-Press Release, County of Granville
At the December 3 meeting of the Board, three Granville County Commissioners were sworn into service. With the November election of David Smith, Tim Karan and Edgar Smoak, the makeup of the Board remains unchanged as all incumbents were re-elected to represent their respective districts.
Comm. David Smith, District 2, is pictured with his family as Granville County’s Clerk to the Board, Debra Weary, administers the oath. (Photo Credit: County of Granville)
Comm. David Smith, representing District 2, is a retired Granville County Sheriff. He will continue to serve on the Audit Review Committee, the Board of Equalization and Review, the Human Relations Commission, the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments Board, the Oxford Downtown Economic Development Commission Board, the Senior Services Advisory Committee and the Triangle North Board. In addition, he will continue to serve as Finance Liaison for the Board and is an ex-officio member of the Granville Health System Board of Trustees.
Comm. Smith was sworn into office by Debra Weary, Granville County’s Clerk to the Board, with his family by his side.
Comm. Karan, District 6, is a “stay at home dad.” His committee/liaison assignments include the Board of Equalization and Review, the Digital Infrastructure Planning Committee, the Economic Development Advisory Board, the Extension Leadership Advisory Council, the Greenway Advisory Council, the Fire Services Committee, the Opioid Advisory Council, the Granville Health System Board of Trustees, the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority (SGWASA) and the Private Industry Council.
Representing District 6, Comm. Timothy Karan is shown with his family as he is sworn in by N.C. House Rep. Larry Yarborough. (Photo Credit: County of Granville)
Comm. Karan also serves as a School Administration Liaison and the Granville Athletic Park/Recreation Committee Liaison and is an alternate for the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO).
N.C. House Representative Larry Yarborough officiated the swearing-in ceremony for Comm. Karan, as Karan’s family looked on.
District 7’s representative, Comm. Edgar Smoak, is the former Board Chairman. Retired from military service, his committee/liaison assignments include the Area Mental Health Board, the Audit Review Committee, the Board of Equalization and Review, the Opioid Advisory Committee, the Granville Health System Board of Trustees, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority (SGWASA) and the Transportation Plan Work Group. He will also continue to serve as Public Safety Liaison, as well as a liaison for the Soil and Water Board and for Water Sewer Matters.
Comm. Edgar Smoak, District 7, is pictured taking the oath from Rep. Larry Yarborough as his family looks on. (Photo Credit: County of Granville)
With his family alongside, Comm. Smoak was also sworn in by N.C. House Representative Larry Yarborough.
All three Commissioners have served since 2010.
Comm. Zelodis Jay, District 1, was elected to serve as Chairman for the upcoming year and Comm. Smith was elected to serve as Vice-Chair.
To reach any member of the Board of Commissioners, call 919-693-4761. A County Commissioner Directory is available at https://www.granvillecounty.org/government/county-commissioners/commissioner-directory.