Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • If space for a garden is limited consider constructing garden beds.
  • Continue planting trees and shrubs. It’s better to plant them now than waiting until the temperature heats up in late spring.
  • Write down on paper what garden problems that you had last year call Cooperative extension. We might help you with some of those problems before you run into them in 2023.
  • Tree fruit such as apples, peaches and nectarines require extensive spray programs.Do your research now so you’ll know the schedule and have the right products and equipment on hand
  • January is inventory month for gardeners to check older seeds and do a germination test.
  • This is also a good time to organize your seed starting supplies.
  • Do maintenance on all garden equipment.

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The Local Skinny! Valentines For Veterans

Gentiva Hospice in Oxford is hosting a Valentine’s For Veterans event later this month to make Valentine’s cards that will be shared with veterans in five different are counties.

This is the third year that Gentiva, formerly Kindred Hospice, has sponsored the activity, and Patient Care Coordinator Whitney Allen told WIZS’s Bill Harris on The Local Skinny! that she invites people of all ages to come out and show support for the veterans.

Allen said she’s not quite sure just how many cards will get made, but the group will make as many as it can.

“It’s not just for kids,” she said, “it’s for anyone who wants to come out and help our veterans.”

Volunteer Coordinator Brittany Wilson had the idea a few years ago to have a card-making party and open it up to the community to participate.

Gentiva employees bring their children, she said, and a Girl Scout group has participated in the past. But it’s not just for groups – any individual who wants to come and put their art skills to work as they enjoy some pizza and music are welcome.

Gentiva has about 20 clients who are veterans and they will get cards, but they’ll also be distributed at the VA in Durham, Allen said; cards will end up in the hands of veterans in Vance, Granville, Person, Durham and Wake counties.

“They just love it,” Allen said of previous card distribution program.

The event begins at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 28 at Gentiva Hospice, located at 136 Roxboro Road in the Food Lion shopping center.

Individuals also can purchase cards and drop them by the Gentiva office. Before Feb. 1.

Call Gentiva at 919.603.0126 to learn more or find details on Gentiva’s Facebook page.




Sossamon Sworn In As Dist. 32 Rep In N.C. House

Frank Sossamon was sworn in last week as the new legislator representing Vance and Granville counties in the N.C. House before an audience of supporters in the lobby of McGregor Hall.

The Hon. John Dunlow administered the oath of office following remarks from county officials representing the local county commissions and chairmen of the Republican party.

Sossamon defeated incumbent Terry Garrison in the November mid-term elections. He had an official swearing-in on Wednesday in Raleigh.

In comments during the ceremony in Henderson earlier in the week, Sossamon recounted how he reached the decision to put throw his hat into the proverbial ring.

“The Lord used my own words against me,” Sossamon quipped, explaining that he told his church members to “be that somebody” to make change.

“I became that somebody,” Sossamon said. “I’m in it to serve the people.”

The retired pastor of South Henderson Pentecostal Church, Sossamon said he is going to have to “work hard and work fast and work smart” to get things done in Raleigh in his two-year term.

“Under my watch, I want us to be able to say that District 32 is one of the most prosperous districts” in the state; he said it currently ranks among the poorest districts.

He wants to focus on community development in both counties, which he said would have the side effects of decreasing crime, increasing educational opportunities and give young people hope.

“If we want company to come, we’ve got to clean up our house,” he said.

In an interview with WIZS News following the swearing-in, Sossamon said he looks forward to serving the people in District 32 to get some things done, and he said he will challenge the citizens he represents to join him in the effort.

Vending Machines Dispense Books For Elementary Students To Enjoy

A special type of vending machine has been placed at L.B. Yancey Elementary, the contents of which will help students add to their personal stash of books.

The vending machine dispenses chapter books, graphic novels, easy readers and more, and students need only to insert golden tokens to make their selection.

Vance County Schools and the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon-cutting Wednesday morning to launch the program, which will soon place “Inchy the Bookworm” vending machines in the other nine elementary schools within the Vance County Schools district.

