Officials Monitoring Possible NC Impact Following July 6 South Hill Fire

UPDATED July 19, 1:30 p.m.


information from the office of Interim Warren County Manager Crystal Smith

The Virginia Department of Health  is lifting portions of the recreational water and fish consumption advisories issued in response to the July 6 chemical storage facility fire in South Hill. The portion of the advisory being lifted is for a section of the Meherrin River that starts at Route 138 (Union Mill Road) flowing Southeast through the Town of Lawrenceville and the City of Emporia to the North Carolina state line.

The advisory is being lifted for this section of river because the presence of chemicals is no longer at levels that pose a health risk, according to information from the office of Interim Warren County Manager Crystal Smith. The concentrations of chemicals in the waterways have diluted due to recent rainfall as it has traveled downstream. Advisories still remain in place for Mountain Creek, Dockery Creek, Roanoke River to Lake Gaston.

For additional updates visit

Warren County Health Department and Emergency Management are participating in daily briefings with state and local officials from Virginia and North Carolina and will continue to monitor this incident and provide relevant updates as they become available.



information courtesy of Warren County and N.C. Dept. of Environmental Quality

The Warren County Health Department continues to monitor the possible downstream effects of the July 6 fire at a chemical storage facility in South Hill, VA.

The warehouse held a large quantity of agricultural chemicals, and runoff from the firefighting efforts has entered several water systems in southern Virginia, including the Meherrin River from its confluence with Mountain Creek, and the Miles and Dockery Creeks, upstream of the Roanoke River.

At this time, there is no immediate danger to the North Carolina public or to those near Lake Gaston. There is no timeline, however, on when – or if – contaminants will reach Lake Gaston or North Carolina in measurable concentrations.

The Virginia Department of Health has issued a recreational swimming and fish consumption advisory until further notice for surface waters, including the Meherrin and Roanoke rivers, that extend to the North Carolina-Virginia border and local health officials have been in contact with the appropriate local, North Carolina and Virginia authorities monitoring the progress of this event for any potential impact to Warren County, according to information from the office of Interim County Manager Crystal Smith.

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and Virginia Department of Environmental Quality are testing the affected waterways routinely and reporting those results to WCHD and partner agencies, Smith said in a press release.

Virginia DEQ reports that the chemical plume is moving slowly, and that as of July 15, 2024, there is no indication that the chemical plume has made its way to Lake Gaston or any other waterway in Warren County.

The N.C. Dept. of Health and Human Services has recommended that local health departments in the impacted areas issue recreational water advisories mirroring those in Virginia. The need for and timing of those advisories will depend on available data. NCDEQ is monitoring for potential impacts, staff plan to conduct additional water sampling once the wastewaters are believed to reach North Carolina waterbodies. If you discover any water sheens, odors, discolored vegetation or dead wildlife in the potentially impacted areas, please contact your NCDEQ regional office, or call 1.877.623.6748. Fish kill activity can also be reported on the NCDEQ website.

NCDHHS is working with officials in Virginia to determine what the potential health impacts could be from this incident. This information will inform any future protective actions that may be needed in North Carolina.

The NC DHHS Communicable Disease Branch has begun syndromic surveillance of Warren, Halifax, and Northampton County hospitals. This effort, mirroring Virginia’s Department of Health, is focusing on tracking symptoms including eye and skin irritation, allergic skin reactions, drowsiness or dizziness, respiratory irritation, nausea, and loss of consciousness reported in emergency departments.

Anyone who has been in the affected waterways and is experiencing these symptoms is asked to seek medical care and notify their practitioners of the waterbody exposure.

If you notice any plumes, sheens or fish kills in these waterways avoid contact with these waters and report these conditions to 1.877.623.6748.

Warren County Health Department will continue to update citizens as the incident progresses.

For more information related to the incident, please visit

Fish consumption and recreation advisories have been issued for Dockery Creek and Miles Creek to its confluence with the Roanoke River and Lake Gaston, as well as the Meherrin River to the North Carolina state line.

