Kerr Tar Regional Council of Governments

Town Talk: Talent Connect Connects People To Employment

A short informational virtual session could be the jumpstart to a new career path, and Desiree Brooks said staff at NCWorks is available to follow up with individuals who have questions about next steps toward seeking meaningful employment.

Brooks spoke with John C. Rose on Monday’s Town Talk about Tuesday’s 10 a.m. Talent Connect series, sponsored by the Kerr-Tar COG.

The session lasts 10 minutes, she said, but will be chock-full of information for participants.

“There’s a pathway for every person,” she said, adding that there’s no one set way for prospective employees to find a job that suits them and their skill sets.

Participants will have a chance to interact with presenter Helen Bradby during the virtual session – Tues, Jan 11 – Register at:

Anyone without internet access can simply call NCWorks at 252.438.6129 in Henderson or 919.693.2686 in Oxford  to schedule an appointment to learn more.

“We’ll figure out a way to get them the information they need,” Brooks said.

Other virtual sessions are scheduled for Tuesdays in January – the topic for Jan. 18 is professional communication and interview skills (register here – and the topic for Jan. 25 is resume building (register here –

These “soft skills” can be important for interviews, Brooks said; prospective employers are looking for new workers who will be a good fit, and job seekers should feel confident when going into an interview.

The Jan. 18 session will give tips for gaining the confidence to kind of help you “shake those nerves…to go in and get the job.”

The Jan. 25 session about resume building will help participants create a resume, which doesn’t necessarily have list a long job history to be a powerful tool. “If you don’t have work experience, that’s OK,” Brooks said. There is plenty that you can put on a resume, from extracurricular activities like church, civic and community service participation.

“All that experience definitely needs to be highlighted on your resume,” she said.

Job seekers can practice those soft skills on Thursday, Jan. 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Oxford NCWorks Center’s hiring event with Express Employment Professionals. The NCWorks Center is located at 111 Hilltop Village off US Hwy 158.

Learn more and bookmark



Triangle North Grant Cycle Open For 2022; Deadline To Submit Letters Of Interest Mar. 1

Triangle North Healthcare Foundation has announced the launch of its 2022 grant cycle, and is accepting letters of interest through March 1, 2022.

Nonprofit organizations, government agencies and schools are eligible to apply for funding projects that will provide positive impact in one or more of the five focus areas: Child Well-Being, Chronic Disease, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, Nutrition and Physical Activity, and Reproductive Health.

The link to the Foundation’s online grant portal is available at

Executive Director Val Short said funding local projects brings to life the foundation’s mission to encourage, support, and invest in quality efforts that measurably improve health in the areas it serves.

“Our hope is that the Foundation’s investment of grant funds in our communities will result in long lasting improvements in the health and wellbeing of our children and adults,” Short said in a press statement.

Since 2013, the foundation has invested more than $3.3 million in programs across the four-county region that includes Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin.

Short and the foundation’s grants coordinator Carolyn Powell are available to discuss ideas for grant projects or to assist with grant writing.  Call 252.430.8532 to schedule an appointment.  Information about current and past funded programs and projects is also available on the website.

A regional healthcare grant-making organization based in Henderson, NC, Triangle North Healthcare Foundation was established in 2011, following the merge of Maria Parham Medical Center and Duke Lifepoint.

NCDOT Bike Helmet Program Puts Free Helmets On Kids’ Heads

The goal of the state Department of Transportation’s annual bicycle helmet initiative is to reduce bicycle injuries and deaths. Applications are available now for agencies to get up to 100 free bike helmets for young cyclists.

As part of the initiative, applicants are encouraged to partner with government and non-government agencies to host bike safety events. Examples of partners include police and fire departments, parks and recreation departments, health departments and community centers, as well as churches and other non-governmental organizations.

Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Feb. 4, 2022, according to information from NCDOT. Applicants may request 25, 50, 75 or 100 helmets and the groups awarded are scheduled to receive the helmets by April 29, 2022.

The selection process has been revised and is no longer limited to government agencies. Helmets will be awarded and distributed once per calendar year in the spring and awardees will have the remainder of the calendar year to host their safety program and then provide a report within 30 days of the event.

