100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm
-Information courtesy Rebuilding Hope, Inc.
Twenty-four second through sixth graders participated in Rebuilding Hope’s Kids’ Construction Camp August 5 – 7, 2019.
Campers rotated through six stations: Hammer & Nails, Masonry, Electrical & Plumbing, Roofing & Shingles, Bible Study and Take-Home Project.
“So many people in our communities have construction skills, and they’re generous with their time and help with the camp,” says RHI coordinator Randolph Wilson.
“While campers rotate through areas of construction, we want them to be aware of how they are building their lives.”
This year’s project was building a wooden tray and we were in collaborating with picplumbing.com to help us with teaching the kids various tips and tricks. Each camper also took home a tool apron, goggles, a tape measure and carpenter’s pencil.
At the end of camp, participants received certificates of completion.
Rebuilding Hope volunteers Jerry Ayscue (right) and Richard Roberts teach youth nail gun safety at the ministry’s annual Kids’ Construction Camp. (RHI photo)