Dropout Rate Declines 6th Straight Year

Full VCS Press Release

The dropout rate in Vance County Schools for 2014-2015 declined for the sixth consecutive year with data from the N.C. Department of Public Instruction indicating that 68 students or 2.28 percent left school early.

The 2014-2015 rate was a decrease from 83 students or 2.71 percent dropping out in 2013-2014.

In 2012, Vance County Schools implemented “Destination Graduation” one of the National Dropout Prevention Network Center’s model programs that addresses prevention, intervention and recovery. The program highly emphasizes parent participation, community involvement and student recognition for behavior and academic success. Having an eye on the data and focusing on trends have given the district an advantage, according to Dr. Ralphel Holloman, Sr., dropout prevention specialist, and Dr. Cindy Bennett, assistant superintendent for Student Services.

The district did experience a slight increase in the number of short-term suspensions for students in 2014-2015. While most student code of conduct violations are lesser offenses, when students have second and third violations, this causes the number of short-term suspensions to increase, Holloman and Bennett noted.

“In order to keep students in the educational process, we are focusing on more options for students that will engage them in better decision making,” they said. “Many schools are using Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS). Support is given to teachers via behavior support specialists in the form of strategies that will de-escalate and redirect actions of students in the classroom. Should there be a need for other options, ISS, or In-School Suspension, is an attempt to get those students who have violated some behavior rule time to rethink their actions and regroup before returning to class. It is our goal to keep all students in class all of the time; however, we cannot allow the educational process to be diminished, so there are times when suspensions are necessary.”

Steps being taken to stop the number of reportable crimes in our schools involve using data to show early warning signs of students at risk of being suspended due to incidents already accruing in the fourth and fifth grades. These indicators will enable the district to implement effective strategies to address these issues. The PBIS programs in schools are also factors to decrease reportable crimes. Enhancing parent and community engagement in our schools also will help. Implementation of research based programs that address the risk factors allows students to find a way to manage their tempers, attitudes and behaviors as they transition through the program. The school system also is working with the Vance County Sheriff’s Department to implement a School Resource Officers program in which officers are trained to work with students, build relationships and focus on accountability and responsibility for their actions.

The school system uses the data in the state’s annual report on school dropouts and crime and violence to determine how some students may not be completely engaged in the educational process. The schools are working with social workers, counselors and nurses to collaborate and identify students with at-risk factors that may be displayed in inappropriate behaviors and begin early intervention and identification of systems of support for these students, Holloman and Bennett added.

The school system also is currently developing systems of support for elementary, middle and enhancing high school supports for students in order to get them on track academically and behaviorally.

“Vance County Schools has recognized that if we want different results, we have to do something different,” Holloman and Bennett said. “Doing something different means careful and deliberate steps to analysis of data, identification of root causes, then strategically developing a plan for changing the trajectory to one that will lead to success for all children. We are addressing prevention and intervention strategies, so that we are ahead of the curve with a goal of offering the best possible education to all students.”

(Information provided by VCS by press release — full release link listed at the top)

News 03/09/16

VGCC installs first officers for SkillsUSA chapter

The Vance-Granville Community College chapter of the national SkillsUSA organization, established only a few months ago, now has its first official student leaders.

On Feb. 29, four students signed their contracts and took their oaths as chapter officers. They included President Benjamin Layton of Kittrell (a Criminal Justice Technology student), Secretary/Treasurer Ashley Allen of Henderson (Office Administration), Reporter Harold Todd of Oxford (Criminal Justice Technology) and Parliamentarian Daniel Johnson of Louisburg (Paralegal Technology).

Performing the installation was Steve Hargrove, who chairs the Public Services department at VGCC and serves as lead advisor for the chapter. VGCC Paralegal Technology program head Antoinette Dickens, Office Administration program head Christal Thomas, Office Administration instructor Candy Parker, Medical Office Administration instructor Hollie Garrett and Business & Applied Technologies administrative assistant Kimberly Elliott also serve as advisors. Other faculty members are also helping to support and advise various committees for the organization.

At the installation ceremony, Hargrove played a video message that was recorded specifically for the historic occasion by Peyton Holland, the executive director of SkillsUSA North Carolina.

In closing remarks, VGCC Business Technologies department chair Spring Tucker thanked the students for taking on their new leadership roles.

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry, working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA chapters help students who are preparing for careers in technical, skilled and service occupations excel. Founded in 1965 as V.I.C.A. (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America), SkillsUSA has served nearly 12 million members in its 50-year history. Today, the organization has more than 360,000 students and instructors as members nationwide.

Among the benefits to VGCC students are opportunities to participate in competitions at the local, state and national levels, which are designed by industry experts and showcase the nation’s top career and technical education students. The chapter also provides students with opportunities for leadership, professional development, community service and social activities.

VGCC will soon send a delegation to the 50th annual SkillsUSA North Carolina State Leadership and Skills Conference, which will be held in Greensboro on April 19-21. Over 2,500 students, instructors, industry members, and volunteers will be on hand for the largest showcase of career and technical education in the state.

For more information on SkillsUSA at VGCC, contact Public Services department chair Steve Hargrove at hargroves@vgcc.edu or (252) 738-3467.

Town Talk 03/08/16

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 03/08/16

News 03/08/16

Vance County Criminal Superior Case Management Court

Full Press Release

Henderson, NC- Vance County Criminal Superior Case Management Court was held during the week of February 22,2016. The Honorable Donald W. Stephens, Senior Resident Superior Court Judge from Wake County, presided over the session. The Office of District Attorney Mike Waters was represented by Assistant District Attorneys Melissa Pelfrey, Bill Williamson and Steve Gheen.

The following cases were disposed of by plea agreement during the session:

David Perdue pleaded guilty to Felony Assault on a Handicapped Person and received an active sentence of 13 to 25 months in the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Division of Adult Correction (DAC), which was suspended for 18 months of supervised probation.

Terrick Verner pleaded guilty to Common law Robbery and received an active sentence of 12 to 24 months in the DAC, suspended for 24 months of supervised probation.

Daniel Wells pleaded guilty to Felony Fleeing to Elude Arrest and larceny of a Motor Vehicle and received an active sentence of 10 to 21 months in the DAC. Mr. Wells also had a probation violation case which was revoked and his probationary sentence of 16 to 29 months was activated.

Takisha Durham pleaded guilty to Misdemeanor Common law Uttering and received an active sentence of 45 days in the Vance County Jail, suspended for 18 months of supervised probation.

Cody Creech pleaded guilty to Felony Breaking and Entering a Motor Vehicle and received an active sentence of 11 to 23 months in the DAC.

Deshawn Hargrove pleaded guilty to Felony Sex Offender Use Social Website and received an active sentence of 9 to 20 months in the DAC. Mr. Hargrove also had a probation violation case which was revoked and his probationary sentence of 17 to 30 months was activated.

Dustin Matthews pleaded guilty to Felony Possession of Stolen Goods, Obtaining Property by False Pretenses, and larceny and received an active sentence of 8 to 19 months in the DAC.

Lorenzo Terry pleaded guilty to Felony Breaking and Entering a Motor Vehicle and received an active sentence of 26 to 41 months in the DAC. All of the cases mentioned above were investigated by officers with the Vance County Sheriff’s Office.

Jonathan Rhodes pleaded guilty to Felony Possess/Distribute Meth Precursor and received and active sentence of 21 to 35 months in the DAC. Mr. Rhodes also had a probation violation case which was revoked and his probationary sentence of 9 to 20 months was activated. This case was investigated by Officer M. Jackson of the Henderson Police Department.

Tobacco Trust Fund awards grant to VGCC

The North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission has awarded a $25,000 grant to Vance-Granville Community College to support students in a pair of training programs.

