Tuesday Is National Voter Registration Day; Register By Oct. 8 To Vote In November

Today is National Voter Registration Day and the state board of elections has issued a statement to remind eligible individuals to register to vote and for current voters to make sure their information is up-to-date.

The voter registration deadline for the November elections is Friday, Oct. 8.

“Voting is a critical way to make an impact in your city or town, county, state and country,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the state board. “If you’re eligible, we hope to see you at the polls this fall.”

In Vance County, although Henderson’s municipal elections have been rescheduled for next year to address the redrawing district lines to comply with Census data, Kittrell and Middleburg will have elections on Nov. 2.

Eligible residents have options to register, including downloading a voter registration application and returning the form to their county board of elections. Applications can be emailed, faxed, mailed or returned in person to your board of elections office.

Eligibility requirements and other information about registering to vote can be found at NCSBE.gov. Voters can check their registration status and information via the State Board of Elections’ Voter Search tool.

National Voter Registration Day is a nonpartisan civic holiday raising awareness for voter registration and encouraging Americans to register to vote. Since the first Voter Registration Day in 2012, more than 4.5 million voters nationwide have registered to vote on the holiday.

Four-County 4-H Poultry Show Flies In To Vance Regional Farmer’s Market Oct. 23

The 2021 Four County 4-H Poultry Show and Sale will be held Saturday, Oct. 23 at the Vance County Regional Farmer’s Market.

Check-in for youth and poultry will begin at 3 p.m. and the show will start at 4:15 p.m., according to information from Meg Wyatt, Franklin County 4-H agent.

Following the presentation of awards, the auction is scheduled to begin around 6:30 p.m. This year, Easter Eggers and Barred Rocks will be available at the auction.

The farmer’s market is located at 210 South Park Drive, Henderson.

Contact your county’s 4-H agent to learn more.
Read more at https://franklin.ces.ncsu.edu/2021/09/2021-four-county-4-h-poultry-show-and-sale-2/

Town Talk: Kerr-Tar Loan Programs Help Homeowners With Repairs

Homeowners in the five-county area that the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments serves can apply for a couple of loan programs for repairs or improvements to their residences.

The deadline to submit applications is early November, and Kerr-Tar finance assistant Katie Connor said the loans are completely forgivable, provided the home remains the property of the homeowner for the life of the loan.

That’s free money, folks.

Kerr-Tar serves Vance, Granville, Warren, Franklin and Person counties and the Urgent Repair Loan Program that it is offering provides up to $10,000 over five years – $2,000 a year, Connor told John C. Rose on Thursday’s Town Talk. Applications are due in the Kerr-Tar office by 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 5.

As the name indicates, the repairs do need to be of an urgent nature – a leaky roof,  unsafe floors, ramp installation for the disabled, and HVAC repairs are just a few of the examples of acceptable repairs.

“There’s definitely some flexibility in the (type of) repair that can be done,” Connor said, “but they must be urgent.” The main goal of this loan program is to keep people in their homes, she added.

Visit kerrtarcog.org to see program criteria. There’s money for up to 20 houses in the five-county area, Connor said. This loan is considered an unsecured loan.

In general, homeowners need to be older than 62, and the home must be a stick-built structure – mobile homes and manufactured homes do not qualify. Veterans, disabled persons and families of five or more also would qualify, Connor said. Household income must be less than 50 percent of the median income in North Carolina, she added.

The other loan program is currently available for homeowners in Warren County. The Essential Single-Family Rehabilitation program offers $30,000 for repairs. This is a secured loan, Connor said, which means that qualified applicants would have a deed of trust placed on their property for the duration of the six-year loan. This also is a forgivable loan, which means that no money has to be repaid, provided the homeowner doesn’t sell the property during the life of the loan.

The criteria for both loan programs are very similar, but Connor said household income for ESFR program applicants must be 80 percent of the median income for the state.

Because of the larger amount of the loan, Connor said projects would have to be substantial enough to bring a home up to acceptable standards. “We can’t just do one thing for this house.” There is money for five houses, she said.

The deadline to submit applications for the ESFR program is Monday, Nov. 1 at 5 p.m. All applications should be submitted to the Kerr-Tar office, located at 1724 Graham Ave., Henderson.

