Firefighters with the Henderson Fire Department were honored Monday afternoon for their role in saving a woman’s life in a January house fire.
NC Insurance Commissioner and State Fire Marshal Mike Causey called each man up to receive the SAVE Award for their efforts, during which Capt. Joshua Bolton received second- and third-degree burns when he entered the house to look for a woman believed to be trapped inside.
“It’s an honor for me to be here today,” Causey told the group of more than 25 family, friends, city staff and firefighters assembled at Fire Station 2 in downtown Henderson.
He called the team of firefighters “daily heroes” who put their own safety at risk each time they respond to a fire call.
The only people who receive this award are those who have helped to save a life.
After the ceremony, Fire Chief Steve Cordell said it is “an honor and a privilege to see these men…be rewarded” for their efforts back in January. “I can’t think of a better group to be associated with,” Cordell added.
Mike Causey (L) gives Steve Cordell (R) a pat on the back and thumbs up
Before Causey called the men up to receive their awards, Assistant Chief Curtis Tyndall recounted the events that occurred on that January evening. Upon hearing that there was one person still in the home, Bolton went into the fully engulfed structure but was unable to locate the victim. Departments 1 and 2 responded to the call, and it was a team effort that resulted in location of the victim, who lay unconscious in front of a recliner in the living room of the single-family home.
Firefighters were able to rescue the woman, who was taken to hospital.
“Capt. Bolton attempted to rescue a trapped victim inside of a burning structure despite the threat of personal injury and attempted to find the trapped victim inside the home,” Tyndall said in his account…(his) split-second decision to sear the rear of the structure without regard to his own personal safety allowed his crew to continue the search and locate the victim where he left off. His decision to enter the structure before the application of water was made for the purpose of protecting the victim from deadly steam that would have been created by the application of water,” Tyndall continued.
In addition to Bolton, Causey presented SAVE awards to: