Covid Vaccine Things to Know in Vance, Granville, Warren, Franklin Counties

Area health departments continue to update the public on progress with administering the COVID-19 vaccine. Please see below for updates from the Granville Vance Public Health, the Warren County Health Department and Franklin County Health Department. Although some details differ, all health department officials stress that residents’ patience and continued vigilance in the use of the 3 W’s – Wear, Wait, Wash – are vital components to combating the pandemic.

Three counties remain in Phase 1a, but are scheduled to open up Phase 1b, Group 1 soon. Franklin County began vaccinating eligible residents in Phase 1b last week.

Granville and Vance counties

Granville and Vance counties remain in Phase 1a distribution and plan to move to Phase 1b, Group 1 (only those aged 75 and over), on Thursday, Jan. 14. Health Director Lisa Harrison hopes to complete vaccinating groups 1a and 1b by March.

Phase 1a is only for eligible health care organizations and individuals with additional instructions to sign up for the vaccination. Harrison urges all others to wait to ask for an appointment until news outlets announce or publish that the phase for which you’re eligible to receive the vaccination is underway. Residents can also visit the GVPH COVID-19 website https://gvph.org/covidvaccines/ to find updated information. More information is forthcoming about how to register in the mandatory statewide COVID Vaccine Management System (CVMS). There is a survey everyone must fill out as part of registration and the system is not accessible to individuals at this time, Harrison added.

Individuals 75 years and older may call the health department now to schedule an appointment. Phase 1b, Group 1 vaccinations are scheduled to begin Thursday, Jan. 14. Any other instructions that may help make your vaccine appointment move faster (such as forms you need to fill out ahead of your appointment) will be posted on our website.

If you are not in Phase 1a or Phase 1b Group 1, but want more information, please call the COVID Vaccine Information Hotline at 252-295-1503.

Only hospitals and health departments have the vaccine at this moment, but in the coming weeks and months, primary care offices, pharmacies, and federally qualified health centers will receive vaccine and be able to vaccinate community members as well. The health department is working with Granville Health System and Maria Parham Health to make sure that the vaccination process is working as efficiently as possible.

Warren County

The Warren County Health Department is giving COVID-19 vaccinations by appointment to all healthcare workers in Phase 1a, which includes:

Individuals who fall in the category of Phase 1b can begin getting the vaccine the week of January 19, 2021.

Anyone 75 years and older, regardless of health status or living situation, is eligible to get the vaccine. Call the health department at (252) 257-1185 to make an appointment.

Franklin County

Franklin County began Phase 1b, Group 1 (residents 75 and older) on Jan. 7, 2021 in a drive-through event and delivered 323 vaccinations.

Franklin County residents who think they are eligible to get the vaccine should email covidvax@franklincountync.us and will receive an automated reply with instructions about how to register for the vaccine. You may also phone the health department’s dedicated COVID-19 phone line at 919729-0654. If you leave a message, please leave a phone number and your call will be returned.

County Health Director Scott Lavigne said that although the line was long at times during the Jan. 7 drive-through vaccination event, everyone who had signed up got their shot.

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