Rasheed Sworn In for New Term as VGCC Trustee

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Abdul Sm Rasheed of Henderson recently took the oath of office for another term as a member of the Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees.

He is the retired president/CEO of the N.C. Community Development Initiative and currently serves on the North Carolina Rural Infrastructure Authority board. He has also been a trustee of his alma mater, Elizabeth City State University.

Rasheed was reappointed to the board for a four-year term by the Vance County Board of Education.

The Board of Trustees has 12 voting members, with some appointed by the Governor of North Carolina and some by the county commissioners and the boards of education of Vance and Granville counties.

From left, retired District Court Judge Randolph Baskerville administers the oath of office to VGCC Trustee Abdul Sm Rasheed, alongside Rasheed’s granddaughter, Jada Lewis; and wife, Marolyn Rasheed (holding granddaughter Lenox Rasheed). (VGCC photo)

NC Opens 24/7 911 Network Monitoring & Assistance Center

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, NC DIT

The N.C. Department of Information Technology on Thursday officially opened the Network Monitoring and Assistance Center (NMAC), which will help support an uninterrupted flow of communication for emergency call centers that have adopted next-generation 911 technology.

NC DIT Secretary and State Chief Information Officer Eric Boyette and N.C. 911 Board Executive Director Pokey Harris were joined by 911 board members and staff in Raleigh for a ribbon-cutting unveiling the center. The first of its kind in the nation, it is staffed 24/7 and equipped to monitor service and performance on North Carolina’s new digital emergency services network, called ESInet.

N.C. 911 Board Members watch as members of the N.C. Department of Information Technology cut the ribbon on the N.C. 911 Network Monitoring & Assistance Center. From left: network engineer Gerry Means, NMAC manager Stanley Meeks, NC DIT Secretary Eric Boyette and N.C. 911 Board Executive Director Pokey Harris. (Photo courtesy NC DIT)

Sixteen of the state’s 127 911 centers – including those in Cumberland, Durham, Forsyth, Gaston, Guilford, Iredell, Martin, Polk, Robeson, Richmond, Scotland, Vance, Wake and Wilson counties – have already migrated to ESInet.

Under state law, the remainder must develop and fully implement plans to migrate no later than July 1, 2021.

“As more and more 911 centers across the state upgrade their technology to support next-generation 911 services, the Network Monitoring and Assistance Center will play an important role in making sure services run smoothly across the state,” Boyette said.

For example, technicians monitoring ESInet can quickly reroute emergency calls to other 911 centers as they identify increased trends in emergency calls – particularly in cases such as severe weather or major events that draw large volumes of people to a particular area.

During Hurricane Dorian, technicians at the NMAC were prepared to assist in rerouting calls from the coast to counties farther inland, however, it was not necessary.

“The NMAC can immediately troubleshoot network issues and help behind the scenes to provide seamless 911 coverage, so emergency personnel can focus on helping North Carolina residents get the assistance they need as quickly as possible,” Harris said.

ESInet, or the Emergency Services IP Network, makes that possible.

It enables call centers to connect through high-speed internet-based routing services to more quickly and effectively communicate with callers as well as other 911 centers.

The ability to reroute emergency calls is one important capability. Call centers also have the option to let users send photos and videos, in addition to voice calls and text messages.

ESInet is a core function of Next Generation 911 – an upgrade to the current 911 system, which was developed in the 1960s – to ensure residents can access 911 services regardless of their location or how their communicating.

“Although reliable, our current 911 system can no longer accommodate how we communicate today,” Boyette said. “Fewer people are using landline phones, and the popularity of wearables and other digital communication services are on the rise. Our residents expect to be able to communicate these ways. And that’s where NC DIT comes in.”

VGCC Introduces Online Career Coach Program for Students

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College recently introduced a new web-based service that will help students explore careers and make plans for their future.

Through the interactive “Career Coach” program, students can:

  • take a career assessment and get suggestions for possible career goals, based on their interests;
  • access the latest information about jobs and salaries in the region for various career fields; and
  • learn about particular VGCC education and training programs that lead to the careers they want.

By linking jobs to education, current or future students can see the potential “return on investment” of community college programs. They can even see a list of employers in the region who have posted jobs for a particular type of career within the last year.

“Not only current students, but also people who are thinking about becoming students, can use the site to learn more about various career options and the VGCC programs that prepare them for those careers,” said VGCC Director of Career Services Linda Fletcher. “Users can create accounts which allow them to save the results of their assessments and their favorite careers or programs of study. We think this will help members of our community make well-informed career decisions and get training for skills that are in demand by employers.”

Other special features of Career Coach include a tool that allows veterans of the armed services to find civilian careers that are related to their military occupations and a tool that helps users create a professional resume.

Career Coach is linked from the VGCC.edu home page and can be accessed directly at vgcc.emsicc.com.

I Voted Sticker

Warren Co. Board of Elections to Hold Voting Systems Demonstration

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Warren County, NC

Notice is hereby given that the Warren County Board of Elections will hold a public demonstration of voting systems recommended for use in Warren County, NC.

