N.C. Department of Labor Safety Award Submission Deadline Feb 16, 2018

— press release from N.C. Department of Labor

The N.C. Department of Labor has begun accepting applications from businesses that qualify for a workplace safety award. Safety awards are presented to companies throughout the year that have demonstrated above-average worker safety and health programs.

“Our safety awards program recognizes employers and employees that are committed to promoting safe work environments in their communities,” state Labor Commissioner Cherie Berry said. “It is always a great honor to recognize those businesses and organizations that go beyond the standard, for a good safety record is something they can be quite proud of.”

Businesses that qualify for the award must meet two requirements. They must be free of fatalities at the site for which they are applying. The site’s injury and illness rate also must be at least 50 percent below that of their industry’s average rate.

Award recipients will be honored in their communities throughout the state at safety awards banquets co-sponsored by the N.C. Department of Labor, local chambers of commerce and other organizations.

For more information on the Safety Awards Program or to download an application, visit www.labor.nc.gov/safety-and-health/recognition-programs/safety-awards-program. The deadline for submissions is Feb. 16.

Vance County NC

9th Judicial District Redistricting Meeting of Jan 31, 2018

9th Judicial District Redistricting Meeting of Jan 31, 2018

For the second time in as many months, NC House Representative Terry Garrison, Democrat for Vance, Granville and Warren Counties, and NC Legislative Senator Angela Bryant, Democrat for Vance and Warren Counties, teamed up to present valuable information to the people of this area.

The specific issue for Vance and Warren Counties is whether they will be moved to the 8th Judicial district.

Garrison and Bryant held a public forum Wednesday night, January 31, at the Vance County Courthouse.

In an email interview with Garrison, he expressed some optimism that Vance would be able to stay in the 9th Judicial District given current objections by local citizens.  However, he said, “The proposed change is real and could pass if recommended by the Joint Judicial Redistricting Committee to full General Assembly. We’re working hard to prevent this from happening.”

What’s been said time after time in the last few weeks is for citizens to contact the co-chairs of the redistricting committee.  You may obtain contact information by clicking here, and you can easily email or call.

When asked by WIZS News, Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington issued the following statement: “It was a very informative and well represented meeting. All of the officials that attended had a strong unanimous consensus that we should remain in the 9th district. United as we are. The re-districting would create mass confusion and complications. Not to mention the financial and inconvenience factors. Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties have a long standing collaboration and professional relationship. We are better served together for all involved.”

In an earlier news article available by clicking here, Vance County Commissioners Chairman Tommy Hester described a Vance County resolution, which has sent been sent in to the joint committee declaring the County’s desire to remain in the 9th.  Hester told WIZS News at the time, “We have a lot in common with those counties. We look at economic development, Boys and Girls Clubs, hospitals, there’s a lot of things involved.” He said having to go with a district attorney in a far away county “is not going to be as good as being able to have someone close by who you can work with, who’s worked with this county and done a great job for this community.”  He was speaking specifically about District Attorney Mike Waters remaining the DA for Vance County.

Rep. Garrison shared the following with WIZS News, and these are his own words about the public forum Wednesday night.  He said the meeting focused on:

  • Informing all sectors of the communities within Vance and Warren Counties about the proposed action by the Joint Senate and House Judicial Redistricting Committee to remove both Vance and Warren Counties from the 9th Judicial District and place them into the 8th Judicial District to include Bertie, Hereford, Halifax, Northampton, Warren and Vance.
  • Dustin Chicurel-Baynard, Communications Director, Southern Coalition for Social Justice was presenter. He provided information and data on history of the NC Judicial District System, lack of justification for proposed changes and possible negative impact on communities.
  • Senator Bryant and I commented on the possible negative consequences of such action with particular emphasis on various increased costs due to approximate 2 hour drive time from Vance to Bertie County. Senator Bryant provided several handouts including maps of proposed new 8th Judicial District.
  • A number local citizens voiced their opposition to the proposed judicial district changes which would likely prolong court cases, increase travel time and cost for judges, and increase costs for law enforcement relative to travel, personnel, and additional jail space needed that local government would have to pay.
  • Senator Bryant and I appealed to attendees to contact members on the Joint Judicial redistricting Committee to voice opposition to the proposed changes. A list of Joint Judicial Committee Members with contact information was handed out.



Two Fatalities in Monday Evening Accident, Jan 29, 2018

According to the investigating Trooper with the North Carolina Highway Patrol, two people died in this accident early Monday evening.  Norman Soloman, 67, of Warrenton and Jason Plummber, 47, of Middleburg. Both men were riding in a Buick passenger car.  The two occupants of a Toyota were transported to Maria Parham with non-life threatening injuries.  It happened just outside the Henderson City Limits on Norlina Road, where Old Norlina Road intersects near the old Freeze Maid location.  The driver of the Buick attempted a left turn onto Old Norlina Road.

