-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools
The Granville County Board of Education held their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, March 4, 2019. After the conclusion of official business items on the agenda, Board Member Toney Smith announced his retirement effective immediately, stating, “After careful consideration and much thought, I have decided to relinquish my position as Board of Education member effective immediately. The demands of my professional career simply prevent me from participating to the extent that is needed. I am grateful for having had the opportunity to serve the children of this district, and I appreciate all of the hard work of our talented educators. I wish everyone the very best.”
Granville County Board of Education member Toney Smith announced his resignation at the Board’s March 4 meeting. Smith has served the constituents of District 1 for 11 years as a member of the Board of Education, having been re-elected for the position in 2014. (Photo courtesy GCPS)
Mr. Toney Smith has served the constituents of District 1 for 11 years as a member of the Board of Education, having been re-elected for the position in 2014. Mr. Smith’s tenure as a Board Member can be characterized as student-focused, with an emphasis on the equitable distribution of resources throughout the district.
Fellow Board Members, Superintendent McLean, and Senior Staff all praised Mr. Smith for his service, citing his love and compassion for students and public education. Dr. McLean shared her thoughts, stating, “During my tenure as Superintendent, Mr. Smith has always demonstrated sincere concern about issues around equity and fairness for all (both with students and adults) in the district – and I, not only respected but genuinely appreciated that. It has been a joy working with him.”
Fellow Board Members also expressed their gratitude. Mr. David Richardson, Vice Chairman, presided over the meeting in the absence of Chairman Tom Houlihan. Mr. Richardson offered these thoughts, “Granville County Public Schools’ students have benefited from Mr. Smith’s service. We as a board have also benefited from his candor and common-sense approach to making decisions on behalf of the district. We wish him well and hope he continues to stay involved on behalf of our community.”
The Board will continue with six members until a replacement for District 1 is appointed. The replacement will serve until the next scheduled election for his seat, which will begin serving for the term of 2020. The Board will begin discussing the appointment process at their next regular meeting on April 1, 2019.