The demonstration will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, September 12, 2019, at the Warren County Armory Civic Center, 501 US Hwy 158-Bus E, Warrenton, NC.

This notice is given by order of Esther Terry, Chairman, Warren County Board of Elections.

For further information, contact Warren County BOE staff at (252) 257-2114.

Scholarship Fund Established at VGCC in Memory of Local Teacher

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Friends and colleagues of the late Robert C. Pirie, Jr., have established a scholarship fund in his memory at Vance-Granville Community College.

Pirie passed away in May at the age of 75. A Vance County native, he was a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, including service in Vietnam. He retired from the Vance County school system after teaching for more than 30 years, primarily at Zeb Vance Elementary School.

From left, Mike Bullard, Billy Horner, Wanda Bullard and VGCC Endowment Director Eddie Ferguson meet to discuss plans for the scholarship in memory of Robert Pirie. (VGCC photo)

Retired educators Michael and Wanda Bullard, along with Pirie’s best friend, Billy Horner, and his wife, Patricia Horner, helped set up the scholarship at VGCC. “I was a student of Mr. Pirie’s during his first year of teaching and then had the honor of teaching with him for 12 years,” Wanda Bullard said. “He encouraged me to become a teacher and then became my mentor. We became very close and I thought of him as a second father. I am one of many that he encouraged and supported.”

Bullard noted that Pirie received several awards for his math teaching abilities. He also coached the Zeb Vance Eagles Pee Wee football team for many years and was well-respected in the school system and the community. She recalled that Pirie and Horner shared a love of college sports, attending numerous Duke University home football games and ACC basketball tournaments together.

When Pirie struggled with health issues in his later years, Bullard and Horner helped take care of him. “He was like family to both of us,” Bullard said. “We wanted to start the scholarship in his name as a way to continue his legacy of encouragement and support of students being the best they can be.”

“We are touched that those who knew and worked with Mr. Pirie, those he taught and those he inspired, have been generous and thoughtful enough to honor his memory through a scholarship,” said VGCC Endowment Director Eddie Ferguson. “When fully endowed, this new scholarship will help VGCC students continue their education, and that’s a perfect way to pay tribute to an outstanding educator.”

Through the Endowment Fund, VGCC has awarded more than 9,400 scholarships to students since 1982. Scholarships have been endowed by numerous individuals, industries, businesses, civic groups, churches and the college’s faculty and staff.

Tax-deductible donations to the VGCC Endowment Fund have often been used to honor or remember a person, group, business or industry with a lasting gift to education.

For more information or to make a contribution to help fully endow this scholarship, call Kay Currin at (252) 738-3409.

Contributions to the scholarship fund can be mailed to the Vance-Granville Community College Endowment Fund, at P.O. Box 917, Henderson, NC 27536.

Town of Warrenton Announces Fall ‘Movie Nights on the Square’

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy the Town of Warrenton Facebook page

The Town of Warrenton, NC announces its fall schedule of three free outdoor “Movie Nights on the Square!” Movies will be played at dusk in the Historic Courthouse Square, 109 S. Main Street in Warrenton.

Saturday, September 14 – “A Dog’s Way Home” (rated PG)

Saturday, October 5 – “Bumblebee” (rated PG-13)

Saturday, October 19 – “Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween” (rated PG)

Admission is free; popcorn and refreshments will be available for purchase. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy an evening of family fun.

In case of inclement weather, movies will be shown indoors at the newly renovated Warrenton Town Hall.

Duke Energy

Duke Energy Reports First Storm Outages, Provides Important Reminders

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Please check the WIZS websiteFacebook page and listen live to WIZS 1450 AM and 100.1 FM for storm updates. The latest briefing from the National Weather Service can be found any time by clicking here.

-Information courtesy Tanya Evans, District Manager, Duke Energy

We are beginning to see the first storm-related outages this afternoon as Hurricane Dorian storm bands reach our state. And while we aren’t expecting hurricane force winds locally, we do anticipate severe weather conditions which will lead to outages.

Across the state, we are still projecting as many as 700,000 customers or more could experience extended outages from this storm.

How to see outages in your area

See the outage map at www.duke-energy.com/outages.

You can view outages in a few ways. On all devices, you can use the search bar to find a specific address or location.

When looking at the map, you will see circle icons of varying sizes indicating the location and number of customers without power. One outage on the map could represent multiple homes and businesses. Pan the map and select a circle to zoom in on your location.

Or you can select the zoom (+/-) in the lower right corner of the map, and then use the mouse to drag left, right, up or down to navigate to the location you want to view. Or, you can select the zoom (+/-) in the lower right corner of the map, and then use the mouse to drag left, right, up or down to navigate to the location you want to view.

On a mobile device, use the pinch open gesture to zoom in and the pinch close gesture to zoom out, and then use the drag gesture to move the outage map to the desired location.