Children receive the golden tokens as a reward for positive behavior, and they can choose from a diverse selection of books for readers on different grade levels, according to information from VCS Communication Coordinator Brielle Barrow.

“We are so grateful to have an opportunity to support students with building their home library”, said L.B. Yancey Principal Dr. Shannon Bullock. “We encourage our students to read at home and having the book vending machine makes it possible for students to read a variety of books that interest them.”

The vending machines and their contents were purchased by VCS as part of its literacy initiative to encourage reading and building student’s personal libraries.

“I’m excited for the book vending machine! This is such an innovative way to instill the love of reading throughout our building,” said Principal Letitia Fields of New Hope Elementary.

Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine, developed by Global Vending Group, can hold up to 300 books. The book vending machine will be refilled regularly with graphic novels, chapter books and easy readers to meet the varying needs of individual students.



Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.


  • Start your garden journal for 2023
  • Study up on Grapevine pruning.
  • Sketch out on paper your garden plan for 2023
  • Check flower beds for cool season weeds and pull them now while they are small.
  • When ordering seeds don’t get caught up in all of the photos in seed catalogs. Order what you need.
  • Take stock of vegetable gardening supplies such as seed starting trays,tomato cages,Irrigation supplies, et cetera
  • If you think you have any shade trees that need pruning, begin making arrangements now.
  • Construct a small greenhouse to be able to grow plants next year.



The Local Skinny! Mayor Ellington Discusses City Council Meeting


The Henderson City Council approved Monday a request of up to $15.3 million from the Local Government Commission to fill a gap in projected costs for the Kerr Lake Regional Water System expansion.

This request includes an extra cushion of $300,000 that may be needed for administrative costs, according to City Manager Terrell Blackmon, who explained the situation to council members during the regular monthly meeting.

Bob Jessup, an attorney whose firm the city contracted with to help manage this part of the project, told council members that the money could be available by mid-March.

Mayor Eddie Ellington elaborated on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny! and said that he and other city leaders have met with state officials to make sure the $80 million project stays on track.

“We’re always working to reach out at the state and federal level,” Ellington told John C. Rose on Tuesday.

Between the COVID-19 pandemic and the skyrocketing cost of materials, “expenses increased in a short amount of time,” he said. Ellington said he and others have met with state leaders to garner support for the project and have been met with nothing but positive responses.

N.C. House Speaker Tim Moore, Rep. Michael Wray have been supportive, as well as Diane Cox with the N.C. Kerr-Tar Council of Government.

“It’s a big deal,” Ellington said of the expansion project. “We have to have it for the future.”





The Local Skinny! Chamber Adds New Board Members

The Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce begins 2023 with some familiar faces in new roles.

In addition to new president Sandra Wilkerson, Bert Long is taking the reins as chairman of the board of directors for 2023. Long is the North Carolina project manager with H.G. Reynolds and is in his second year on the Chamber board.

Following is a list of other officers and their roles:

  • First Vice Chairman – Margier White, State Farm Insurance-Margier White
  • Second Vice Chairman – Turner Pride, NC Cooperative Extension Service
  • Treasurer – Angie Jacobs, Country Snacks Manufacturing
  • Secretary – Scott Burwell, Kennametal
  • Immediate Past Chairman – Ronald Bennett, Variety Wholesalers

Directors are elected to serve three-year terms on the Chamber board; the new class of 2023 – 2025 directors recently voted in are Scott Burwell with Kennamental, Stephanie Hoyle with Century 21 Country Knolls Realty, Dana Greenway with Kids World, Inc., Ann Holsing with Coastal Credit Union, Desiree Brooks with Kerr-Tar COG and Brandi Parker with Versatrim.

Incoming chairman Long thanked outgoing board members Brian Williams and Tyler Brewer for their service to the Chamber board at the group’s December board meeting. Williams is employed by Thermo King of Henderson and rotated off the board after serving three years. Brewer, vice president of Brewer Cycles in Henderson, has completed six years on the Chamber board. He also served as board chair in 2021.


Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Now Through Mar. 31

-information courtesy of the N.C. Dept. of Insurance

Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey and SHIIP, the Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program, remind Medicare beneficiaries about the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period in North Carolina.

“Our health can change dramatically within a year’s time,” Causey said. “If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, now is the right time to make sure you have the plan that best meets your needs.”

If you’re unhappy with your Medicare Advantage Plan (Medicare Part C), you have options. Each year, there is a Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period from Jan. 1 to March 31. During this time, if you’re in a Medicare Advantage Plan and want to change your health plan, you can do one of these:

  • Switch to a different Medicare Advantage Plan with or without drug coverage
  • Go back to Original Medicare and, if needed, also join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan

If you switch Medicare Advantage Plans or go back to Original Medicare with or without a Medicare drug plan, your new coverage will start the first day of the month after your new plan gets your request for coverage. Keep in mind, if you go back to Original Medicare now, you may not be able to buy a Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policy.

SHIIP counselors are ready to help guide you through the process. Call 855.408.1212 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to speak to a SHIIP counselor.

The Medicare Plan Finder can also help you find, compare and enroll in a new Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medicare drug plan in your area. You can also call 1-800-MEDICARE (1.800.633.4227) for help. TTY users can call 1.877.486.2048.

The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period is only for people who are currently enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan. If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan and want to change your plan, check out your options today.  Remember, the Medicare Advantage Plan Open Enrollment Period ends March 31.

Remember that SHIIP counselors are not licensed insurance agents. They do not sell, endorse, or oppose any product, plan or company.  If you have questions about your specific plan, please contact your insurance agent or insurance company.

The Local Skinny! Fire Department Nets 20K For Maria Parham Cancer Center

Anyone driving past Maria Parham Hospital Wednesday afternoon may have wondered what in the world was going on – the Henderson Fire Department’s Engine 1 was parked smack dab in the middle of the circular drive of the lower level where the cancer center is located.

The department’s ladder truck was parked nearby, too, but there were no lights flashing, no sirens blaring.

But the firefighters weren’t there responding to a call – they had come to make a donation to the cancer center’s Angel Fund – a check totaling $20,508.

Battalion Chief Lee Edmonds and more than a half-dozen other firefighters gathered under the canopied drive at the cancer center’s main doors and presented the check to hospital officials and staff who graciously accepted it.

Hope Breedlove, hospital social worker, thanked the firefighters for their generosity, calling their annual fundraiser an example of “our community coming together to support our community…that’s just love.”

Edmonds said he and fellow firefighters stop traffic each fall in front of Central Fire Station on Dabney Drive for its “fill the boot” campaign. Since 2016, the fire department has been able to donate more than $80,000 for the cancer center’s Angel Fund, which is used to provide transportation, medicine and more for patients during their treatment.

Edmonds talked to John C. Rose about the check presentation during Thursday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

Edmonds said he and the other firefighters “love being out there and being social with the community.” And drivers are generous with their donations, even though filling those empty boots does mean backing up an already-congested Dabney Drive.

For once a year, it’s ok, Edmonds said.

“It gives you time to get your money out of your pocket,” he said.



Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

• Along with New Year’s Resolutions set Gardening Goals for 2023

• Start making preps to plant cool season crops.

• Order vegetable seeds now and try varieties that have resistance to disease and grow well in zone 7B.

• Consider replacing some of your lawn and garden equipment with battery powered versions (e.g. trimmers, mowers, blowers, etc.). Quiet, easy to operate.

• Start planning your garden on paper. Draw your garden out. How many rows of each vegetable

• Begin scouting your lawn for cool season weeds.

• Have pictures of garden equipment with serial numbers for insurance purposes. Ex Fire or theft.

• Monitor your indoor plants for insect pests. Inspect closely, they can be easy to miss, but easily managed if found early.

• Construct a small greenhouse to be able to grow plants next year.

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