North Carolina updates will be posted to a NCDEQ website located here.

VADEQ has established a website with information on their response located on their website here.

Warren County Pool Welcomes Swimmers

The Magnolia Ernest Recreational Pool opened this past weekend to provide pool-goers with a refreshing way to beat the summer heat through Labor Day.

The fee for the pool is $1 per session, county officials said. Visit  or call the pool office at 252.456.2141 for more information.

The schedule is as follows:


This week (July 15-20) the pool is open Tuesday – Friday  from 12 noon – 5 p.m. and Saturday from 12 noon to 6 p.m.

From July 22 – Sept. 2, pool hours are Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays  from 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 12 noon – 6 p.m.

The schedule is subject to change,

The Magnolia Ernest Recreational Complex is located at 1620 Soul City Blvd., Manson.

Warren County Funding Cycle For Non-Profits Open Through Aug. 30

Warren County has opened the application process for its FY 2025 non-profit grant funding cycle. The budget allocates $50,000 for this program. The grant program will accept applications until Friday, Aug. 30.  Interested organizations are encouraged to apply.

Warren County adopted its current funding for local non-profit agencies policy in 2014. Funded services through this program must be equally available to all residents.

For more information, contact the Warren County Manager’s Office at 252.257.3115 or visit


Warren County Seeks Members To Form New Tourism Development Authority

The Warren County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution to establish a Warren County Tourism Development Authority.

State and local statutes require establishing a TDA to oversee revenue generated by the newly levied 5 percent occupancy tax on short-term lodging.

The occupancy tax is not a property tax; rather, it is similar to sales tax, in that it is passed on to visitors and occupants of short-term rental lodging facilities. While the tax is collected by the Warren County Finance Office, the established TDA board is the sole entity that oversees how revenues are spent.

Revenue must be spent on tourism and marketing and tourism-related infrastructure.

Individuals interested in participating should complete a statement of interest before Aug. 9. The form

can be found on the website or by visiting

The TDA composition includes:

  • One (1) Town of Macon representative recommended by the Town of Macon’s Board of Commissioners to be appointed to a three-year term.
  • One (1) Town of Norlina representative recommended by the Town of Norlina’s Board of Commissioners to be appointed to a three-year term.
  • One (1) Town of Warrenton representative recommended by the Town of Warrenton’s Board of Commissioners to be appointed to a three-year term.
  • One (1) representative recommended by the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce to be appointed to a three-year term; this representative should be staff of the Chamber, or a member of the Chamber’s board that is also a Warren County-based business owner.
  • The Director of Warren County Community and Economic Development (CED). The CED Director’s term is not limited to the number of years.
  • One (1) short-term rental owner to be appointed to a two-year term; this membership position is intended to be filled by a property owner renting out a private residence as a short-term rental.
  • One (1) Warren County hotel, motel, or bed-and-breakfast operator to be appointed to a two-year term; in the absence of such a business, this member can be a private residence short-term rental owner.
  • One (1) Warren County tourism-related business owner to be appointed to a two-year term.

For more information on the Warren County occupancy tax, visit

Contact Paula Pulley, clerk to the Board of Commissioners, at or call 252.257.3115 to learn more about serving on the county’s boards and commissions.

Warren Industrial Site Project Gets Golden LEAF Funding

Warren County was recently awarded $42,500 from the Golden LEAF Foundation that will be used for the county’s Hwy 1 Industrial Site.

The Warren County grant is one of 10 projects totaling more than $4.4 million in grant funds.

“The need for industrial sites, especially in rural areas, is no longer a luxury but a necessity to meet demand,” said Ralph Strayhorn, Golden LEAF Board Chair. “We are excited to see how these projects will help prepare counties for new and expanding companies in North Carolina.”

Warren County Community and Economic Development Director Charla Duncan said the award will fund due diligence documentation used in marketing the site and recruiting interested companies. Due diligence includes completing a threatened and endangered species report; an initial historical, archaeological & cultural resource review; and a buildable area summary map, among other tasks.

