TownTalk: Sossamon Calls For Recount

Vance and Granville counties will conduct a recount in the too-close-to-call contest for House District 32, which has Democratic challenger Bryan Cohn leading Republican incumbent Frank Sossamon by 233 votes.

Because that margin is less than 1 percent of the voting totals – .53 percent, to be precise – the challenger (in this case, Sossamon) was entitled to ask for a recount by 12 noon today. Vance County Board of Elections Director Haley Rawles told WIZS News Tuesday that she received a notification of the recount from Raleigh shortly before 11:30 a.m.

Sossamon spoke with WIZS News this morning as he was waiting for the General Assembly to convene and confirmed that he would be seeking a recount.

“It hasn’t been filed, but it will be filed before 12,” Sossamon said by phone shortly before 11 a.m. He said he’d waited until now to let the process play out, which included the Nov. 15 canvass and certifying and counting provisional and absentee ballots.

“A lot of elections are cut-and-dry,” he said. “Close elections are different…and there are options that candidates have,” including filing protests if there are “anomalies,” and filing a lawsuit.

Rawles said Vance County elections officials will begin the recount at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20 for two races – the District 32 contest and a statewide recount for a seat on the N.C. Supreme Court between sitting Justice Allison Riggs and Republican challenger Jefferson Griffin.

Rawles expects the recounts to take the majority of the day to complete, if not longer.

WIZS News reached out to Granville County Board of Elections Director Tonya Burnette Tuesday afternoon to find out when the recount would begin in that county and we will update the story if that information becomes available.

In a concise letter sent via email to N.C. State Board of Elections Director Karen Brinson Bell, Sossamon requested the recount.

It reads:

Executive Director Brinson Bell,

As a candidate for North Carolina House District 32 in the 2024 General Election, I her3eby submit my written demand for a mandatory recount pursuant to the N.C. Gen. Stat. 163-182.7(c) and 163-182.4(b)(3). Please confirm receipt of this timely written demand at your earliest convenience.


Frank Sossamon

Sossamon expressed frustration when it came to finding out what his options were regarding a recount and said he felt voters weren’t adequately inform about redrawn district lines that removed a portion of Vance County from District 32.

Nobody said “Mr. Sossamon, you can call for a recount,” Sossamon said. “I had to find that out for myself – I find that quite alarming.”

Sossamon also said he was concerned to learn that voters in Vance County showed up to vote and noticed that the District 32 race wasn’t on their ballot.

“They were thinking they could vote for me, but I wasn’t on their ballot,” he said, adding that “people who are already skeptical of the voting system are getting even more skeptical.”

In a telephone interview Tuesday, Cohn said he was pleased with the overall process but acknowledged that the campaign was “long and expensive, and, at times, a rather dirty campaign. I don’t think anybody is happy about any of that.”

(This text and story developed more after the embedded audio below.)



Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library

So far, Youth Services Librarian Melody Peters has resisted the urge to get the library festooned in red and green for that big December holiday – she said she wants Thanksgiving and Native Peoples Month to have their moments to shine, too.

In fact, next Tuesday afternoon’s activity will feature a story celebrating Native Peoples Month. Participants will surely enjoy the associated craft activity – making “corn” using pipe cleaners and beads.

Once Thanksgiving has come and gone, the library will surely shift its attention to December when thoughts turn to snowflakes and gingerbread men and Christmas decorations.

Peters invites folks of all ages to come out on the first official day of winter to the library’s “Winter Celebration” on Saturday, Dec. 21. Activities will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and include make-and-take crafts for all ages, from kiddos and teens to adults.

And bring your photo-taking device to snap some family selfies in front of a beautiful holiday backdrop, she said.

There are plenty of activities before Dec. 21 to enjoy, too, Peters said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

For starters, there’s Pajama Story Time on Tuesday, Dec. 3 from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Then on Tuesday, Dec. 10 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., bring the family to watch the film Polar Express while sipping hot chocolate and nibbling sweet treats.

Youngsters will enjoy hunting for hidden gingerbread people cookies around the library. No, they’re not edible – these are made of felt – but Peters said the children enjoyed looking for them hidden throughout the library.

Sometimes, you’ll find Peters or other library staff out in the community, too.

Visit the Vance County Regional Farmers Market on Saturday, Dec. 7 between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. for a special Market Story Time, which may include decorating some gingerbread cookies that ARE edible, Peters said.

And then later that afternoon, the library will have a float commemorating its 100 year-anniversary in the Henderson Christmas Parade, which begins at 3 p.m.

Visit to learn about all the programs and services the library offers.




The Local Skinny! N.C. House District 32 Contest

Incumbent N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon has until noon tomorrow – Tuesday, Nov. 19 – to put the wheels in motion to call for a recount in the contest to retain his District 32 seat.

