Town Talk 01/31/20

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm



Town Talk 01/30/20: First Aid & CPR Save Lives When Minutes Matter


Jim Gunderson, First Aid and CPR trainer with Durham-based Divers Alert Network (DAN), appeared on WIZS Town Talk Thursday at 11 a.m.

While Gunderson reported that a perhaps surprising 20 percent of Americans have received First Aid and CPR training, he stressed the importance of the remainder of the general public having at least a basic knowledge of how to properly assist someone experiencing an emergency.

“The average response time for EMS to arrive in an urban setting is seven minutes,” explained Gunderson. “It’s 14 minutes, on average, in a rural setting. In a cardiac event, like a heart attack, for every minute you don’t have basic aid, there is a nine percent decrease in neurological recovery.”

These sobering statistics show that “every minute counts; the faster you can get care started, even before EMS arrives, the better chance that person has of surviving.”

Unfortunately, even a well-trained, experienced person administering CPR will have a low chance of successfully reviving the victim, according to Gunderson. “When you perform CPR without an AED or an automated external defibrillator, it’s about a seven percent chance of them surviving. With an AED, the survival rate goes up to as high as 25 percent.”

AEDs are now a staple in many offices and public buildings and can be used on those experiencing a cardiac emergency. The device delivers an electric shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective beating rhythm.

Even though the chances of survival are low, Gunderson said having more of the public trained on First Aid and CPR is worth the effort, especially considering it could be your spouse, child or other loved one who benefits from your training.

According to Gunderson, 70 percent of cardiac events happen in the home, with 10,000 events happening annually in the workplace. Gunderson said Good Samaritan laws help protect those that render aid to the best of their ability from possible litigation.

“Whether it’s saving a life or just making them more comfortable, it’s very rewarding to know that you’ve helped a person,” he said.

First Aid and CPR classes are frequently offered by DAN, the American Red Cross, county health departments, community colleges and first responder units. Gunderson suggested taking a look at your neighborhood events or calling your local organizations to enquire about class offerings and cost. Costs typically range from $5 to $40 depending on the qualifications sought.

“At the bare minimum, I recommend people get trained in full CPR, which is chest compressions and ventilation,” Gunderson said. “They should also be taught to use an AED and how to deal with airway obstructions that cause choking. For basic First Aid skills, they should know how to stop bleeding, how to treat shock and how to splint a suspected break.”

Classes should be taught by qualified instructors and need to be American Heart Association (AHA) and International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) compliant.

To hear the interview with Gunderson in its entirety, go to and click on Town Talk.

Crossroads Christian School

Town Talk 01/28/20: Trey Snide Named CCS Colts’ Head Baseball Coach


WIZS’ own Trey Snide, the recently named varsity head baseball coach for the Crossroads Christian School Colts, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Tuesday at 11 a.m.

Snide said it was a conversation with the Colts’ athletic director Scottie Richardson on WIZS’ Sports Mayhem program that started the ball rolling. “They were looking for a baseball coach; it was vacant. About two weeks after that show, Scottie reached out to me and said he’d love to talk to me about the possibility of being the coach. We met at a restaurant here in town and he pitched the entire Crossroads culture to me.”

While baseball and softball have been part of the Colts’ athletic offerings for years, Snide said the school is looking to build a larger culture of excellence in these programs. “I love what they have going on at Crossroads. I love the culture they are focused on building.”

The opportunity to grow the baseball program appeals to Snide who said he was excited to “take my ideas of how I believe a baseball team should be and how they should act and build it from the ground up.”

Snide’s past coaching experience includes serving as the football coach at Dillard Drive Middle School in Raleigh, the basketball coach for the former Johnston Christian Academy in Smithfield and heavy involvement in the various sports programs at his alma mater, Lees-McRae College in Banner Elk, NC, a private college affiliated with the Presbyterian Church.

With baseball season around the corner, meetings with interested players and training sessions began four months ago, including practices over Christmas break. “I told the guys that we are here to build something special. Myself and assistant coaches Wes Collier and Robin Capps are dedicated to making it work,” said Snide.