The applications and related information are available at kerrtarcog.org. Connor said applications also can be mailed to interested applicants. Simply call 252.436.2040 ext. 6071 and leave your name and mailing address and Connor said she will put the paperwork in the mail. They also are available at area Senior Centers as well as county government offices.

As is often the case, demand usually exceeds the amount of money available, Connor said. And the Kerr-Tar COG must apply each year to receive the funds.

Click Play for complete details and audio.


Deadline To Get Help To Remove Abandoned Manufactured Homes Extended To Feb. 2022

Warren County residents who want help getting rid of abandoned manufactured homes have some extra time to do so – the deadline to participate in the grant program has been extended until Feb. 25, 2022.

The current grant cycle opened on March 1, 2020.  Cost to eligible property owners is $305.00 for a singlewide unit ($35.00 demolition permit and $270.00 landfill tipping fees) or $575.00 for a doublewide unit ($35.00 demolition permit and $540.00 landfill tipping fees).  County-approved contractors will be reimbursed through the state grant program, which is administered by the county.

The NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), through the State Solid Waste Trust Fund, previously awarded Warren County a $10,000 grant to assist in the deconstruction of abandoned manufactured homes as part of the enforcement of the County’s abandoned manufactured home ordinance.

The county commissioners adopted the original ordinance in May 2008 and then adopted an amendment in September 2009. From 2010 to 2017, Warren County was awarded three grants in three separate cycles through this program to aid eligible property owners in the legal deconstruction and disposal of abandoned singlewide or doublewide units.  These grants totaled $89,500 over the seven-year period and resulted in the removal of approximately 50 units from the county.

For more information or to apply to the County program please contact Planning and Zoning Administrator Ken Krulik at 252.257.7027 or KenKrulik@warrencountync.gov. Forms also are available at the Planning/Zoning and Code Enforcement Department, 542 West Ridgeway Street Warrenton, NC 27589.

Water Treatment Plant Project May See $3.5 M In Federal Funds



The regional water plant improvement project continues to move forward, but so far, it’s more like a steady trickle than a blast from a firehose. Rep. David Price visited the water treatment plant last week and met with officials from the area to share that there likely will be $3.5 million in federal funds appropriated for the project, which has an estimated price tag of $66 million.

Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington said Price toured the Flemingtown Road facility and spoke with the tri-county delegation about the project, which will double the daily treatment capacity when it’s completed.

The KLRWS serves Henderson, Oxford and Warren County; Henderson is the managing partner at 60 percent and the City of Oxford and Warren County each have a 20 percent stake.

Ellington told WIZS News Tuesday that the visit  gave Price a chance to meet with mayors and managers to see first-hand how federal funding would be used.

“As the demand for water from our neighboring counties, new customers, as well as the growth we are experiencing, this is vital to our future,” Ellington said in an email. “I spoke with Rep. Price as he was leaving and he assured me he’s confident that this would make it through Congress for this fiscal year.”
Others on hand for the visit in addition to Ellington were KLRWS Chief Operator Steve Gupton, Henderson City Manager Terrell Blackmon, Oxford City Manager Alan Thornton, Warren County Manager Vincent Jones, Oxford Mayor Jackie Sergent and others, according to Ellington.

The city of Oxford is in Price’s district and he received a request for funding from city government officials; Warren County and Henderson are in G.K. Butterfield’s district and Henderson city officials requested funding on behalf of those entities. City Manager Blackmon said each congressional district was given the opportunity to submit the 10 best projects to be considered to receive federal funds in the 2022 Interior Appropriations Bill. This project represents a collaborative effort from both congressional districts, Blackmon said.

“This appropriation is only a small part of the total funding for the expansion project,” Blackmon said. The current funding commitment from the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality SRF Program for the expansion project is more than $45 million, leaving a gap of about $20 million. The $3.5 million appropriation will assist in filling the funding gap for this project, he added.

Price issued a press statement in June about his efforts to fund projects in his home district. “Clean water is not a luxury – it’s fundamental to the health and safety of our communities, but our aging water infrastructure urgently needs funding,” Price stated. “I’m pleased that the House Appropriations Interior and Environment Subcommittee included these critical projects in their annual funding bill, bringing them one step closer to reality with the passage of the House bill in Subcommittee.”

