Announcing Warren County’s First Annual BBQ Cookoff!

— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook

On Saturday, June 2, 2018,  the Stone Square Lodge of Warrenton will host the first ever Warren County Cookoff on the Historic Courthouse Square in Warrenton. This family-friendly event will feature music, games and of course lots of great food.

Currently, they’re seeking vendors and sponsors. Judging will take place to determine the best beef, chicken, ribs, BBQ & specialty food. For more information contact Jonte Hawkins @ 252-767-4051 or via email at

Here are the details from their website:

This competition is open to anyone who wants to see if they are the best. There will be five categories:

 Chicken

 Beef brisket

 Ribs (Pork and Beef)

 Barbecue (Pork)

 Specialty items

Also, there will be a People’s Choice award where people will vote for the best in each category. This event is still in the planning stages. Vendor and competition applications are available…

1. Go to the Contest Registration or Vendor Application link by clicking here

2. Print Registration

3. Applications may be mailed to the address listed on the form (but email is faster and ensures a better probability of securing a spot)

4. If you are submitting your application via email, send in your application then purchase a vendor space via Paypal link on each registration page.

To stay up-to-date on the latest details, visit the Warren County BBQ Cookoff website by clicking here.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Andrew Willis & Friends to Perform at Cherry Hill

— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook

Andrew Willis, professor of music at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, will return to Cherry Hill on Sunday, May 20, 2018. Dr. Willis has performed on the Steinway grand piano at the antebellum plantation concert site a number of times. Initially coming to Cherry Hill to preview his renowned “Focus On Piano” series, Dr. Willis in recent years has brought his finest graduate students to perform with him.

This year all five of the students are in the UNC-G Doctoral Program and were selected by Dr. Willis for their outstanding keyboard talent as well as their potential for professional success in the coming years.

The students are from several countries including the United States, and all have won awards from universities and competitions around the world. They will perform compositions by Chopin, Debussy, and three 20th century composers. Dr. Willis, assisted by one of the students, will play Robert Schumann’s “Introduction and Allegro appassionato, Op. 92.”

The performance will begin at 3 p.m., and admission will be taken at the door. The cost for adults will be $10, students $5, and children 12 and under will be admitted at no charge. A reception will follow the concert, and the entire 1858 house will be open for viewing.

For further information, visit the website or telephone 252-257-5259.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

VGCC Plans Science Camp for Middle School Students

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Registration ends on Friday, May 18, for the 2018 edition of Vance-Granville Community College’s Science Camp for local middle school students. The camp will be held Monday through Friday, June 11-15, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day on the college’s Main Campus in Vance County.

Rising sixth, seventh and eighth-graders from Franklin, Granville, Vance and Warren counties are invited to participate in the week-long camp, now in its eighth year.

Sessions will be taught by faculty members from the VGCC Science Department and other college programs.

Above: Middle School students who attended the 2017 Science Camp work with VGCC Science Department Chair Steve McGrady to conduct an experiment using red cabbage during a session on chemistry. (VGCC photo)

“We encourage young people in our service area to take advantage of this great opportunity to explore the world of science,” said VGCC Science Department Chair Steve McGrady. “We will have fun, hands-on activities that involve various sciences and allow campers to explore STEM career fields such as biotechnology, electronics and pharmacy. Our outstanding VGCC faculty members collaborate each year to make this a learning experience that is unlike anything available in our four-county area.”

The cost to attend the camp is $125, which includes lunch each day and a camp T-shirt.

Parents can now register their campers online at For more information, contact Steve McGrady at (252) 738-3339 or

“Discover History Worth Repeating” in Warrenton

— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook

— by Craig Hahn

Discover History Worth Repeating is up and running in Edenton, Halifax and Warrenton. This program is a unique collaboration of three historic North Carolina towns coming together in a joint effort to market and promote themselves as connected tourist destinations. Involving elected officials and staff, the common thread among the three towns is a strong core of history and historic sites that are significant not only to the state but to the entire nation.

