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Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers held its 24th Annual Awards & Recognition Banquet at the Vance-Granville Community College Civic Center Thursday evening. The annual banquet brings together supporters of Crime Stoppers and reminds the community that emergency personnel “have a job that is never done.”
Special guest speaker for the evening, Secretary of State Elaine Marshall, addressed NC’s growing opioid crisis and provided sobering statistics on the steadily increasing death rate from drug abuse.
Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers held its 24th Annual Awards & Recognition Banquet at the Vance-Granville Community College Civic Center on September 19, 2019. Special guest speaker for the evening, Secretary of State Elaine Marshall, addressed NC’s growing opioid crisis and provided sobering statistics on the steadily increasing death rate from drug abuse. (WIZS photo)
Now the number one cause of accidental death in the state, Marshall stated that five people die in NC each day as a result of an opioid overdose – more than car accidents or a medical illness.
Such statistics show that an “all hands on deck” approach is required for dealing with the epidemic, support that includes many of the law enforcement officers and first responders present at the banquet, Marshall said.
Marshall’s remarks were followed by the award presentation segment of the banquet. Award recipients and presenters included:
Community Watch Award – presented by Dr. Gene Wood to Cobblestone Community Watch. Bernice Price accepted the award on behalf of the association.
Local Citizen Award – presented by Clarence Hicks to John D. Faucette, operator of Carolina Carpet and Flooring.
Public Service Award – presented by Lorraine Watkins to Pastor Abidan Shah of Clearview Church.
Corporate Award – presented by Danny Wright to Maria Parham Health. CEO Bert Beard accepted the award on behalf of the organization.
Business Award – presented by Tonya Moore to Screen Master. Victoria Martin accepted the award on behalf of the business.
Board Member of the Year Award – presented by Tonya Moore to McKinley Perkinson.
Following this presentation, five Crime Stoppers Law Enforcement Awards were given to individuals who demonstrate outstanding commitment to protecting and serving the community. Awards included:
Sam Pearson Memorial Award – presented by Henderson Police Assistant Chief Vance Johnson to Lt. David Elliott of the Henderson Police Department.
In presenting the award, Johnson said of Elliott, “Sometimes I have to tell him to go home and take a break because he is so dedicated.”
Tom Long Memorial Award – presented by Cheri Martin to Sgt. Andre Alston of the Vance County Sheriff’s Office.
Martin said Alston is extremely hardworking, positive and “the finest on the force.”
N.C. State Highway Patrol Award – presented by Sgt. Jeff Rowan to Trooper Chris Lanham.
“Trooper Lanham is professional on and off duty and has been instrumental in removing drunk drivers from NC highways,” said Rowan.
Vance County Animal Services Award – presented by Chief Frankie Nobles to Billy Spain.
Nobles said he is confident that Spain can fill in where needed at any time and Vance County Animal Services “would be in good hands.”
Vance-Granville Campus Police Award – presented by Chief Sean Newton to Sgt. Michael Brodie.
“When we started the VGCC Campus Police Department in 2013, I knew I needed to make an extremely strong first hire, and I found that in Michael Brodie,” Newton said.
Nelson Woodhouse provided music for the banquet. Catering was provided by Ted Wheeler’s Catering Service.
Clarence Hicks, Vice President of the Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers, served as emcee for the evening.