done March 10 with the work going through Henderson that week and reaching Bearpond Road on March 17.

Southern Commercial Development is the traffic control contractor coordinating the project for CSX and will be in charge of creating detours during the various road closures.

There are 32 crossings in Vance County that will see work, as well as two each in Warren and Franklin counties. Eleven of the 32 involve either private roads or one-way access roads and work crews will try to complete those projects within 24 hours.

According to the Director of Media Relations Austin Staton of CSX, the project is estimated to take four weeks and should be wrapped up by Mar. 28.

The length of time the railroad crossings are closed will be dictated by the type of maintenance they are set to receive, but crossings will not be closed for the duration of the project.

To see which crossings are scheduled for maintenance, click on the link below, which lists each crossing and the estimated dates the maintenance should occur:


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