In addition to making repairs and forming expansion plans, the overall price tag is heftier because costs simply have gone up. The funding gap is preventing the project from getting underway.

One option would be to raise water rates slightly to cover the increased project cost.

In January 2021, the Henderson City Council approved a revised project cost of $57 million for upgrades to the regional water system, which serves 15 municipalities in three counties. At that time, Council member Garry Daeke, who also serves as the KLWRS advisory board chair, told WIZS that council’s action would allow the project to continue, but if additional grants or other funding streams couldn’t be secured, it could mean a rise in water rates.

Since talk of the project first began several years ago, there have been several challenges to overcome, including purchase of a new pump and rising construction costs. The original price was estimated at close to $40 million, but by the fall of 2020, the cost had risen considerably.

Warren County Appearance Assessment Rates Community For Litter, Clutter

Results from a recent assessment in Warren County about overall community appearance have been released and local officials are using the information to help with the Fall Litter Sweep, which takes place during the month of September.

The Keep Warren County Beautiful Committee used the Community Appearance Index, a tool  designed by the national Keep America Beautiful organization. The local committee is a committee within the public works department. The assessment was conducted between May and mid-June, and visually assessed the overall presence of litter, illegal signs, graffiti, abandoned or junk vehicles and outside storage, according to a press release from county officials.

Supplies for community members are now available at the Warren County Board of Elections office at 309 N. Main St., Warrenton in the John Graham Annex building.

A team of community, business, and government representatives conducted the visual analysis using a scoring system ranging from 1 to 4, where 1 is minimal to no litter and 4 is extremely littered.

“We are thankful for the efforts of dedicated community members like our Keep Warren County Beautiful committee, and those that have participated in litter cleanup efforts in the past,” stated Warren County Manager Vincent Jones. “Our county’s roads are not simply thoroughfares; they are gateways to our community for visitors and businesses. Our roadsides are a big part of our landscape. Keeping them litter-free reflects on us all.”

Here is a breakdown of each district’s score:

  • District I (East and West Warrenton precinct including Axtell and outlying communities from Warrenton) at a 1.91.
  • District II (Sixpound precinct including Macon, Vaughan, Church Hill and Lake Gaston including Roanoke and River Precincts) came in at 3.10.
  • District III (Smith Creek precinct and Nutbush including Soul City, Wise and Oine communities) measured a 2.16.
  • District IV (Sandy Creek precinct including the Afton community) measured a 1.65.
  • District V (Fishing Creek precinct including the Hollister, Arcola, and Inez communities) measured a 2.73.

“Involving community representatives in the process is important to achieve partnership solutions and to promote individual responsibility, ownership, and pride in results,” said Warren County Committee Chair, Debbie Formyduval.

Warren County government has partnered with NCDOT to conduct countywide litter sweeps in the spring and fall since 2017; staff and volunteers also provide resources for trash collection year-round, and promote continued awareness through local radio, newspaper, and social media about the efforts of Keep Warren County Beautiful.

The Keep Warren County Beautiful Committee was established in 2020 when citizens shared concerns with the Warren County Board of Commissioners. Members of the Keep Warren County Beautiful Committee are: Marshall Brothers, Debbie Formyduval, Paula Pulley, Laura Tucker, April Moss, Angela Hyson, Alaina Pulley, and Austin Brothers.

For more information about the Keep Warren County Beautiful committee, contact Marshall Brothers, the Director of Warren County Public Works, at marshallbrothers@warrnecountync.gov.

For more information about the September Litter Sweep, contact Debbie Formyduval at 252.257.2114.

Volunteer Fire Depts in Warren/Franklin Counties Receive Funds

Volunteer fire departments in Warren County received $213,576.50 and Franklin County departments were awarded $73,454.55, according to the complete listing from N.C. Department of Insurance.

The Volunteer Fire Department Fund was created to assist North Carolina’s volunteer fire departments with purchasing equipment and making capital expenditures. It is administered through the N.C. Department of Insurance/Office of the State Fire Marshal. Eligible volunteer fire departments must be rated/certified by the N.C. Department of Insurance.