On occasion, it is important to repeat significant events of the past and each town has examples to “Discover History Worth Repeating”. Edenton with its Tea Party was home to a political protest organized by women in response to the Tea Act, passed by the British Parliament in 1773. Halifax with its Resolves was the site of the first official action by an American Colony calling for independence from Great Britain. Warrenton, home of the “first” architect of North Carolina, Jacob Holt, blended architectural styles while sending his workforce of sixty craftsmen to build colleges in Raleigh, Oxford and Randolph County.

The passport tour leads visitors through the participating towns and the passports are stamped at each historic, merchant, or artisan location. Hands-on activities in each town are tailored for kids of all ages: re-signing the resolves in Halifax, building architectural elements in Warrenton and cruising the bay where the Tea Party occurred in Edenton. Passport holders share their experiences online and register for giveaways and prizes.

For more information or to print a passport visit Preprinted passports are available at any of the following locations:


 Jacob Holt House – 122 S. Bragg Street

 Quilt Lizzy – 115 E. Market Street

 Town Hall – 133 S. Main Street

 Hardware Café – 106 S. Main Street

 Robinson Ferry Restaurant – 111 N. Bragg Street

 The Scarlet Rooster – 117 N. Main Street

 Friends Two – 126 S. Main Street

There are plenty of activities to do around Warrenton as part of “Discover History Worth Repeating”…

– Scavenge for relics at the Jacob Holt House.

– Build an architectural model with an artisan’s guidance at the Jacob Holt House.

– Design and make a quilt square using Underground Railroad symbols at Quilt Lizzy.

– Wander through Warrenton at your own pace and see North Carolina’s most extensive inventory of antebellum architecture in one place…start at Town Hall or the Jacob Holt House.

The website is Great work from a number of dedicated people throughout Warrenton and Warren County!

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Norlina Market Festival Kicks Off Sat., May 19

— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook

The Norlina Market Festival is the biggest celebration to come to Norlina to highlight and celebrate farming and agriculture!

There will be fresh foods, produce, goods & services available from local and neighboring county farms. The celebration includes live music, fun & exciting games, arts, crafts, food trucks, vendors, fresh locally grown fruits, fresh locally grown vegetables, locally raised meats, and more!!! This family event will take place on Saturday, May 19 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Norlina Junction Park on Liberty Street near the Norlina Post Office in downtown Norlina.

If you’re interested in setting up goods for sale or to educate the participants…or if you have a food truck you’re looking to set up at the event, please contact Latarshia Turner-Brothers via Facebook or call her at (252) 425-9845. You may also email her at

This Festival is a result of the Revitalization & Planning Committee for the town of Norlina. Headed up by Norlina resident Latarshia Turner-Brothers, this committee is designed to give local families an opportunity to attend events without having to leave the county.

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Warren County to Recognize Historic Communities with Signs

— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook

Warren County’s Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) is moving forward with its program to preserve County history. Permanent signs will eventually be placed across the county in communities contributing to the history and development of Warren County. To date, four pilot communities have been designated: Ridgeway, Russell Union, Arcola/Bethlehem and Soul City.

Citizens seeking to be included in this new effort are still needed to form committees to research their communities’ history, select a roadside site where motorists can pull over to read the sign and to raise funds for the purchase of the signs (similar in appearance to the silver-toned signs already in the county). The County’s Planning/Zoning and Code Enforcement Department working in conjunction with the HPC will select a company to produce the signs similar to what is done for State markers through the State Historic Preservation Office.

Signs have been researched to cost approximately $2000 and funding is available to assist the Ridgeway, Russell Union, Arcola/Bethlehem and Soul City in starting their respective efforts. Communities that raise the necessary remaining funds would need to have checks written out to Warren County General Fund and delivered/mailed to:

Warren County Planning/Zoning and Code Enforcement Department

Attn: Ken Krulik

542 West Ridgeway Street

Warrenton, NC 27589

Ken Krulik, Planning and Zoning Administrator, as staff to the HPC, shall maintain records of funds collected and from which community. In an earlier article he said “In identifying the various communities with these signs, those who visit our county and those who reside here can learn more about its history and contributions as well as how these local areas were formed. Through this new program, the HPC is working to preserve and promote these communities as well as protect our county’s cultural heritage.”