NC Coop Extension

Warrenton Film Premiere 1-30-18

— courtesy of Warren County Center of NC Cooperative Extension

January 30, 2018 | 7:00 pm
Warren County Armory Civic Center
What Can Be: Regional Food Systems Video Story from Warren County, NC

The NC 10% Campaign and North Carolina Growing Together, two projects of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems are pleased to announce the premiere of “What Can Be: Regional Food Systems Video Story from Warren County, NC”

This video outlines the economic redevelopment project of Working Landscapes in Warrenton, North Carolina, telling the story of two rural leaders who moved home to Warren County to contribute to their local economy by building a small processing center. The video focuses on this project as an example of the larger regional context of food system development, and brings in experts from UNC’s School of Government to discuss the economic impacts of building regional food systems. The video highlights the participation of local government leaders to help shape the successful project.

We are excited to bring some of the program participants together to share their impressions of the video and the idea of a vibrant regional food system growing out of Warren County.

Please join us for the celebration including local cantaloupe cake and local sweet potato pie! RSVP required, contact North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Warren County Center, 252-257-3640 or email tonia_williams@ncsu.edu, no later than, January 19, 2018.

Connect NC Bond renovation projects at VGCC planned for 2018

— courtesy VGCC

Vance-Granville Community College is gearing up to begin renovations that will improve masonry rooflines, walls and bridges at the Main Campus using the funds allocated by the Connect NC State Bond.

Renovations to restore, repair and waterproof masonry will be placed out for bids in April with work scheduled to begin in May, according to a report delivered to the VGCC Board of Trustees at its bimonthly meeting on Monday, Jan. 22.

Trustee Donald C. Seifert, Sr., chair of the board’s Building Committee, reported that funding will come from $1 million of the funds allocated by the Connect NC Bond passed by North Carolina voters in March 2016. A remaining balance of $69,000 from county resources that has been used for structural renovations to roofs and masonry will also be available for the project.

Bids will be going out in March for the renovation of 3,200 square feet of space in the college’s newest building, Building 10, to accommodate a practical simulation lab for the Basic Law Enforcement Training, Fire/Rescue and Emergency Medical Services programs housed there. Connect NC bond money will be combined with a private donation to complete the project. The renovation may provide an opportunity for the college to expand the training it offers for public services.

At the Franklin Campus in Louisburg, the Welding Technology lab is being renovated to add eight welding booths with plans to complete that project this month. A demonstration area in a Welding classroom, adjacent to the lab, will be renovated and ready for use this summer. This project is being funded with Connect NC bond money.

In a general discussion on the college’s services to the community, Dr. Stelfanie Williams, VGCC’s president, cited efforts to help area business and industry.

For example, she noted, the college met with leaders of a new industry, Mako Medical Laboratories, to address their educational needs.

The college will begin meeting the needs of the newly announced industry through its Histotechnology and Medical Assisting curriculum programs, she said, with plans to add a Medical Laboratory Technology curriculum.

Mako, a Wake County-based medical diagnostic testing company, announced in November a decision to expand with the location of a facility in Henderson and the eventual creation of more than 150 jobs. The company is locating in the former Harperprints building with an initial 30 to 50 jobs, according to the announcement last fall.

“Our Histotechnology and Medical Assisting programs will be a great start for them,” she added. “We’ve been able to sit down with them. We had about 10 of our employees with the college meet with their senior leaders and talk about how they are going to grow and how Vance-Granville can serve them.”

“It’s a great company,” she added. “I think we are very fortunate to have them.”

In other action:

• In her report to the board, Dr. Williams highlighted recent accomplishments and opportunities at the college, citing in particular recent efforts of VGCC’s Pharmacy Technology students leading service projects to provide relief to people in the Caribbean who were affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria and a partnership with police and a pharmacy in Creedmoor for a drug collection event for people to dispose of outdated and unused prescription drugs. Similarly, Dr. Williams noted, college students collected school supplies and books for children affected by domestic violence, citing a service project by the Alpha Sigma Chi chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society.

• The board gave approval to Mid-Year Amendments to the 2017-2018 Budget as presented by Trustee Abdul Rasheed, chair of the Budget Committee. The adjustments were made to account for $1,834,568 in carryover funds from the previous year and grant funding.