The grant, for a project entitled “Cultivating and Growing Agricultural Communities,” will help cover the cost of tuition and other fees for eligible students in the “NC REAL Agricultural Entrepreneurship” and “Heavy Equipment Operator” courses offered by VGCC. Grant funding will also support instructional staff, marketing and supplies related to the programs.

VGCC has offered the Agricultural Entrepreneurship program at various locations, most recently at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market and the Granville County Expo & Convention Center. Heavy Equipment Operator training is held at VGCC’s Warren County Campus.

While this is the first grant of its kind awarded to VGCC, the college has previously received grants from the N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund Commission as part of “Project Skill-UP.” As in those previous grants, the commission’s goal is to help individuals and communities adversely affected by the decline of tobacco-related employment in the region.

“We appreciate that the Tobacco Trust Fund Commission chose to support our agricultural efforts to help adults in our service area to gain new skills and in some cases, to start new careers or businesses,” said Kyle Burwell, VGCC’s coordinator of Human Resources Development.

The seven-week NC REAL Agricultural Entrepreneurship course is designed specifically to help local farmers and budding entrepreneurs succeed in developing profitable, environmentally-sound small farms or agricultural businesses.

One of VGCC’s newest programs, Heavy Equipment Operator training takes approximately 13 weeks to complete. During the course, students gain a general understanding of the requirements necessary to operate equipment such as a motor grader, a four-wheel drive loader and backhoe, which are used both in construction and in agriculture.

Students receiving grant funding must meet certain eligibility requirements and must be residents of Vance, Granville, Franklin or Warren counties. Each student can receive up to $250.

For more information on receiving assistance and the opportunities available at VGCC, contact Kyle Burwell at hrd-wk@vgcc.edu or (252) 738-3276.

For more information on the N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund Commission, visit www.tobaccotrustfund.org.

Vance County Food Giveaway

NC Cooperative Extension Centers across the state are participating in a food drive, that will benefit their own communities, and is in conjunction with the 125th Anniversary of NC Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T) and 30th Annual NC Small Farms Week celebration sponsored by NC A&T which pays tribute to the state’s small scale growers. NC Small farms will be celebrated March 20-26 with the kick off scheduled March 21, 2016 in Vance County, home of the 2015 Small Farmers of the year, Louis and Magnolia Williams.

Community agencies and the faith-based community have joined forces to participate in the University’s 125th Anniversary and NC Small Farms Week service project that is being led by Lonnette Marsh, Interim Regional Program Coordinator with the Cooperative Extension Program at NC A&T.

Locally the NC Central/Eastern Food Bank will be distributing bags of food to community members who are in need of food on Thursday, March 10, 2016 at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market. The distribution will begin at 10am with student volunteers from Southern Vance High School’s BETA club assisting with the worthy cause. Citizens will receive disbursements using a drive through method, as bags will be bought to individual cars when citizens arrive at the site.

This project is being sponsored locally by St. James Missionary Baptist Church, Vance County Department of Social Services, Vance County Cooperative Extension Center, and the Vance County USDA Farm Service Agency and Rural Development.

Canned foods have also been collected in honor of 125th Anniversary and NC Small Farms Week of NC A&T at the Vance County Cooperative Extension Center, Vance County Department of Social Services, Vance County Government Building, Henderson Vance Parks and Recreation, Bearpond Fire Department, YMCA, Vance County USDA Farm Service Agency and Rural Development, and Southern Vance High School. Foods collected will be donated to the food pantry at Shiloh Baptist Church.

–North Carolina State University and North Carolina A&T State University commitment themselves to positive action to secure equal opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability.  In addition, the two Universities welcome all persons without regard to sexual orientation, North Carolina State University, North Carolina A&T State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.

(This information was submitted to WIZS News in the form of a press release from Ann S. Burrows, Administrative Assistant, North Carolina Cooperative Extension–Vance County Center, 305 Young Street, Henderson, NC  27536, Phone: (252) 438-8188  Fax: (252) 492-3830, Email: ann_burrows@ncsu.edu)

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 03/07/16