The program was started in 2007 and is overseen by the DOT’s integrated mobility division. Money to fund the program comes from sales of the Share The Road specialty license plate. Since its inception, the initiative has provided thousands of helmets to low-income children – more than 30,000 in the past five years alone. Statistics show that less than half of all children wear a helmet while biking, but wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of severe brain injuries by almost 90 percent for children involved in bike accidents.

About 20 bicyclists die in biking accidents each year in North Carolina – one in six of those are under the age of 16. The use of bike helmets was found to reduce head injury by 48 percent, serious head injury by 60 percent, traumatic brain injury by 53 percent, face injury by 23 percent and the total number of cyclists killed or seriously injured by 34 percent.

Visit the NCDOT Bicycle Helmet Initiative webpage for more information and to download the application.

Local Extension Agent Shares Ways To Send Help To Areas Hit By Tornado, Wildfires

The recent weather events in Kentucky, Tennessee, Kansas and other Midwestern states have left devastation in their wake. Kim Woods, N.C. Cooperative extension livestock agent for Granville and Person counties shares a list of resources to help the ravaged areas rebuild.

“Many of you may have been wondering if there is anything that we in North Carolina can do to help our fellow ag folks in Kentucky and Tennessee after the devastating tornado outbreak in those states or the wildfires in Kansas,” Woods wrote in an email right before Christmas.

In Kentucky:

  • Donate money to the Kentucky Cattlemen’s Foundation. All donations will be used to help local producers in need of farm supplies. These donations can be made by calling 859.278.0899 using the Paypal app at
  • Mail a check to: KY Cattlemen’s Foundation Attn: Tornado Relief 176 Pasadena Drive, Suite 4,  Lexington, KY 40503In Tennessee:
    • The Tennessee Farm Bureau established a fund to help farmers and ranchers who incurred damage to homes, farms or personal property.

    In Kansas:

    • The Kansas Livestock Association and the Kansas Livestock Foundation are assisting ranchers who were affected by fires and high winds across the state in mid-December. To provide monetary donations, click here. Donations may be tax deductible and 100 percent of all donations will be distributed to producers whose operations were damaged by the fires.


Warren County Government Holiday Schedules

Warren County government offices, facilities, and services will be closed for the holidays and announce the following schedules regarding hours of operation:

  • Warren County government offices, including County Administration – closed today (Thursday), through Monday, Dec. 27; and also will be closed on Friday, Dec. 31;
  • Warren County Memorial Library – closed through Monday Dec. 27; and closed on Friday, Dec. 31;
  • Warren County convenience centers: will close tomorrow (Friday) at 12 noon through Monday, Dec. 27, and also will be closed Saturday, Jan. 1.

Visit to learn more.

This information comes from Charla Duncan, community & economic development director and senior assistant to the Warren County manager.

NCTeach Supports Aspiring Teachers Get Prepared For Classrooms

Just two years after its launch, the teacher recruitment initiative called TeachNC reported that it has “significantly exceeded” its second-year goals, with more than 1,400 aspiring teachers applying to an educator preparation program in 2021. That number more than doubles the number of applicants who signed up in the first year.

From September 2020 through August 2021, the website was accessed in excess of 159,000 times and has attracted over 11,000 prospective educators who are being supported in their quest to become teachers, according to a press statement from the organization, which partners with several state and national agencies to get more educators into classrooms.

More than 1,400 of those applied for an educator preparation program in North Carolina during the initiative’s second year, with many of them also entering the classroom through the state’s residency licensure pathway, allowing them to work as teachers while completing course work necessary for certification. The year-two teacher recruits represents more than a 130% increase over the number of applicants supported in TeachNC’s first year. Of the applicants, 50 percent identified as candidates of color and nearly a quarter of those reporting a focus area say they want to teach a STEM-related subject such as math or science or in special education.

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Catherine Truitt commended the TeachNC initiative for its success in helping to attract more people to the teaching profession and serving as a key resource of information about teaching careers in the state.

“TeachNC fills a critical need in North Carolina to make it easy for would-be teachers to learn more about the profession and to support them as they begin their journey to the classroom,” Truitt said. “My own North Star is that every student deserves a highly qualified, excellent teacher in every classroom, and the work of TeachNC is helping the state reach that all-important goal.”