• In the reports of the Curriculum Committee, chaired by Trustee Barbara Cates Harris, approval was given to a course to be offered at correctional facilities in Butner, Bunn and Manson, and an Accountability and Integrity Plan for Workforce Continuing Education was approved by the board.

• Trustee L. Opie Frazier, Jr., chair of the board’s Investment Committee, reported on continued growth of the college’s investments.

• An informational report on new employees, retirements, resignations and changes in positions was provided by Trustee Sara Wester, chair of the board’s Personnel Committee.

Board of Trustees Chair Danny W. Wright presided over the meeting.

The Board of Trustees will hold its next regular meeting on March 19 at the Main Campus.

— VGCC —

VGCC hosts lecture series on the brain

— courtesy VGCC

Vance-Granville Community College will offer a series of free, engaging lectures on the human brain, and the community is invited to attend.

Phil Dixon, a resident of Oxford, will present the series, entitled “Using Your Brain for a Change,” starting with the first session on Tuesday, Jan. 30, from 10:30 a.m. to noon, in the small auditorium in Building 2 on VGCC’s Main Campus in Vance County. In this introductory lecture, Dixon will take a look at how the brain works generally and what it is made of.

In his later talks, Dixon will focus on “Your Brain on its Own” on Tuesday, Feb. 27, and “Your Brain with Another Person” on Tuesday, March 27. These sessions will also begin at 10:30 a.m. in the small auditorium.

Dixon describes himself as being “passionate about the brain – everyone’s brain!” He spends much of his time reading the latest research about the neuroscience of the brain, and determining how that research can be translated into practical application in our daily lives. In particular, Dixon is deeply involved in the application of neuroscience to leadership and management issues such as Executive Coaching, Leadership and Management Development, Change Planning & Management, Culture Change, Recruitment and On-Boarding.

Before he began studying and teaching others about the brain in 2002, Dixon worked in the information technology field – including a stint at Apple – worked in organization development and management consulting, and was the CEO of a commercial real estate firm. He has worked in the private and public sectors, has established and grown a number of consulting firms and has lived, worked and/or taught in over 20 countries.

In 2009, he had the opportunity to study for a master’s degree in Consulting and Coaching for Change in England at a program run jointly by HEC Paris and Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford. He has published several articles about the brain, and is a frequent and international speaker on the topic of brain-based leadership.

The series of three sessions is presented by VGCC’s Office of the Endowment. “We were excited to be introduced to this gentleman who has this expertise and vast experience and to discover that he is now living in the local area,” explained VGCC Endowment Director Eddie Ferguson. “Our Endowment Office sees this as another great opportunity for the college to be a valuable resource to the community we serve. We invite our students, our faculty and the community at large to join us for Phil’s fun, informative presentations.”

In the past, the Endowment Office has sponsored two series with Bill Barker portraying Thomas Jefferson.

For more information on this series, call Eddie Ferguson at (252) 738-3264.


(VGCC is an advertising client of WIZS.)

N.C. Community College President of the Year Dr. Stelfanie Williams

— courtesy VGCC

Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the president of Vance-Granville Community College, has been named President of the Year for 2018 by the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges. She is the first leader in VGCC history to receive the honor.

The President of the Year Award, sponsored by Wells Fargo, was established by the State Board in 2001. This award encourages, identifies, and rewards outstanding leadership and commitment to the community college mission among the presidents of the 58 institutions of the North Carolina Community College System.

“My fellow trustees and I are delighted that the State Board of Community Colleges has recognized Dr. Williams for her visionary leadership,” said Danny Wright, chair of the VGCC Board of Trustees. “Our entire region has been blessed to have Dr. Williams lead Vance-Granville Community College to new heights of excellence by embracing innovation and fostering strong partnerships. She serves our institution, our community and the state of North Carolina with warmth, humility and a passion for student success. This award is a well-deserved honor for Dr. Williams and reflects positively on the entire Vance-Granville team.”

College leaders nominated Williams as part of a competitive selection process in which an eight-page narrative is submitted and candidates are interviewed by an awards committee. The awards process emphasizes accomplishments that presidents have led in the past three years at their institutions – demonstrating broad community partnerships, improving services through technology, workforce education, economic development, advocacy at the local and state levels, long-range planning, innovation in program development and supporting professional development for college employees, among other criteria.

Williams became the sixth president of VGCC in 2012. Since then, she has focused the college on a “Vanguard Vision” strategic plan that addresses educational excellence, continuous improvement, employee and student engagement in college life, and institutional stewardship. Under her leadership, the college has added seven curriculum degree programs, including Mechatronics Engineering Technology, which provides training for advanced manufacturing careers. That program has been supported by some of the largest grants in the college’s history — part of the $40 million in grant funding (including a record-setting, in-kind donation from Siemens PLM Software) secured since 2013. Williams also helped initiate the Advanced Manufacturing Skills Training Alliance (AMSTA) with the Career & Technical Education high school programs from the four public school systems in the college’s service area.

Her tenure has seen the second-largest private donor gift in VGCC history, as well as six consecutive highest-yielding annual golf tournaments for scholarships. With a focus on student success, the institution has improved completion rates, graduating the largest classes ever in 2015 and 2016. The most recent graduating class (2017) featured the largest number of associate’s degrees awarded in the history of the college.

She collaborated with North Carolina Central University to establish the “Eagle Voyage” partnership that now allows students with associate degrees to complete one of three bachelor’s degree programs without having to leave the VGCC campus. Meanwhile, the college has also partnered with North Carolina A&T State University through a program called “Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate Nurses” (RIBN), in which students simultaneously enroll at VGCC and the university to complete a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

In addition, Williams introduced a private donor-funded college promise program called the “VanGuarantee” in an effort to make college more accessible for students with the greatest financial need. The scholarship program has garnered national attention and was highlighted by the White House in 2016.

Williams has championed Vance-Granville’s embrace of technology to provide greater academic offerings and support to students. The “Vanguard Online Learning through Technology” (VOLT) initiative has made six degree programs available completely online.

Prior to leading VGCC, Williams served as faculty and in several administrative capacities at other North Carolina community colleges. She also currently serves as adjunct faculty for the North Carolina State University College of Education.

Williams earned baccalaureate degrees in public policy and Spanish at Duke University, a master’s degree in project management from Western Carolina University, and her doctorate in adult and higher education from N.C. State University.

Williams has served on a number of boards and is the current secretary of the North Carolina Association of Community College Presidents. In 2014, she was awarded the I.E. Ready Distinguished Leadership Award by North Carolina State University. In late 2017, Williams was appointed to a pair of statewide panels that are focused on education issues: the “My Future NC” Commission and the Governor’s Commission on Access to Sound, Basic Education.


(VGCC is an advertising client of WIZS.)

Maria Parham Health Implementing New Visitor Restrictions during Flu Season

— Press Release from Maria Parham Health

Maria Parham Health Implementing New Visitor Restrictions during Flu Season

Henderson, NC (January 12, 2018) – Our primary goal at Maria Parham Health is to provide the best quality of care in an environment that is safe for our patients. To protect them, at times we must manage their exposure to illnesses that are easily spread, like the flu.

We carefully monitor flu activity levels in our hospitals and the community. When certain thresholds are met, we must take action to halt the spread and limit the number of visitors allowed in our patient areas. Due to the high numbers of respiratory illness and influenza, Maria Parham Health has implemented visitor restrictions.

If you are visiting our hospital during flu season, please be prepared for the possibility of limited visitation and safety hygiene requests to be made.

Visitors are limited to immediate family members or designated adult caregivers, who have no fever, cough, or other flu-like symptoms.

Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to visit unless for a medical appointment or an ED visit.

All persons with flu symptoms (cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, vomiting, extreme tiredness, muscle aches and or diarrhea), please do not visit patients.

Visitors are asked to wash hands frequently. Foam hand cleanser is available throughout the building.

If you are here for services and have flu symptoms, please ask for a mask upon arrival.

You may see some of our staff wearing masks as a safety precaution for our patients.

To help prevent the spread of flu germs outside of the hospital, please wash your hands often with soap and water or an alcohol hand gel and encourage others to do so as well.


H-V Emergency Operations

Hazardous Travel Continues Into Jan 19, 2018

The latest briefing from the National Weather service in Raleigh is always available when you click here.

It is slick and dangerous in many many locations.

Even where you can’t see snow or packed ice, black ice is expected on roads and walkways through Friday morning.

Winter Weather Advisory in effect until noon Friday.  Hazardous travel conditions exists across all of Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin Counties and all of central North Carolina.

Many primary roads, especially that received direct sunlight and which were treated and cleared by road crews are fairly good.  Shaded areas are not.  Most secondary roads and neighborhoods are not.  Travel is strongly discouraged.

Director of Emergency Operations for Henderson and Vance County, Brian Short, said, “Please see the attached (link above) from the NWS regarding our lingering winter weather and what we can expect over the next several days. Travel conditions will continue to be hazardous with black ice likely in place over night and in the early morning hours through tomorrow.”

VGCC – All Campuses Closed Jan 19, 2018

All campuses of Vance-Granville Community College will be closed on Friday, January 19, 2018, due to inclement weather.

Thank you.

Andrew Beal
Public Information Officer
Vance-Granville Community College