“Having due diligence documentation in-hand increases our site competitiveness because it cuts down on the length of time a business needs to determine if a location is suitable for their company,” explained Duncan. “We are thankful to Golden LEAF for awarding us the funding to increase our Hwy 1 Industrial Site’s competitiveness by limiting the amount of time an interested company can get to market.”

The SITE Program offers resources to help communities identify potential sites for economic development, provides funding to complete due diligence on publicly controlled sites, and provides funding to extend public utilities to publicly controlled sites or to conduct clearing and rough grading of publicly owned sites. The three phases of the SITE Program are Identification, Due Diligence, and Development.

Since 1999, Golden LEAF has funded 2,280 projects totaling $1.3 billion supporting the mission of advancing economic opportunity in North Carolina’s rural, tobacco-dependent, and economically distressed communities.

For more information about the Hwy 1 Industrial Site, email Charla Duncan, Director of Warren County Community and Economic Development, at

To learn more about the Golden LEAF Foundation, visit

American Flag

TownTalk: Wise Community To Celebrate 4th Of July

Everything’s all set for the 23rd edition of the Wise July 4 Independence Day parade and festival. Mary Ann Perkinson, one of the organizers, said participants can enjoy live music, children’s activities and food and craft vendors after the parade passes by, but she’s not spilling the beans about the parade – “You’ll have to come see what they are – we’re not going to tell all of our secrets,” Perkinson said on Thursday’s TownTalk.

Bring a chair so you can sit under the shade of the trees in the church yard or under the pavilion at Wise Baptist Church, she said. Feature Attraction will be performing during the festival, which begins as soon as the last parade entry passes by.

They’re still taking entries, so anyone with a pretty, shiny car to show off or a wagon pulling grandchildren is welcome to phone Gary Paynter 252.438.0574. (No motorcycles or four-wheelers, she said.)

The parade begins at 10 a.m., so entrants need to be lined up earlier than that just across U.S. 1 from Bruce Parkinson’s home, Perkinson said. The parade route will follow U.S. 1 and will end right at the old school at Wise Baptist Church.

There’s plenty of parking there for people, and Perkinson said she and other organizers figure there will be upwards of 5,000 people who stop in between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

The parade and festival got its start in 2000, and since then, they’ve only missed one year. Yep, one parade was sidelined because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

There will be different foods for sale, including homemade ice cream in flavors like peach, strawberry, chocolate and vanilla.

“It’s just a fun day for everybody,” Perkinson said. Organizing it is “a lot of work, but we do it because we love our community and we hope people will come.”

For more information about parade entry, vendor space or the car show please contact Gary Paynter at 252.438.0574, Danielle Edgerton at 252.204.2605 or Mike McCray at 919.604.3081.


Warren Seniors Can Get Coupons To Buy Fresh Produce At Local Farmers Market

– information courtesy of Warren County Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk Monique Hinton

The Warren County Senior Center and Warren County Cooperative Extension are teaming up to launch a program that will provide low-income senior adults with coupons that they can use to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables at their local farmers’ markets.

Senior adults can visit the Warren County Senior Center on Mondays between 9 a.m. and 12 noon or Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to get coupons once during the growing season. The program kicked off last week, but there’s still plenty of time to stop in and get qualified.

In addition to getting healthy foods into the hands of older adults to improve their nutritional status, the program also helps local farmers increase their business and creates awareness of the local farmers market, said

A recipient must be a Warren County resident aged 60 years or older and meet certain self-declared monthly income eligibility requirements.  Monthly household income of no more than 185 percent of the 2024 federal guidelines; up to $2,322 for a one-person household or $3,142 for a two-person household.

The coupons are valid through Sept. 30, 2024, for use at the Warren County Farmers’ Market, located in the parking lot of the Warren County Health Department, at 544 West Ridgeway St., Warrenton.  The Warren County Farmers’ Market operates on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, April through mid-October.