The signs will include the name of the community, historical information such as when the community was established and why it is prominent in Warren County’s history, the county seal and the county’s tourism website address, where additional information can be viewed. The HPC plans to partner on the project with the county library, which can archive additional historical information about the communities, such as genealogical research and photographs.

Community members interested in participating or getting more information may contact Ken Krulik at (252) 257-7027,    (252) 257-3037, or

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Hayley-Haywood Park Dedication Ceremony in Warrenton, Sat, May 19

— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook

The Town of Warrenton is set to dedicate the Haley-Haywood Park, a new park just off Franklin Street, next to the Warren County Senior Center on Saturday, May 19, 2018. Officials from the Town of Warrenton, Warren County, and local residents will be on hand to officially open the park and honor famous Warren County native, Dr. Julian Haywood, who donated the land.

The ceremony is scheduled to have light refreshments, African drumming, a raffle and several speakers. Mayor Walter Gardener of Warrenton will be on hand with remarks and a proclamation.

Following the ceremony, the Town of Warrenton will have a disc golf giveaway and a chance to play a round of disc golf on the course in the Hayley-Haywood Park.

The new park will serve as a gathering place for the community, complete with nine “holes” of disc golf.

Disc golf is similar to regular golf; however, instead of using golf clubs and balls aiming for a hole, disc golf players use golf discs and aim for a disc pole hole, a pole extending from the ground with chains and a basket where the disc lands.

The object of the game is to complete each hole in the fewest number of throws, starting from a tee area and finishing at the disc pole hole. Players start at a tee area and complete the course in order, playing through to the last hole. The player with lowest total cumulative score wins.

“Beatle Mania Mystery” at the Historic Hotel Norlina

— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Craig Hahn, Executive Director ~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook

— by Craig Hahn

***Photographs courtesy Leigh Traylor***

As many of you know from earlier Warren County Historical Tidbits and daily drives thru Norlina, we have a diamond in the rough and 100+ year old treasure in the Hotel Norlina right on US #1 in Norlina.

The Historic Hotel Norlina as it appeared in 1973

Recently, a Warren County resident, Margaret Moseley has begun working with the current owner of the Hotel Norlina to bring it back to life and open a new chapter for this regal building. As they’ve worked to host sales before Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter for local home-businesses that attracted up to 200 shoppers in a day, Margaret and the owner have been working to take the steps necessary to earn funding and support for the Historic Hotel Norlina over the recent months. Part of their work has been doing extensive research into the history of this hotel.

In doing that research, one “local legend” that kept tugging at Margaret was that of a visit in the 1960’s by Beatles’ members John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Could she find proof? Check out the telling of this story by Margaret herself…

“Beatle Mania Mystery”

By Margaret H. Moseley

As some of you may or may not know, the owner of Historic Hotel Norlina is in the beginning process of restoring the old building to her former glory and has plans to start a historic museum/library. We have been researching the history of the hotel and of the town of Norlina and want to incorporate the library/museum to retain the history of its past and record the present day activities for generations to come.

For decades it has been rumored that “The Beatles”, well at least a couple of them, stopped at Hecht Hardware Store’s Indian Museum in Norlina during the 1960’s. It was rumored that John Lennon and Paul McCartney visited and other rumors stated it was John Lennon and Ringo Starr.

I wondered why no one has ever tried to find the answer. My curiosity got the better of me so I was on a mission to find the truth behind the legend. Through extensive research, detective work, numerous phone calls and communications I located the person in possession of the log book and pleaded for just a copy of the pages. I recently received the coveted copies of the Museum Log Book from the present owners. Upon reviewing some of the log pages, I thought we had found the proof necessary to verify that the famous entertainers did indeed stop in Norlina. There it was in black and white, John Lennon and George Harrison’s names dated 12/22/1969. I was ecstatic that we finally had proof of their visit. However; a little voice of reasoning was nagging, “You need to research the authenticity of the signatures”. Although it would have been the easy thing to do and just say we have proof, I listened to the voice of reason and with the confidential help of a friend and “Norlina native”, began an extensive research of authentic certified autographs from both John Lennon and George Harrison.