TeachNC, which works in partnership with the N.C. Department of Public Instruction, delivers research-based tools and supports for prospective teachers, helping reduce the barriers to applying to and enrolling in an educator preparation program. In a survey by the initiative, 60 percent of TeachNC subscriber-respondents reported an increased interest in teaching and 59 percent of TeachNC’s applicants reported that without the support of TeachNC tools, they may not have applied to a North Carolina educator prep program.

The following resources are freely available to anyone in North Carolina who may be considering entering the teaching profession:

  • 1-on-1 coaching from current North Carolina educators (900+ calls in year two)
  • Interactive education preparation program search tool and application tools
  • Application fee reimbursements
  • Scholarships and financial aid search tool
  • North Carolina’s first statewide teacher job board
  • Live chat function to answer questions 24 hours/day
  • Guides on testing, finances, resumes, cover letters, application essays, licensure, and more

Brenda Berg, President & CEO of BEST NC, the nonprofit, nonpartisan group of business leaders that launched and helped fund the TeachNC pilot, said she is pleased with these results.

“When we launched TeachNC in 2019, we knew our state had an urgent need for teachers. With the challenges our schools have faced through the pandemic, this need is greater than ever, making it even more exciting to see that these results have exceeded our expectations,” Berg said.

“It’s not that people don’t want to become teachers. More than 10,000 people have expressed interest in becoming teachers by subscribing to TeachNC; they just need additional information and support to get there,” she said. “We are also happy to see the state take this over as an on-going effort, because we know that an investment in teacher talent is a direct investment in North Carolina students.”

The recently passed state budget includes funding to DPI to adopt the TeachNC initiative and provides a dedicated position within the agency to administer the program.

TeachNC is a partnership of BEST NC, NCDPI, and TeachNC includes a full suite of strategic recruitment activities including a robust communications campaign, a comprehensive website encompassing all existing resources in the state, and 1-on-1 personalized supports for teacher candidates. These resources create a trusted, safe, and user-friendly support system for anyone considering a teaching career in North Carolina. Visit TeachNC to learn more.

VGCC Dr. Levy Brown

VGCC’s Dr. Levy Brown Hired For State-Level Post

Dr. Levy Brown, a vice president of Vance-Granville Community College, has accepted a position as senior vice president/chief academic officer for the North Carolina Community College System in Raleigh. He will begin his new job in January 2022.

In a written statement, Brown said he appreciates his time at VGCC and is excited about the opportunity to pursue new professional endeavors. “VGCC has a number of brilliant students, faculty, staff and community members. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to lead and serve alongside these individuals during my time at the college,” Brown stated. “Looking ahead, I am humbled by the opportunity to partner with my colleagues to make a difference at the system level. We have myriad opportunities to make a tremendous impact on students, faculty, and staff across the Great 58,” he said, in reference to the 58 community colleges that comprise the state system.

VGCC President Dr. Rachel Desmarais thanked Brown for his leadership during his time at VGCC. “Dr. Brown’s focus on building student supports and investing in faculty development has put our college on a transformational path for student success,” she stated.
“I look forward to working with Dr. Brown in a new capacity as he leads academics for North Carolina community colleges.”

Cecilia Wheeler will be acting vice president of learning, student engagement and success while VGCC conducts a nationwide search beginning in the fall of 2022. Wheeler, a 32-year VGCC employee, is Dean of Arts and Sciences. She has delayed her retirement plans to serve in the capacity of vice president until a candidate is in place, hopefully by January 2023.

In his new role, Brown will oversee a variety of areas, including systemwide academic educational delivery activities such as adult basic skills, curriculum programs, student support services and workforce continuing education. He also will be responsible for leading and coordinating instruction and student learning supports among other critical areas that impact the student experience.

He fills the position vacated by Dr. Kimberly Gold, who was promoted at the state board’s November meeting to the position of chief of staff with NCCCS.

Brown’s prior work includes several leadership roles with Vance-Granville Community College (VGCC), including Vice President of Learning, Student Engagement and Success; vice president of Academic Affairs, and Vice President of Student Services. In his current role, he serves as the college’s Chief Academic and Student Affairs Officer. He is responsible for leading and working collaboratively with credit faculty and staffers in the areas of academic programs, student success, equity and inclusion, enrollment management, K-12 partnerships and other areas. Brown is serving as the college’s primary lead for their work with Achieving the Dream. He continues to work alongside a cadre of faculty and staff to improve student outcomes. Further, he is one of the leaders at VGCC tapped to focus on the adult learner experience through NC ReConnect.