Contact the Warren County Senior Center at 252.257.3111 to learn more.


Some of U.S. Hwy. 158 in Warren County to Be Resurfaced

– information courtesy of N.C. Dept. of Transportation

More than 16 miles of roadway in Warren County will see improvements over the next year, thanks to a $2.4 million contract awarded by the NCDOT.

Carolina Sunrock, LLC, will be responsible for milling, resurfacing and shoulder reconstruction along U.S. Hwy. 158 from U.S. Hwy. 1 to U.S. Hwy. 158 business as well as six secondary roads, according to information from NCDOT Spokesperson Kim Deaner.

Work can begin as early as this month and completion is expected by late 2025.

Granville, Warren Awarded Grants From N.C. Emergency Management

Two local counties have been awarded Capacity Building Competitive Grants from North Carolina Emergency Management (NCEM).  NCEM has announced the recipients of the 2024 Capacity Building Competitive Grant Program (CBCG).

Granville County will get $115,000 for purchase of a disaster laundry trailer and Warren County is getting $61,000 for a mass care and disaster sheltering project.

The CBCG Program was authorized by the N.C. General Assembly for FY24 in the amount of $1,925,578.00 with the purpose to provide funding for building local emergency management capabilities, closing preparedness, response, or recovery gaps and to assist local emergency management agencies across the state with building capacity to effectively respond to all-hazards.

To be eligible for this grant program, counties must have a population less than 230,000 (based on the 2021 Certified County Population Estimates from the State Demographer, housed in the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management).

The target priorities of the 2024 CBCG Program are:

  • Increasing local mass care and human services capacity.
  • Preparedness initiatives.
  • Improving incident management/coordination capacity.
  • Improving Emergency Operations Center capabilities, to include technology initiatives for continuity of operations purposes.
  • Resiliency initiatives.
  • Other targeted projects as identified by a local or regional Threat Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA).

“I would like to thank all of the applicants for taking the time to submit projects that will increase local capacity and ultimately build more resilient communities” said NCEM Director Will Ray. “North Carolina is fortunate to have such dedicated local emergency managers that always seek opportunities to build capacity to effectively respond and recover to any threat or hazard.”


Warren County Public Hearing July 1 On CDBG Funding

The Warren County Board of Commissioners has scheduled a public hearing for July 1, beginning at 6 p.m., at the Armory Civic Center in Warrenton to get input from the community about the county’s application for Community Development Block Grant funding.

Warren County plans to submit a Neighborhood Revitalization application in the fall of 2024. This meeting will provide information about the available funding, including requirements and eligible activities. Citizens are encouraged to participate and provide feedback on the County’s potential use of CDBG funds.

This hearing will explain the funding available under the North Carolina Department of Commerce’s Small Cities Community Development Block Grant – Neighborhood Revitalization Program (CDBG-NR). These funds benefit low- and moderate-income residents, and eligible activities include housing rehabilitation, relocation, reconstruction, emergency repairs, public facilities, and administration of these activities. Projects must benefit at least 51 percent low- and moderate-income persons for area-wide benefits and 100 percent for direct benefits.

All interested citizens are encouraged to attend to voice their views, respond to proposed funding plans, and ask questions. Another public hearing will be scheduled before the application is submitted to discuss specific project activities.

Community & Economic Development Director Charla Duncan said “Pursuing CDBG funding for housing rehab is the next step in growing the scope of work of the county’s community and economic development department.”

“The county’s 2022 comprehensive development plan addresses several goals around housing, particularly around workforce and affordable housing needs in the community,” stated Rose Ponton, Warren County Community Development Division Manager. “Homeowner assistance programs like the CDBG funding can fund critical and urgent repairs for some of our more vulnerable populations,” Ponton said.

For more information about the public hearing, the CDBG program, or to submit written comments; please contact Rose Ponton with the Warren County Community & Economic Development Office by email at or by calling 252.257.3115.