Email and text communication

We have been sharing prepare messages and updates with customers who have email addresses registered with us. In addition, a text message was sent today to customers who do not have an email on file with us:

“Duke Energy Storm: Dorian is bringing high winds & excessive rainfall to parts of our state. Prepare for dangerous conditions & extended outages. Our crews are nearby and ready to move as soon as conditions allow.  Visit https://duk.us/06 for latest info. Heed all warnings and stay safe. Text STOP to cancel.”

 Outage reporting  

Customers who experience an outage during the storm can report it by:

Visiting duke-energy.com on a desktop computer or mobile device.

Texting OUT to 57801 (standard text and data charges may apply).

Calling the automated outage-reporting system at 800.419.6356.

For storm or power restoration updates, follow Duke Energy on Twitter (@DukeEnergy) and Facebook (Duke Energy). See the outage map at www.duke-energy.com/outages.

Important reminders

The following tips can help you and your family stay safe if the power goes out:

  • Stay away from power lines that have fallen or are sagging. Consider all lines energized as well as trees, limbs or anything in contact with lines.
  • Charge cellphones, computers and other electronic devices in advance of the storm to stay connected to important safety and response information. Consider purchasing portable chargers and make sure they are fully charged as well.
  • Maintain a plan to move family members – especially those with special needs – to a safe, alternative location in case an extended power outage occurs or evacuation is required.
  • Pet owners should make arrangements to stay at evacuation shelters that accept pets; friends’ or family members’ homes; or pet-friendly hotels.
  • Report all power line hazards using the following phone numbers:
  • Duke Energy Carolinas customers – 800.769.3766
  • Duke Energy Progress customers – 800.419.6356
  • Please do not use 911 to report a downed power line unless it is a life-threatening emergency. If a power line falls across a car that you’re in, stay in the car and dial 911. If you MUST get out of the car due to a fire or other immediate life-threatening situation, do your best to jump clear of the car and land on both feet. Be sure that no part of your body is touching the car when your feet touch the ground.Click here for a video demonstration and to read more about safety around power lines.

McGregor Hall Announces Audition Dates for ‘Black Nativity’

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center

Be a part of the retelling of Christ’s birth through gospel song and movement! “Black Nativity” incorporates the poetry of Langston Hughes with drama, dance, and both contemporary and traditional gospel song.

ALL actors of ALL appearances are welcome.

You may choose to audition on either Saturday, September 14 at 10 a.m. or Sunday, September 15 at 3 p.m. You may subsequently be asked to attend a callback audition on Tuesday, September 17 at 7 p.m.

Auditions will be held at McGregor Hall, 201 Breckenridge Street in Henderson. Please enter through the backstage door facing Winder Street at the top of the handicap ramp.

There will be a movement component for the auditions, so please wear appropriate shoes and clothing.

The production opens on Thursday, December 12 with two daytime school field trip performances. There will also be evening performances at 8 p.m. on December 13-14 and a 2 p.m. matinee performance on December 15.

Rehearsals will begin Monday, October 7. Onstage chorus members may be asked to purchase or rent costumes at their own expense.

For more information or to sign up for auditions visit www.mcgregorhall.org/auditions or email markhopper@mcgregorhall.org.

Break a leg!

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Wildcats Softball to Host 220 Seafood Fundraiser

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information and photo courtesy Amanda Pegram, Wildcats Softball 

The Wildcats Softball team will hold a fundraiser at 220 Seafood Restaurant in Henderson on Monday, September 9, 2019, from 4 to 7 p.m.

$7.00 per plate. Eat-in or take out.

Dinner includes fried trout, french fries, coleslaw and hushpuppies. Drink included for eat-in only. Glad to serve walk-ins.

Proceeds will be used to fund tournaments and purchase needed equipment.

Please help support this great group of girls from Granville, Vance, Warren, and Halifax counties.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

VCRFM Memorial Garden

Join the Master Gardener Volunteers for a Fall Gardening Symposium

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Paul McKenzie, Agricultural Extension Agent, Vance/Warren Counties

Join the Master Gardener℠ volunteers of Vance/Warren Counties on Saturday, October 5, 2019, for their fall Gardening Symposium, which will be held in historic Warrenton, NC.

The symposium will feature Brie Arthur, author of The Foodscape Revolution. Brie studied Landscape Design and Horticulture at Purdue University and since has worked as a grower, propagator, author, and correspondent on the Growing A Greener World show on PBS. She has a passion for sustainable, local food production and will share advice on how to practice this in your own backyard, with an emphasis on native plants.

The presentation by Brie Arthur will take place at 1 p.m. in the Warren County Courthouse. Registration is $20 and may be submitted by downloading a registration form from https://go.ncsu.edu/foodscapewarren.

As a special bonus, the Master Gardener volunteers are partnering with Preservation Warrenton to offer a free walking tour of historic downtown starting at 10 a.m. that morning, which will highlight many fascinating stories from the town’s past. The tour will end in plenty of time for folks to enjoy downtown shopping and dining before heading over to the Courthouse for the 1 p.m. main event.

For more information, call the NC Cooperative Extension office for Warren County at 252-257-3640, or email paul_mckenzie@ncsu.edu.