Both Vance and Granville’s boards of elections completed the canvass on Friday, Nov. 15 to certify results of the Nov. 5 general election, including the District 32 race, in which challenger Bryan Cohn holds a 233-vote lead over the incumbent Sossamon.

The N.C. State Board of Elections website lists vote totals as 21,213 for Cohn, a Democrat, and 20,980 for the Republican Sossamon. Cohn won handily in Vance County, taking 60.55 percent of the vote to Sossamon’s 37.26 percent; Sossamon won among Granville County voters by a 52.67 percent to 44.53 percent margin.

State law states that a recount can occur in non-statewide contests where the margin of victory is 1 percent or less of total votes cast. The 233-vote margin is .53 of 1 percent of the total vote.

“In contests under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Elections (including General Assembly seats in which the district lies in more than one county), the recount demand must be in writing and received by the State Board of Elections no later than noon on Tuesday, Nov. 19,” according to the state board of elections website.

There has been no indication about whether Sossamon will make a recount request.

The District 32 race is one of two key contests yet to be decided – the other is District 25 in Nash County – which will determine whether Republican keep their supermajority in the N.C. House.

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Salvation Army

TownTalk: Annual Salvation Army Red Kettle Season Kicks Off

As if on cue, November 15 provided a crisp backdrop to the morning’s Red Kettle Season Kickoff, and dozens from the community showed up outside Belk to take the opportunity to drop in the first donations of the Christmas season.

The Vance County High School chorus provided several seasonal and inspirational selections for the Salvation Army kickoff event to add an air of excitement and joy to the chilly morning’s festivities.

Whether you’re someone who hauls out the holly and puts up the tree before Thanksgiving or you’re one of those die-hards who prefers to wait until December to think about Christmas plans, you’re likely to run across a few Red Kettles and bell ringers during the next 40 days.

Alongside the iconic Salvation Army symbol of giving, the bell ringers invite shoppers to donate during the holiday season to help provide food and gifts to seniors and children across Vance County and the surrounding counties it serves.

Kettle donations “help us provide clothing and toys for children at Christmas time,” said Maj. Beth Mallard. But more than 200 senior adults also have signed up to receive food baskets, Mallard said Friday, and the funds are used to feed more than 500 people each month, all year long.

“When you walk by, make sure you drop something in the bucket,” she said.

The kettles ignite a spirit of generosity in our community, said Margier White, chair of the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce board. “Each bell that rings this season (is) not just signalling a donation,” White said, “it’s a connection that we make with people who are in need.

Placing any donation – coins or bills – represents love, kindness and community support, she said.

The Salvation Army kettle is “more than just a container – it represents hope for families facing hardships.”

Call Mallard at 252.438.7107 if you’d like information about volunteering to be a bell ringer during the holiday season. You, your church or civic group can also sponsor a kettle, or participate in the Angel Tree project at

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TownTalk: ‘Shop With A Cop And Friends’ Reception: Fun With A Purpose

Wednesday’s celebratory reception for the Shop With a Cop and Friends program was sprinkled with laughter, music and levity, but the underlying message shone clearly in remarks by everybody from Chamber President Sandra Wilkerson on down to local law enforcement leaders – it’s all for the kids.

“This is what we do and what we get excited about,” Wilkerson said as she kicked off the official part of the program, thanking sponsors and providing details about the actual shopping day – Friday, Dec. 20.

Shopping Day is a special, special day, she said, adding that law enforcement officers and others will join “the other million people” taking care of last-minute shopping at the Henderson Walmart.

But Vance County Schools students don’t start their holiday break until lunchtime on that day, so Wilkerson said they’ll get going about 3 p.m.

“Hopefully, we’ll be able to deliver you a check like we did last year,” Wilkerson said to Sheriff Curtis Brame, Police Chief Marcus Barrow and Fire Chief Tim Twisdale, referring to the $15,000 that the program got to share with children on their shopping spree.

Shop With a Cop is a memorable experience for the children, but it’s also something adults are sure to remember as well, Brame said, “to see the excitement in children’s eyes” as they stroll the aisles.

But it’s also a humbling experience, he said, to see kids who want to buy gifts for their parents and siblings instead of for themselves.

Chief Barrow recalled that the department started the program some years ago, a small-scale effort to give back to those in need. When the Chamber president approached the department with the idea of forming a partnership, it was a no-brainer. The first year of that partnership raised about $6,000, he said, and has ballooned to $15,000 under Wilkerson and her team.

“We’ve gotten so much support,” Barrow said. “It’s more than Shop With a Cop – it’s a partnership” that involves the Department of Social Services, Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks, the City Council, city manager, county manager, among all the other community supporters.

A highlight of the event was finding out who won the cash prizes associated with the 180 raffle tickets that were sold – four cash prizes were awarded – $200, $500, $1,000 and the top prize of $2,000.

As each name was drawn, Wilkerson easily called them out:

Juanita Sommerville, Kendrick Vann, Hal Muetzel. (Congratulations, by the way!)