Much to our dismay, the signatures bear no resemblance to that of the certified autographs. Not only do they not resemble the original signatures, we found that there is absolutely no way possible that John Lennon would have been here in Norlina on that date as there is documentation proving otherwise. You see, December 16, 1969, John Lennon and Yoko Ono left England on a tour to Canada. This was their “War is Over, Give Peace a Chance” marking the end of their two-year protest of war.

Now I have more questions than answers and have begun a new search for some facts. I have always believed that where there is rumor, there is also some truth; therefore, I need the assistance of anyone who actually may have seen, know of someone who saw, or have any other proof that the Beatles were at the museum at Hecht’s Hardware Store. If anyone has any information, could you please come forward and assist us in solving the mystery. You can contact Margaret Moseley at 252-820-8032 or via email at

So, there you have it. Can you help? I’m confident that there is someone in our wonderful County that can shed some light on this story. Please keep me in the loop as you pass along your information. Here’s to solving our “Beatle-Mania Mystery!”

Wherever you turn in Warren County we have a jewel… “Warren County Historical Tidbits” is a project of The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County.

NC Coop Extension

NC Cooperative Extension Seeking Summer 4-H Youth Interns

-Information courtesy Crystal M. Smith, County Extension Director, N.C. Cooperative Extension Service – Warren Co.

NC Cooperative Extension is seeking summer 4-H youth interns to assist in Warren County. Interns will help with 4-H Summer Palooza, assist with 4-H activities, attend an educational field trip, greet youth and parents, attend meetings and have fun!

This program is for teens ages 13 – 18 who want to develop and improve their leadership skills. Teens must apply for an internship position, participate in leadership training, commit to volunteering in 4-H summer fun day camps, and complete a leadership project record book and resume.

This is also a great way for high school students to complete volunteer hours needed for graduation.

Interns must volunteer 35 hours from June – August.

Applications may be found online and should be completed by Thursday, May 31, 2018.

A youth training session will be held Monday, June 11, 2018, from 1 – 5:30 p.m. A parent meeting will be held from 6 – 7 p.m., on Tuesday, June 5. Both sessions will be held at the NC Cooperative Extension Office, Warren County Center, 158 Rafters Lane, Warrenton.

For more information, please call NC Cooperative Extension, Warren County office at 252-257-3640 or contact Crystal Smith via email at

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Grooms Charged with First Degree Murder, Sentenced to Life Without Parole

-Press Release, Office of District Attorney Mike Waters

Warrenton, NC – Warren County Criminal Superior Trial Court was held during the week of April 30, 2018. Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Henry W. Hight, Jr. presided over the term. The State of North Carolina was represented by District Attorney Mike Waters and Assistant District Attorney Onica Fuller.

Much of the week was devoted to the murder trial of Kadeem Grooms, who, along with Marquis Davis, Montrell Davis and Darren Alston, was charged with First Degree Murder, five counts of Attempted Murder, two counts of Shooting into an Occupied Vehicle and one count of Assault with a Deadly Weapon with the Intent to Kill.

The acts occurred in the early morning hours of August 9, 2015, when six men from Oxford traveled to the Connect 25 nightclub in Warren County. As the six men were leaving Connect 25, they were fired upon. Michael Pressley, a passenger in one of the vehicles, was shot and died as a result of his wounds.

A Warren County jury deliberated approximately 70 minutes before returning guilty verdicts on all counts. Judge Hight sentenced Mr. Grooms to life in prison without parole for the First Degree Murder conviction, plus 70 years for the other offenses. Darren Alston and Montrell Davis had previously plead in the matter. Marquis Davis is scheduled for trial during the September trial term of Warren County Superior Court and is innocent until and unless proven guilty.

This matter was investigated by the Warren County Sheriff’s Office with the assistance of the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation.