United Way of Vance County holds unique fundraiser

Prime parking spaces at some local businesses were graciously donated to the United Way to help with our fundraising efforts for our 3rd Grade Reading Initiative…United We Read, United We Succeed!

Sponsors are:


Mast Family Drug Center

Walmart Supercenter (4 parking spaces)

Marketplace Cinema

Skipper Forsyth’s Bar-B-Que

Vance County Schools Admin Services


Passes are $40 each or 2/$60 and are good until 12/31/17.

The passes are available at the United Way office on Dabney Drive.

New passes will be available beginning in January.  If you purchase one now, you can get a discount next year.

District Attorney’s Schedule June 2017

Thurs, June 1                        ##Vance District Court (Keith) – Louis, Watson/Hargrove

Granville Dispo Court (Burnette) – Putney, Sellars, Gregory, Allen, Dickerson

Franklin Trial Prep – Gardner, Hunter


Fri, June 2                             Franklin Trial Prep – Gardner, Hunter


Mon, June 5                          Franklin Trial Court (Holt) – Gardner, Hunter, Johnson

##Franklin District Court (Thompson) – Louis, Roberson

Vance District Court (Davis) – Gregory, Watson/Hargrove

##Granville District Court (Stevenson) – Sellars, Allen


Tues, June 6                          **Franklin District Court (Davis) – Sellars, Gregory, Roberson

Vance District Court (Burnette) – Erdmann, Watson/Hargrove

Granville Juvenile Court (Thompson) – Putney


Wed, June 7                          ##Granville District Court (Burnette) – Louis, Allen

Warren District Court (Thompson) – Fuller, Raymond


Thurs, June 8                        Franklin Juvenile Court (Davis) – Erdmann

##Vance District Court (Burnette) – Louis, Watson/Hargrove

Vance Trial Prep – Pelfrey, Fuller

Granville CMS Prep – Sellars, Putney


Fri, June 9                             Vance Juvenile Court (Stevenson) – Erdmann

Vance Trial Prep – Pelfrey, Fuller

Granville CMS Prep –   Sellars, Putney


Mon, June 12                       Vance Trial Court (Heath) – Pelfrey, Fuller, Brickhouse

                Granville CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Sellars, Putney, Pendergrass, Garrett

                                                Franklin District Court (Keith) – Erdmann, Roberson

##Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Gregory, Watson/Hargrove

**Granville District Court (Burnette) – Louis, Allen

Franklin CMS Prep – Gardner, Hunter


Tues, June 13                       Granville CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Sellars, Putney, Pendergrass, Garrett

                                                Franklin District Court (Stevenson) – Louis, Roberson

Vance District Court (Davis) – Erdmann, Watson/Hargrove

Warren Juvenile Court (Keith) – Gregory

Franklin CMS Prep – Gardner

Vance County Clerk’s Office Hours, Attorneys, 2:00-4:00 pm – Gregory


Wed, June 14                       Franklin CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Gardner, Pendergrass, Johnson

                                Granville District Court (Thompson) – Sellars, Allen

**Warren District Court (Keith) – Putney, Raymond

Vance County Clerk’s Office Hours, Public, 2:00-4:00 pm – Gregory


Thurs, June 15                     Franklin CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Gardner, Pendergrass, Johnson

Vance Dispo Court (Burnette) – Putney, Sellars, Louis, Watson, Hargrove


Fri, June 16                           Granville Juvenile Court (Thompson) – Putney


Mon, June 19                                                       No Criminal Court


Tues, June 20                                                       No Criminal Court


Wed, June 21                                                       No Criminal Court


Thurs, June 22                     Franklin County Clerk’s Office Hours, 2:00-4:00 pm – Hunter

Warren CMS Prep – Fuller

Fri, June 23                           Franklin Dispo Court (Keith) – Gardner, Hunter, Erdmann, Tart, Roberson

Warren CMS Prep – Fuller


Mon, June 26                       Warren CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Fuller, Pendergrass, Raymond

Franklin District Court (Burnette) – Gardner, Roberson

Vance District Court (Keith) – Hunter, Watson/Hargrove

Granville District Court (Davis) – Putney, Allen

Vance CMS Prep – Pelfrey, Erdmann, Louis


Tues, June 27                       Vance Probation Court (O’Foghludha) – Gregory, Pendergrass

Franklin District Court (Davis) – Hunter, Roberson

##Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Gardner, Watson/Hargrove

Warren Juvenile Court (Keith) – Putney

Vance CMS Prep – Pelfrey, Fuller, Erdmann, Louis


Wed, June 28                       Vance CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Pelfrey, Fuller, Louis, Erdmann, Pendergrass, Brickhouse

                                                Franklin Juvenile Court (Davis) – Gardner

Granville District Court (Keith) – Gregory, Allen

Warren District Court (Burnette) – Sellars, Putney, Raymond


Thurs, June 29                     Vance CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Pelfrey, Fuller, Louis, Erdmann, Pendergrass, Brickhouse

                                                **Vance District Court (Burnette) – Hunter, Watson/Hargrove

Warren Trial Prep – Fuller


Fri, June 30                           Vance Juvenile Court (Stevenson) – Putney

Warren Trial Prep – Fuller


**mediator available**

##9:30 am regular docket, PLUS POSSIBLE 2:15 pm DWI docket##


NC Farmers should prepare for hurricane season

RALEIGH – Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler’s annual plea for farmers to prepare for hurricane season is especially poignant this year, considering many are still recovering from Hurricane Matthew.

“Hurricane Matthew is a painfully fresh reminder of just how important it is to have an emergency plan for your farm, food company or agribusiness,” Troxler said. “Take precautions and think through your plan now, and discuss it with your employees and family. Doing this can help no matter what emergency strikes.”

Scientists at N.C. State University are predicting 11 to 15 named storms in the Atlantic basin this year, numbers in line with the average since 1950. Of those storms, four to six could become hurricanes. The Atlantic hurricane season typically runs June 1 to Nov. 30, but this year has already seen one tropical storm, Arlene, which made a brief appearance in April.

Planning helps farmers protect their families, workers, equipment and buildings, Troxler said. “Livestock operations should maintain emergency plans that address power needs and on-site feed capabilities,” he said. “Also, identify places to relocate animals from low-lying areas. We saw farmers take those precautions before Matthew, and I believe it played a role in reducing animal losses from the storm.”

Farmers and businesses should review insurance policies to ensure they have proper coverage, including wind, hail, flood and catastrophic coverage if necessary. Some coverage takes 30 days to go into effect.

The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has a website, www.ncagr.gov/disaster, with links and resources for different types of agribusinesses to plan and recover from a disaster. A Farm Emergency Plan Template is available on the site to help organize information that is needed after a disaster.

Maria Parham Health to offer free sports physicals

Maria Parham Health will be offering free sports physicals from 5:00 p.m. –  7:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 17th for those students who plan to play sports in a school setting.

Please enter through our main entrance and directions the waiting area will be provided.

Please bring the form’s your child’s sports program requires for participation and make sure the parent’s section is already filled out and signed.

Warren County High Class of ’97 20th Reunion Dedicated to GiveBackPacks

by Craig Hahn, Executive Director of The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County

Help the WCHS Class of ’97 Celebrate Their 20th Reunion Donations to GiveBackPacks

You never know where you’re going to uncover another treasure or worthy cause here in Warren County…and Saturday gave me the opportunity to uncover a great project. I met Rachel Perkinson Dickens, a graduate of the WCHS Class of 1997. To help celebrate their 20th Reunion this year, instead of planning a trip somewhere, they decided to give to their home County with GiveBackPacks. Here are the pertinent details…

Did YOU know?

North Carolina has one of the highest hunger rates in America. More than 1 in 4 children in North Carolina struggle with hunger. Hungry children have trouble concentrating, get sick more often, and are less likely to perform well on athletic fields and in classrooms.

How CAN you help?

Join the Warren County High School Class of 1997 to reach our goal of packing 200 GiveBackPacks. Each GiveBackPack provides easy-open, ready-to-eat food and school supplies. The packs will be distributed through the elementary schools to Warren County children in need.

What DO you do?

● Follow the instructions provided to make a GiveBackPack

● Donate school supplies or food items and bring them to designated drop-off locations.

● Make a monetary donation and let us put together a GiveBackPack for you. You can sponsor one pack for $35.

● Ask your business, church, or community organization to get involved.

How to Make a GiveBackPack:

Start with a backpack & add some of these:

● Glue Sticks

● Crayola markers

● Crayons

● #2 pencils

● Wide-ruled notebook paper

● Spiral bound notebook

● Erasers

And fill it up with these:

● Soup

● Dried fruit

● Peanut butter

● Whole grain cereal/granola bars

● Canned tuna, chicken, or beans

● Mac & cheese, rice, whole grain pasta

● Fruit cups in light syrup or applesauce cups

● 100% fruit juice boxes or shelf-stable box milk

● Spaghetti & Meatballs, Ravioli, Beefaroni, Lasagna

Bring it Here:

BB&T, Warrenton

Demond Andrews Barbershop

4 Girls and A Comb Salon

Tarheel Tire

Whistle Stop Cafe

or participating area churches *Collecting filled packs and donations through August 14, 2017

VGCC students inducted into honor society

Vance-Granville Community College recognized 75 students who were inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for students of two-year colleges, on April 18 in the Civic Center on the college’s Main Campus. VGCC students honored with induction into Phi Theta Kappa must have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.5 in associate degree curriculum programs and have completed at least 12 credit hours toward their degrees.

As advisors for VGCC’s PTK chapter, instructors Olu Ariyo, Isaac Talley and Maureen Walters conducted the ceremony. Walters, the head advisor, told the new inductees and their families and friends in attendance that since VGCC’s chapter of PTK, “Alpha Sigma Chi,” was chartered in 1991, more than 1,900 students have been selected for induction. She said that while scholarship is the first aim of PTK, the society also encourages fellowship, leadership development and service to others, and she noted that the letters Phi Theta Kappa stand for the Greek words for “Wisdom,” “Aspiration” and “Purity.”

Serving as guest speaker for the ceremony was Danny Wright of Henderson, a retired Vance County commissioner and the current chair of the VGCC Board of Trustees. “On behalf of the trustees, we salute you for your accomplishments and achievements,” Wright said. “The most important element of a democratic society is the education of its citizens. The greatest anti-poverty program this country has ever administered is a good education. The foundation for any nation to become a peaceful, ordered society is the education of its people. Each of you has demonstrated how much you value and how much you believe in education, so you are well on your way.” Education, he noted, does not, in and of itself, make students better people. “Life is a constant exercise in self-improvement,” Wright said, and the most important thing in life is the cultivation of relationships. “Technical competency alone is not enough to achieve career success,” he added, but rather, students must develop their interpersonal skills as well.

This year’s inductees into the Alpha Sigma Chi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa are:

From Franklin County

Rebekah Glasheen, Christopher Plumley, Charles Sawyer and Mya Wilson, all of Franklinton;

Madison Waddle of Kittrell;

Loganne Driver, Michael Gokee, Katelyn Jensen, Mark Meinhart, Katlyn Riley and Charmaine Sutton, all of Louisburg;

Hope Crute, Skylar Davenport, Jordan Dowdy, Lindsay Henry and Sydney Venezia, all of Youngsville.


From Granville County


Jordan  Ligon and Katie Weary, both of Bullock;

Debra Duncan of Butner;

Caitlyn Good, Carlos Matinote, June Matinote, Sara Reid, Martin Spencer and Hunter Thompson, all of Creedmoor;

Cedric Rodebaugh of Franklinton;

Cecilia   Barrenechea, Nicole Bowman, April Brogden, Larecia Bullock, Kristel Dehart, Timothy Farley, Keodric Grant, Aaron McNeill, Sharon Ray, Francis Scotland, Sydney Towers, Alana Towles, Johnathan Williamson and Ymani Yancey, all of Oxford;

Alex Jackson of Stem;

Kellyann Cook of Stovall.


From Vance County


Lauren  Beauchamp, Angela Burrell, Anthony Henderson, Victoria Inscoe, Jacquella Jones, Lindsey Perry, Katelynn Ray, Janet Rodriguez-Morales, Fatima Saleh, Melissa Simmons, April Thompson,

Bailee Tippett, Makala West and Shanetta Wright, all of Henderson;

Beverly Ellis, Renee Jackson, Leslie Leake and Allison Long, all of Kittrell.


From Warren County


Shima’a Hauter of Norlina;

Ellen Denning, Nubia Lockett, Amanda Miller, Raina Mills, Rowan Morris, Daniel O’Malley, Hannah Ortiz and Joshua Taylor, all of Warrenton.


From Wake County

David Jeanblanc and Charles Keith, both of Raleigh;

Kathryn Catlett of Zebulon.

From other counties

Joshua Jacobs of Durham;

Brian Stevenson of Gastonia;

Brianna Lynch of Hollister.

Boys & Girls Clubs Name Club Members of the Month

Meet Chris Blue 

Chris is the North Central North Carolina Region’s Youth of the Year for 2016 and 2017!
Chris grew up in Henderson and became a member of the Vance County Unit at a young age and is getting ready to graduate from high school and heading off to college. He will leave high school with two Associate degrees as well as his diploma. Currently he’s mulling offers between Fayetteville State University, UNC Greensboro, and UNC Charlotte. We are so proud of Chris and the amazing young man he has become.

Meet Nyree

Nyree is 8 years old and has been a member of the Franklin County Boys & Girls Club for one year. She is a 3rd grader and enjoys drawing and building with Legos. Nyree’s favorite subject in school is math and her favorite book is Geronimo Stilton. Nyree’s favorite video game is Super Mario Bros. and her favorite game to play at The Boys & Girls Club is dodgeball. Her favorite thing about the Boys & Girls Club is the awesome people and the awesome staff. She hopes to grow up and work as a staff at the club one day!

Meet Terrance

Terrance  is a club member at the Mariam Boyd Extension of the Warren Unit! He is an exceptional young man, always willing to help other club members and staff.  Very respectful and a model club member! He was chosen to be featured by club staff as member of the month! Terrance is a great joy to be around and admired by his peers.

Meet Lucas

Lucas is the member of the month at the Halifax Unit! Lucas is a first grader and the oldest of three boys. His favorite color is blue and favorite subject at school is math. Lucas loves karate and computer games, but his favorite thing to do is spend time with his family. When asked what is his favorite food, he said “anything my momma is making.” Lucas is the son of Clarissa and Christopher. You can see why Lucas is our member of the month!

Meet Landon

Landon is the Granville County Boys & Girls Club member of the month! He has been a member since August 2016 & has loved every second! He is in 3rd grade & very active in the club. His favorite activity at the club is Triple Play Dodgeball. He also enjoys hanging out with his buddies and eating snack. We are proud of Landon for representing us this month. He was chosen because he is often seen around the club completing random acts of kindness. He is always helping others & showing good character!

Chamber of Commerce of Warren County Announces “Dollar Days Raffle”

Calling All Chamber Members…Join in Our “Dollar Days Raffle” Chamber Fundraiser to Give Customers Chance For Big Prizes!

I’m excited to announce the first steps in our upcoming “Dollar Days Raffle” for Warren County. If you’re a Chamber member, look for a visit from me or one of our Board Members in the next week as we collect prizes for a big giveaway.

Here’s how the Raffle will work: We’ll give people a chance to win one of 40 prizes (38 prizes from our members and a cash prize of $500 and $250). Beginning Saturday 22 April tickets go on sale at Spring Fest on the Historic Courthouse Square in Warrenton. We’ll have preliminary prize drawings on 15 May and 12 June, with the big drawing to be held at the Ridgeway Cantaloupe Festival on 8 July.

How Can You Help? Simple…we’re looking for donated prizes from our Members. If you can’t give merchandise, then you can follow BB&T’s lead and give a $50 Visa Gift Card. I’ll provide a receipt for your taxes. Then, we’ll give each prize-donating business a poster for your window to promote your giveaway and tickets for sale. Your business gets extra promotion and your customers get a chance to win great prizes.

If you’re interested in donating before I get a chance to visit with you, please call me at 252-257-2657 or email me at info@warrenchamber.org. Looking forward to a great promotion!
Craig Hahn

Executive Director


United Way of Vance County Announces Fifth Annual Tour de Vance

United Way of Vance County is proud to announce its FIFTH annual Tour de Vance! What is Tour de Vance? Its a bike ride, family fun, and a chance to help your community. Here’s the full story:


Saturday – April 22, 2017

Vance-Granville Community College

200 Community College Road – Henderson, NC 27536

Start Time: 8:30 a.m. for Party Ride! (10mi), 20mi, 31-62mi rides

Route closes at 2:30 p.m. – choose the ride that best suits your ability.

GET THE FAMILY ROLLING! Participate in our Party Ride – specifically for youth, families and beginners! This is a 10 mile route that is absolutely enjoyable!

READY TO TAKE ON MORE? Sign up for our 20 mile ride – this one is designed for those ready to take on more than 10 miles and is a very “do-able” distance.

SEASONED RIDERS – We have a two rides designed for you! Choose between a 31 mile and 62 mile ride. Thirty-one mile riders will take a circular route through Forest and Farmland. Sixty-two mile riders will take the “Kerr Lake Look” – which includes and out-and-back spur past Nutbush Creek State Recreation Area and a turn around at Kerr Lake’s Bullocksville State Recreation Area.

All 20, 31 and 62 mile riders will be treated to lunch a bar-b-que lunch from Nunnery-Freeman!

Register online at app.RaceReach.com/r/tour-de-vance before 11:59 p.m., Saturday, April 15, 2016 for a shirt. Afterwards (shirts will not be included), register on line until 5:00 p.m. Thursday, April 21, or on-site, beginning at 7:30 a.m. day of race.

Cost: Off-campus rides: 20- $20.00, 30- and 60 mile $40.00; 10 mile $10.00 ea. or $30.00 for 4 riders in the same family.

Proceeds benefit the United We Read – United We Succeed Reading Initiative Program of United Way of Vance County!

For more information: e-mail: tourdevance@gmail.com

252-492-8392, United Way – Wendy Meyer-Goodwin



District Attorney’s Schedule May 2017

Mon, May 1      Warren Trial Court (Hight) – Fuller, Gregory, Raymond

                                  **Franklin District Court (Keith) – Pelfrey, Roberson

Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Erdmann, Watson/Bristo

Granville District Court (Thompson) – Gardner, Allen


Tues, May 2              Franklin District Court (Davis) – Hunter, Roberson

##Vance District Court (Keith) – Louis, Watson/Bristo

Granville Juvenile Court (Thompson) – Putney

Granville County Clerk’s Office Hours, Attorneys 2:00 – 4:00 – Putney


Wed, May 3              Granville District Court (Davis) – Pelfrey, Allen

Warren District Court (Stevenson) – Erdmann, Gregory, Raymond

Granville County Clerk’s Office Hours, Public 2:00-4:00 – Putney


Thurs, May 4            Franklin Juvenile Court (Keith) – Putney

##Vance District Court (Burnette) – Erdmann, Watson, Bristo

Granville Dispo Court (Davis) – Gregory, Sellars, Louis

Vance Trial Prep – Pelfrey, Fuller


Fri, May 5                 Vance Juvenile Court (Banks) – Putney

Vance Trial Prep – Pelfrey, Fuller


Mon, May 8       Vance Trial Court (O’Foghludha) – Pelfrey, Fuller, Brickhouse

Franklin District Court (Stevenson) – Louis, Roberson

Vance District Court (Daivs) – Erdmann, Watson/Bristo

##Granville District Court (Keith) – Gregory, Allen


Tues, May 9              Franklin District Court (Thompson) – Erdmann, Gregory, Roberson

Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Louis, Gardner, Watson/Bristo

Warren Juvenile Court (Davis) – Putney


Wed, May 10            Granville District Court (Stevenson) – Sellars, Allen

Warren District Court (Burnette) – Putney, Raymond


Thurs, May 11           ##Vance District Court (Thompson) – Sellars, Watson, Bristo

Warren CMS Prep – Pelfrey


Fri, May 12               Warren CMS Prep – Pelfrey


Mon, May 15     Warren CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Pelfrey, Pendergrass, Raymond

                                    Franklin District Court (Burnette) – Sellars, Roberson

Vance District Court (Thompson) – Hunter, Watson/Bristo

**Granville District Court (Keith) – Gardner, Allen

Vance CMS Prep – Pelfrey


Tues, May 16     Vance Probation Court (O’Foghludha) – Gregory, Pendergrass

##Franklin District Court (Keith) – Sellars, Roberson

Vance District Court (Davis) – Erdmann, Hunter, Watson/Bristo

Granville Juvenile Court (Burnette) – Putney

Vance CMS Prep – Pelfrey

Vance County Clerk’s Office Hours, Attorneys, 2:00-4:00 pm – Gregory


Wed, May 17     Vance CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Pelfrey, Erdmann, Louis, Pendergrass, Brickhouse

                       Granville District Court (Burnette) – Gardner, Allen

**Warren District Court (Davis) – Putney, Raymond

Vance County Clerk’s Office Hours, Public, 2:00-4:00 pm – Gregory



Thurs, May 18    Vance CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Pelfrey, Erdmann, Louis, Pendergrass, Brickhouse

Franklin Juvenile Court (Keith) – Hunter/Gardner

Vance Dispo Court (Thompson) – Gregory, Putney, Sellars, Watson, Bristo

Franklin County Clerk’s Office Hours, 2:00-4:00 pm – Hunter/Gardner

Franklin CMS Prep – Gardner, Hunter


Fri, May 19               Franklin Dispo Court (Davis) – Erdmann, Louis, Gregory, Tart, Roberson

Franklin CMS Prep – Gardner, Hunter


Mon, May 22     Franklin CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Gardner, Hunter, Pendergrass, Johnson

                                   Franklin District Court (Davis) – Louis, Roberson

Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Erdmann, Watson/Bristo

Granville District Court (Burnette) – Fuller, Allen

Granville CMS Prep – Sellars, Putney


Tues, May 23     Franklin CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Gardner, Hunter, Pendergrass, Johnson

                                   Franklin District Court (Stevenson) – Erdmann, Pelfrey, Roberson

**Vance District Court (Keith) – Louis, Fuller, Watson/Bristo

Warren Juvenile Court (Davis) – Putney

Granville CMS Prep – Sellars, Putney


Wed, May 24     Granville CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Sellars, Putney, Pendergrass, Garrett

                                  ##Granville District Court (Stevenson) – Louis, Allen

##Warren District Court (Keith) – Erdmann, Raymond


Thurs, May 25    Granville CMS Court (O’Foghludha) – Sellars, Putney, Pendergrass, Garrett

                                    ##Vance District Court (Burnette) – Gregory, Watson/Bristo


Fri, May 26                Vance Juvenile Court (Thompson) – Putney

Granville Probation Court Prep – Sellars, Putney


Mon, May 29                                         HOLIDAY


Tues, May 30     Granville Probation Court/Grand Jury (Young) – Sellars, Putney

Franklin District Court (Burnette) – Louis, Roberson

Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Gregory, Watson/Bristo


Wed, May 31            Warren District Court (Stevenson) – Fuller, Raymond


**mediator available**

##9:30 am regular docket, PLUS POSSIBLE 2:15 pm DWI docket##