But the $2,000 winner had her puzzled, and she may have not wanted to admit it, but she said she didn’t recognize the name: Sam…Citgo?

After a few failed attempts from the gathering to claim the prize, however, the picture became clear. HPD’s Tony Mills spoke up from the crowd to say he stopped by the gas station, “and the rascal bought three tickets.”

Citgo wasn’t the person’s last name – it was his place of business. So, Sam from Citgo, the purchase of three tickets paid off.

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Maria Parham Health

Maria Parham Health Earns Another ‘A’ For Hospital Safety From Leapfrog Group


information courtesy of Maria Parham Health Public Information Officer Donna Young

Maria Parham Health has been awarded an “A” Hospital Safety Grade by The Leapfrog Group, an independent nonprofit organization committed to improving health care quality and safety. The recognition places Maria Parham Health among the top performing hospitals nationwide for patient safety.

Leapfrog assigns safety grades to hospitals based on more than 30 performance measures, including incidents of errors, accidents, injuries and infections, as well as the hospital’s systems to prevent such events. The “A” grade reflects the hospital’s commitment to reducing preventable harm to patients and delivering high-quality care.

“We are extremely proud to earn an ‘A’ Hospital Safety Grade from The Leapfrog Group,” said Bert Beard, CEO of Maria Parham Health. “This recognition speaks to the incredible dedication and hard work of our physicians, nurses, staff, and volunteers who put patient safety at the forefront of everything they do. At Maria Parham Health, our patients are our priority, and this grade underscores our ongoing commitment to making communities healthier and providing the highest level of care in a safe environment.”

Leah Binder, president and CEO of The Leapfrog Group, congratulated Maria Parham Health for its dedication to patient safety. “Achieving an ‘A’ Hospital Safety Grade is a significant accomplishment for Maria Parham Health,” said Binder. “It reflects enormous dedication to your patients and their families, and your whole community should be proud. I extend my congratulations to Maria Parham Health, its leadership, clinicians, staff, and volunteers for their tireless efforts to put patients first.”

The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade is the only national rating program focused exclusively on preventable medical errors, injuries, accidents, and infections that lead to more than 500 patient deaths daily in the United States. The program is peer-reviewed, transparent and updated each fall and spring. This recognition emphasizes Maria Parham Health’s commitment to providing safe, quality care to all patients.

For more information on Maria Parham Health’s grade or to explore tips for staying safe in the hospital, visit

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Handcrafted Holiday Market Saturday, Nov. 16 At Vance Regional Farmers Market

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is hosting its annual Handcrafted Holiday Market tomorrow, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. and there’s sure to be something for everyone to enjoy!

The much-anticipated holiday event transforms the market with a variety of homemade gifts sprinkled amid the bounty from fall gardens.

In addition to handmade crafts, vendors have skin care products, jewelry, quilts and more – it’s a great time to find the perfect gift for everyone on your shopping list.

But Market Manager Pat Ayscue says you can also shop for locally sourced meats and produce, too – there’s beef, pork, chicken, lamb, local honey, cabbage, collards, turnip salad and the best jellies, pickles, tomatoes and fall apples around!

Live Christmas music giving the sound of the season and the air will be filled with chatter from seeing old friends and the joy of making new friends.

The farmers market is located at 210 Southpark Dr. in Henderson.

TownTalk: Farmers Appreciation Day Celebration

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located close to where Leo Kelly remembers his family farmed. They weren’t big farmers, Kelly told a group gathered at the farmers market Thursday for the inaugural Farmers Appreciation Day in Vance County, but he remembers chickens, hogs and having spring, summer and fall gardens.

Kelly, vice chair of the Vance County Board of Commissioners, joined others to recognize the importance of farmers, farming and agriculture. In 2023, the Legislature set aside the second Thursday in November as Farmers Appreciation Day.

N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon said the observance is a way to help people understand how farmers and farming affects them daily. These days, fewer people live near farms or don’t personally know farmers.

“Agriculture is more than planting corn and beans,” Sossamon said. It’s agritourism, small farmers producing specialty crops and more.

Vance County’s N.C. Cooperative Extension director Dr. Wykia Macon said she and her staff are always looking for ways to foster among young people an appreciation for agriculture and for farmers and to encourage them to get into agriculture.

Horticulture Agent Mike Ellington said he foresees changes in agriculture, but what remains, he believes, is the “sense of place, of purpose, community that agriculture creates.”

Vance County Commissioner Archie Taylor said he grew up on a farm and it helped shape the person he became.

“As I think about the professions we have,” he said, “no profession teaches our young kids more about hard work than farming.”

With the rise of urbanization, he said, fewer family farms meant that young folks didn’t have the “opportunity” to pitch in with chores like feeding livestock, chopping wood and all the other daily tasks a farm requires.

Taylor said he learned a lot from farm life, including “teaching me to get up in the morning, get started and get working.”