Prior to joining VGCC, Brown served as Dean of Arts & Sciences at Lenoir Community College. Also, he has served in various leadership roles and has taught at other higher education institutions in North Carolina. Brown has been actively engaged in service at the local, state, and national level. On the national level, Dr. Brown serves on the Commission on Student Success for the American Association of Community Colleges and he was recently named a 2021-22 Aspen Rising Presidents Fellow. Together, the 2021-22 fellows are leaders at colleges that collectively serve more than 400,000 students. As well, 67 Rising Presidents Fellowship alumni have become presidents of community colleges that collectively serve an additional 953,000 students nationwide. Locally and regionally, Brown has served on various boards and committees including, but not limited to, the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce (current chairperson), Teach for America-Eastern North Carolina, North Central North Carolina Boys and Girls Club, and the Transfer Advisory Committee (TAC).

Brown holds a bachelor’s degree from East Carolina University, a master’s degree in library science from North Carolina Central University, and a doctorate in educational leadership with a focus on higher education from East Carolina University.

North Carolina Dept. Of Revenue Program Helps Businesses Affected By COVID-19 Pandemic

The North Carolina Department of Revenue’s Business Recovery Grant Program is making one-time payments to eligible businesses in the state that have suffered significant economic loss because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The deadline to submit an application is Jan. 31, 2022. Visit to learn more.

According to the NCDOR website, there are two types of grants available for businesses that had at least a 20 percent loss of business during the pandemic:

  • A hospitality grant for eligible arts, entertainment, and recreation business, as well as eligible accommodation and food service businesses such as a hotel, restaurant, and bar (NAICS codes 71 and 72).
  • A reimbursement grant for eligible businesses not classified in NAICS Code 71 and 72, and which did not receive funding from other relief programs including Paycheck Protection Program, COVID-19 Job Retention Grant, and EIDL Advance.

The amount an eligible business would receive is a percentage of the economic loss or $500,000 whichever is less. NCDOR will reduce grant amounts if the total amount of grants requested exceeds the maximum amount of funds authorized for the for Business Recovery Grant by the state of North Carolina.

Grant amounts will be determined at the conclusion of the application period. All payments will be made by check, mailed to the address provided by the respective business once the amounts are determined after the application period closes.



Swine, Dairy Producers Can Apply For COVID-19 Funds To Help Recoup Losses

The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has opened the application period for the first phase of its North Carolina Swine and Dairy Assistance program. The $30 million in federal COVID-19 funds appropriated by the N.C. General Assembly will offer assistance for eligible swine and dairy producers for losses incurred from termination of contracts or ceased milk production due to the pandemic.

“A significant number of swine farms have lost contracts and dairies have been forced out of business due to the pandemic. It has been a rough time for many farmers,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. The application process has two phases. Phase 1 determines eligibility is open now. Eligible applicants will receive a one-time assistance payment of $31,500. Phase 1 is designed to get money quickly to farmers. “If you are a farmer and this program applies to you then get your application in as soon as possible,” Troxler stated.

Phase 2 will focus on infrastructure modifications to barns, hog houses and/or lagoons. More details on Phase 2 will be released in February 2022.

The grant application and required forms can be downloaded from the NCDA&CS website at  The deadline to apply is June 30, 2023, but funds are limited so farmers are encouraged to go ahead and apply.

For questions about the program in general, call 866.747.9823. Farmers may also contact their local cooperative extension, Farm Service Agency or N.C. Farm Bureau offices for help with the application.

Warren County Equine Clinic On Jan. 29 For Coggins, Vaccines

Area horse owners can save the cost of a farm visit and drive their equines to Warren County next month for a Coggins and vaccine clinic, according to information from the Warren County Cooperative Extension.

The clinic will be on Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Department, 654 U.S. Hwy 1 in Norlina.

Oberlin McDaniel, DVM, will be on site to update your horses’ Coggins & annual vaccinations. The Coggins test cost is $36. Online results via Global Vet Link will provide results within 3-5 days. Copies can be printed from this site for use by horse owners to show proof of a negative test.

Vaccines that are available include:

  • 5-way E/W/T/R/F, rabies and West Nile.
  • Equine microchipping also will be available.

Contact Stacey Hadnott, NCMVS assistant at 919.813.6560 or to learn more.