The Colts’ first official day of spring sports begins February 10. The first game will be played at home on March 3 at 4 p.m. against Crescent Christian Academy. The team schedule is available at

To hear the interview with Snide in its entirety, go to and click on Town Talk.

Town Talk 01/27/20: District 3 School Board Incumbent Dorothy Gooche On-Air


Dorothy Gooche, the incumbent candidate for Vance County Schools Board of Education, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Monday at 11 a.m.

Serving on the school board since 2010, Gooche faces challenger Sean A. Alston, Sr. for the District 3 seat in the March 3, 2020 primary. Gooche also currently serves on the Board’s Curriculum Committee, Building & Grounds Committee and Community & Business Relations Committee.

Graduating from the Henderson Institute in 1965 and working at Vance-Granville Community College for 32 years before retiring in 2006, Gooche said her ten-year service to the school board has allowed her to continue her passion – helping young people.

“My greatest interest is the students and their academic achievements,” said Gooche. “I believe the children come first, and I strive to make sure that the decisions that are made for the students by the Board are in the best interest of the child.”

Gooche said the positive atmosphere created by VCS Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson, his administrative staff and school board members has led to a cohesive team. “I like working with the team that we have; we work well together and have gotten a lot accomplished.”

In fact, Gooche explained that the Board is working together right now to consider the cost and feasibility of moving the current STEM Middle School program. Board members were recently given a tour of the former Henderson Middle School (HMS) facility and later discussed the possibility of relocating the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) program from its current location inside Vance County High School to the former HMS building.

“It is anticipated that both the high school’s enrollment and STEM’s enrollment will grow,” said Gooche. “This move could give the STEM program more space to set up its own labs and have its own cafeteria.”

At its recent meeting, with a unanimous vote of 7-0, the Board approved a motion to proceed with a cost study of moving the STEM program to the former HMS building.

The winner of the March election will undoubtedly be involved in further discussions about the relocation of the STEM program as well as the future of the former HMS building.

The only other school board position that faces opposition is the District 5 seat, where incumbent Linda Cobb faces challenger Clementine Hunter. Hunter previously resigned from the District 5 position and Cobb was appointed to the Board.

For the 2020 election, Cobb is running as incumbent and Hunter filed to re-enter the race as the challenger. WIZS has invited Cobb and Hunter to participate in similar Town Talk interviews.

To hear the interview with Gooche in its entirety, including discussion on recent events involving the school system, go to and click on Town Talk.

(This is not a paid political advertisement. Challenger Sean A. Alston, Sr. participated in an interview of equal time with WIZS on January 9, 2020.)

Dale Folwell

Town Talk 01/23/20: NC Treasurer Folwell Assures State Pension is Secure


NC State Treasurer Dale Folwell appeared on WIZS Town Talk Thursday at 11 a.m.

Folwell has served as the North Carolina State Treasurer since 2017 and is the former Speaker Pro Tempore of the North Carolina House of Representatives.

Overseeing the 26th largest public pool of money in the world, Folwell explained that his office manages retirement, healthcare and pharmaceutical benefits for 900,000 state and local employees in NC.

“At the end of the day, what I like to say is that we are in the check delivery business. Every 30 days we are spending nearly $750 million. We manage an amount of money eight times that of the state budget.”

Acknowledging that, statistically speaking, 2 out of 10 Town Talk listeners most likely have something to do with the State’s pension, health and/or pharmacy benefit plan, Folwell said those involved in the system can rest assured that employee retirement plans are secure.

“The pension plan is one of the five most solvent and secure pension plans in the United States, if not the world,” said Folwell. “A rating agency just posted us as number one in the country in terms of the ability to fund the pension plan during an economic downtown.”

Reminding listeners that economic downturns are historically “when not if” occurrences, Folwell said he was confident in the strength of the State’s pension system.

On the other end of the spectrum, Folwell said the State’s health plan is “one of the most insolvent in the US. All of our efforts right now are on state healthcare costs.”

Despite rising costs, Folwell said the State is committed to keeping insurance rates as affordable as possible for employees and retirees. “We have frozen all premiums for the second straight year even in light of the fact that costs are increasing at a faster pace than the governor’s budget and legislature’s budget appropriates money to us.”

Folwell said listeners may also be interested to know that the State currently has $700 million in unclaimed property, mostly in stocks and bonds, that can be viewed at any time, by first and last name free of charge at To learn more about the Treasurer’s Office, visit

To hear the interview with Folwell in its entirety, go to and click on Town Talk.


Town Talk 01/22/20: Caregiver’s Cup at Sadie’s & Local Senior Games

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Harvey Holmes, family caregiver resource specialist, and Michele Brigandi, aging projects coordinator – both with the Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Wednesday at 11 a.m.

Holmes discussed the formation of a new social group for caregivers affectionately referred to as “The Caregiver’s Cup.” The name is a play on the actual meeting location – Sadie’s Coffee Corner in downtown Henderson – and the metaphorical filling of one’s social cup. The group will meet on the second Friday of every month from 12 until 1:30 p.m. at Sadie’s. All family caregivers are welcome.

Citing statistics that caregivers tend to self-isolate from outside activities and interactions, Holmes said the intent of the group is to promote socialization and, in turn, mental health.

“It’s very easy for caregivers to isolate themselves because caregiving is a 24/7, exhausting job,” explained Holmes. “Everyone struggles and moves in and out of loneliness during their lifetime; this group is here to help ease that loneliness.”

Promoting another great activity to encourage socialization as well as physical health, Brigandi discussed the upcoming Kerr Tar Senior Games that will be held in Franklin, Granville, Vance, Warren and Person counties March through May 2020. Competitive athletic events ranging from basketball to horseshoes will be offered.

“This is essentially the Olympics for active adults 50 and better,” explained Brigandi. “There is something for everyone and it is a lot of fun.”

According to Brigandi, awards are given, and those who place first, second and third in their respective event have the opportunity to compete in the state finals in Raleigh. Those that place on the state level will move on to the national competition.

New on the list of local athletic events offered this year is mini-golf, which will be held at Adventure Island in Henderson on April 28.

For those with mobility issues and/or for those with an interest in the arts, the Senior Games also offers “SilverArts” competitions with a variety of mediums including heritage arts, basket weaving, quilting, painting, photography, dance, comedy, drama, poetry readings and storytelling.

To register for local games or for more information on the SilverArts sessions, please visit the North Carolina Senior Games website by clicking here.

For more information on the Caregivers Cup group, please contact the Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging at (252) 436-2040 or email Holmes directly at

To hear the interview with Holmes and Brigandi in its entirety, go to and click on Town Talk.

Town Talk 01/21/20

Great, positive stories going on in Henderson.

Recap of Rise Against Hunger meal packing event and Area Christians Together In Service food collection.

American Red Cross and Henderson Fire Department and County and Volunteer Fire Department “Sound The Alarm” county-wide smoke detector installation event.

Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society “In The Doghouse” give back efforts.

This is 25 minutes of Henderson, Vance County at its finest.  This is your town, your county, your home, your community!

Town Talk 01/20/20: Democratic Chair Discusses Meeting, Low Voter Turnout

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Marcia Allen, the acting chairperson of the Vance County Democratic Party, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Monday at 11 a.m.

Allen encouraged all registered Democrats, and those interested in learning more about the party, to attend the Vance County Democratic Party meeting to be held Thursday, January 23, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Commissioners’ Room of the old Vance County Courthouse located at 122 Young Street in Henderson. The elevator is in service for attendees with mobility issues.

Officers are needed and discussions will include precinct organizations.

Describing the Democratic Party as “the party of empowerment, education and inclusiveness,” Allen said the local chapter’s goal is to mirror state Democratic caucuses including African-American, women, youth and the most recently approved – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ).

Allen said the local party is especially interested in finding effective ways to get more young people involved in politics and the voting process. “If we say that young people are our future, then they need to be involved in the process. It’s troubling to hear that young people do not want to take part in the political process when everything that happens politically will affect them.”

Citing statistics from the most recent non-partisan City of Henderson municipal election in October, Allen said everyone should be concerned about declining voter turnout. “We had close to 10,000 eligible voters for the most recent election and it’s troubling that only 13% voted,” said Allen. “That means 13% of the people made a decision for 100% of the community. Our goal is to look at that and to reach out to those who did not vote to see why.”