Here’s a breakdown for Warren and Franklin County, by department:

Warren County:

  • Afton-Elberon Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. – $7,400
  • Arcola Rural Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. – $10,950
  • Churchill-Five Forks Volunteer Fire Department Inc. – $30,000
  • Hawtree Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. – $22,717.50
  • Lake Gaston Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. – $25,010
  • Long Bridge Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. – $9,918.50
  • Macon Rural Fire Department, Inc. – $5,315
  • Norlina Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. – $28,272.50
  • Palmer Springs Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. – $30,000
  • Ridgeway Volunteer Rural Fire Association – $9,992
  • Soul City Volunteer Rural Fire Association – $8,560

Franklin County:

  • Gold Sand Rural Fire Department, Inc. – $23,495.50
  • Justice Rural Volunteer Fire Association, Inc. – $29,463.00
  • White Level Rural Fire Department, Inc. – $9,367.93

NC Arts Council Grant Application Open To Support Local Artists

Listen up, local artists! The Artist Support Grant is open now for Region 4, which includes Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties.

Applications and more details are available at www.warrencountyartsnc.org. The deadline to submit applications is Sept. 30, 2021, according to information on the Warren County Arts Council website.

Whether it’s to create or update a website, attend a special training or to pay for studio recording time, this grant opportunity supports artists as they create and share their talents for others to enjoy.

Maximum grant request is $1,000.

Warren County Board Chair Elected to NCACC As Second Vice-President

— Warren County Press Release

Warren County, North Carolina- Warren County is pleased to announce that Warren County Board of Commissioners Chairman, Tare “T” Davis, was elected as Second Vice President of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners during the 114th Annual Conference on Saturday, August 14, 2021.

This is a great accomplishment for Commissioner Davis and Warren County, as it relates to Warren County being represented in the organization that develops policy and directly advocates on behalf of the 100 counties of North Carolina and its residents.

When speaking about the accomplishment, Commissioner Davis stated that he is “very humbled” by the opportunity to serve as Second Vice President of the NC Association of County Commissioners (NCACC).

“This opportunity is not about me as an individual, but it has everything to do with the work that the Board of Commissioners is doing and the feedback we receive from our residents,” stated Davis. “Warren County being represented in this organization is important, so that Warren County has a seat at the table when statewide policies impacting counties are being developed.”

“We are continuously working to improve the quality of life for Warren County from recent economic development project announcements, such as Glen Raven, and new residential development, to this opportunity with NCACC,” said Davis. “These accomplishments are all results of different tools in the tool box that we are using to change conditions for the better here in Warren County.”

Additionally, with Davis in this position, it is likely that this will serve as a pathway for Warren County to be represented in the role of NCACC President in the coming years.

NCACC is the official voice of all 100 counties on issues considered by the NC General Assembly, NC Congress, and federal and state agencies. The Association provides expertise to counties in the areas of advocacy, research, risk management, and education and leadership training.

Warren County is an NCACC member and benefits from participation in the organization in areas including: advocacy, education and conferences, risk management programs, research and data on policy issues, legal consultation and communication tools to help share the stories of North Carolina’s 100 counties.

Warren County Veterans Services Relocates to Warren County Armory

— Warren County Government Public Information Release

Warren County, North Carolina – Warren County Veterans Services has relocated to the Warren County Armory from its previous location at the Warren County Courthouse Complex. The Armory is located at 501 US Hwy 158 Bus E, Warrenton, NC.

In addition to the larger office spaces, the new location will have a waiting and learning space for veterans. The Warren County Veteran’s Dayroom provides the opportunity for veterans get education on setting up their e-benefits, health-e-vet, ID.ME, and other programs available for Veterans.

“I am very pleased that our County staff were able to make this move happen,” stated Warren County Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Tare “T” Davis. “This is an idea that Commissioners have discussed for some time. As a Veteran myself, I know the Board of Commissioners felt it was important that we serve our veterans in a location that provided more privacy when discussing sensitive issues or benefits, better accessibility options, and a location separate from our court services. I am sure Veterans Services staff and our veterans seeking assistance will enjoy the space as well.”

For more information, contact Warren County Veterans Services at 252-257-3385.