According to Allen, the number of citizens that are disgruntled about decisions made by elected officials is disproportionate to the percentage that voted. “More than 13% of people are complaining about things that are done locally, yet they don’t vote to make a change about what’s going on,” Allen said.

While voting is at the top of Allen’s list of making sure your voice is heard, she also encouraged citizens to attend Henderson City Council and Vance County Commissioners meetings, reach out to their respective political party and get involved in community activities.

Questions about the upcoming Vance County Democratic Party meeting can be directed to Marcia Allen at or (252) 767-5195.

To hear the interview with Allen in its entirety, go to and click on Town Talk.


Town Talk 01/17/20

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Town Talk 01/16/20: Changes to Annual Chamber Banquet = Less Time, More Fun


Sandra Wilkerson, director of administration and events for the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Thursday at 11 a.m.

Wilkerson invited representatives from local businesses, educational institutions, government entities and non-profit organizations to attend the Annual Membership Meeting and Banquet of the H-V Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, January 30, 2020.

The event will be held in the Civic Center at Vance-Granville Community College’s Main Campus in Henderson.

Addressing past comments made concerning the length of the annual banquet, Wilkerson said the Chamber’s planning committee has done its best to scale back the timing of the event while keeping the focus on business achievements and the much anticipated “Citizen of the Year” reveal.

“We are so excited to celebrate 82 years of local business achievements,” said Wilkerson. “The banquet is going to be different this year. Michele Burgess, president of the Chamber, has a new vision and we are going to do some exciting things to make it more fun and entertaining.”

New items include the addition of a social hour, featuring entertainment by Just Friends, an instrumental group with local members, to be held prior to the dinner meeting from 5 until 5:45 p.m.

Ticket holders are encouraged to come early to network and connect with local business leaders while enjoying a hot beverage bar, sponsored by Rose Oil Company, and appetizers, sponsored by Maria Parham Health.

“It’s a good event to network; it’s what the Chamber is all about,” Wilkerson said. “We have a lot of new leaders in the community and we are excited to introduce you to these people and have a chance to socialize.”

Seating for the buffet dinner, catered by Chamber member Ted Wheeler Catering, will begin promptly at 6 p.m.

In announcing the meeting plans, Burgess said in a statement to WIZS News, “This is a premier event for our Chamber of Commerce. I was excited when our Board of Directors made the decision not to bring in an outside featured speaker this year but chose instead to put our focus primarily on all the positive changes and plans that are being made in our community and at our Chamber. This year’s annual meeting and banquet promises to be informative, motivational, entertaining and fun along with a shorter time frame.”

Nancy Wykle, publisher of The Daily Dispatch and current volunteer chair of the Chamber’s Board of Directors, will offer highlights from the organization’s 2019 year and will pass the gavel to incoming 2020 Board Chairman Tyler Brewer.

Brewer, vice president of Brewer Cycles – a family business that has been in operation in Vance County for almost 40 years, will discuss the Chamber’s 2020 vision and its future plans for growth.

Other program highlights will include a musical performance by the Vance County High School Chorus and the announcement of the Chamber’s Ambassador of the Year and 2019 Vance County Citizen of the Year award recipients. There will also be drawings for door prizes.

Tickets for the event are $35 each and tables of 10 can be reserved for $320. Tickets are still available and can be purchased this week by calling the Chamber office at (252) 438-8414 or by email:

Banquet sponsors include:

Presenting Sponsor – Duke Energy

Gold Level – Walmart Distribution, Mars and Benchmark Community Bank

Silver Level – Wake Electric, Maria Parham Health and Truist Bank (formerly BB&T)

Bronze Level: EnviroLink

Members of the Annual Meeting Planning Committee include Micheal Shaw (Maria Parham Health), Julia Langston (Kerr Lake Country Club), Ana Vaughan (Mars), John Charles Rose (WIZS Radio), Nancy Wykle (The Daily Dispatch), Stephanie Hoyle (Century 21 Country Knolls Realty), Melissa Paul (ServPro), Gayle Watkins (Rose Oil Company) and Diane Finch (former Chamber of Commerce President).

To hear the interview with Wilkerson in its entirety, go to and click on Town Talk. Wilkerson’s segment begins at the 16:55 mark.