N.C.’s Ag Impact Keeps Growing…And Growing

-information courtesy of N.C. Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Maybe you’ve seen the bumper sticker that reads “If You’ve Eaten Today, Thank a Farmer.”

The impact that farmers and farming have in this state is huge. And Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler has put that statement in measurable terms – for the first time, the economic impact of agriculture and agribusiness industry in North Carolina has topped $100 billion.

The exact figure, in fact, is $103.2 billion.

The numbers come from Dr. Mike Walden, N.C. State University economist and professor emeritus. These numbers reflect the economic value of growing, processing and delivering food, natural fiber and forestry products, Troxler said in a press release, and were calculated using the latest USDA statistics.

“When I took office in 2005, the economic impact of agriculture and agribusiness was $59 billion and $100 billion seemed like a good goal to work toward,” Troxler said. “In 2016, I made a prediction that North Carolina’s agriculture and agribusiness industry would soon reach $100 billion,” he added.

“I’m proud to say that we’ve reached that goal and surpassed last year’s economic impact by more than 11 percent. Reaching this milestone is a big accomplishment for everyone in agriculture and agribusiness and proves how much we can accomplish when we are all pulling together.”

Agriculture is North Carolina’s No. 1 industry, employing about one-fifth of the state’s workforce. Last year’s economic impact figure was $92.9 billion.

“We are blessed to have a strong, resilient, and engaged agriculture community that includes farmers, agribusiness owners, commodity associations, agricultural associations and effective leadership in the North Carolina General Assembly,” Troxler said. “I can assure you we will set new goals and keep North Carolina agriculture growing.”

Henderson Police I-85 Traffic Stop Yields Large Quantity of Drugs

Press Release Courtesy of Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow —

On Saturday, May 20, 2023, at approximately 4:50AM, members of the Henderson Police Department conducted a traffic stop on I-85 for a traffic violation. After a positive alert by our agency’s K-9, a vehicle search was conducted. During the course of the investigation and search 1,000 Bricks of Heroin and 5 kilos of cocaine were located within the vehicle.

The sole occupant of the vehicle, Jonathan Gordan (age 41) of Albany, New York, was arrested and charged with three (3) counts of Trafficking in Cocaine, three (3) counts of Trafficking in Heroin, one (1) count of Possession with the Intent to Manufacture, Sell, Deliver Cocaine, one (1) count of Possession with the Intent to Manufacture, Sell, Deliver Heroin, one (1) count of Maintain a Vehicle to Keep Controlled Substances, and one (1) count of Manufacture Cocaine.

Jonathan Gordan was taken before a Vance County Magistrate and received a secured bond of $500,000.00. He was remanded to the custody of the Vance County Detention Center.

The Local Skinny! Maria Parham Health Remembers Lives Lost In Service To Country

-Information courtesy of Donna Young, MPH Marketing & Communication Coordinator 

Maria Parham Health invites the public to its third annual Memorial Day Service on Thursday, May 25, 2023. This year’s theme is “Reflection and Celebration.” The service will begin at 10 a.m. by the flagpoles in front of the hospital, where attendees will remember and honor those who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Maria Parham’s keynote speaker this year will be Hartwell Wright, Vietnam veteran and recent recipient of the Order of the Long Leaf Pine. The Order of the Long Leaf Pine is among the most prestigious awards conferred by the Governor of North Carolina. It is awarded for exemplary service to the State of North Carolina that is above and beyond the call of duty that has made a significant impact and strengthened North Carolina communities. Hartwell Wright received the award in February 2022.

The Maria Parham Memorial Day Service will include prayers from Harriett Baptist Church Pastor Will Breedlove, as well as special music, the hanging of a memorial wreath and the reading of names In Memoriam.

In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held in the auditorium.



TownTalk: Kerr Tar Council of Governments Presents Bike Safety Bash

When it comes to sharing the road, it’s important for both vehicle drivers and bicyclists to know what the rules are to keep everyone safe.

Young bicyclists will have the chance to learn about bike safety, get some free safety equipment  and test their skills on an obstacle course during the upcoming Bike Safety Bash on Saturday, June 10.

And the first 150 folks who stop in will get a free ice cream, compliments of Lewis Express and a local church sponsor.

The Bike Bash and Rodeo will be from 9 a.m. to 12 noon in front of the Henderson Police Department, according to Kenia Gomez-Jimenez with the Kerr-Tar Council of Governments, which has organized the safety event.

Kids riding their bikes or walking to and from school during the week may be a more common sight in big cities, but even in rural areas, Gomez-Jimenez said, bike safety is important.

“We want to make sure they have all the education and materials they need to be safe,” she said on Monday’s TownTalk.

KTCOG received close to $200,000 in the latest round of state funding to have programs like the Bike Bash. “We’re so excited that we get to continue our Safe Routes to School endeavors across the Kerr-Tar region,” Gomez-Jimenez said.

“I believe in the power of teamwork,” she said, adding that the Granville Vance Health District, as well as the city of Henderson and AIM High, Keep Pressing are partners for the event. Reed Kenny said the health department will have 100 bike helmets to distribute to youngsters who attend the event, and Jessica Hawkins with AIM High will contribute 100 more. In addition, AIM High will raffle off 20 bicycles throughout the morning’s event.

The helmets are part of a NCDOT initiative to reduce bicycle injuries among youth by providing them with equipment and education on bike safety. Share the Road specialty license plates fund this initiative.

“We want to make sure they’re well protected,” Kenny said of young bicycle riders.

Bicyclists need to keep safety in mind, but they also need to be able to fix a bike that may break down during a ride.

Tracy Madigan, DDC director, said the event will kick off with a ribbon cutting to officially dedicate five bike racks and a newly installed bike repair station in the downtown area. The bike repair station is located on Breckenridge Street near the police station, Madigan noted.

“It will be helpful for everybody to work together to learn about bike safety, she said, as well as learning to share the roadways.

Although Henderson doesn’t have any specially designated bike lanes at present, Madigan hinted of plans to accommodate bicyclists in the future.

“The goal is to work together and to show our community that Henderson…has a sense of community,” Gomez-Jimenez said. “When we unify for a common goal, great things happen.”

When we unify for. A common goal, great things happen.”



NC State Board of Elections

Specifics On New Voter Photo ID Rules

In response to the state’s new voter ID law, the state board of elections has issued information that may be helpful for citizens to keep in mind before their next trip to the polls.

Voters will be asked to show a photo ID, starting with the 2023 municipal elections. A driver’s license or other photo ID will be accepted.

Those without a photo ID can get a No Fee ID Card from NCDMV and soon, it is expected that a free ID will be available from your local board of elections office.

When a voter checks in to a polling place, poll workers will ask for an ID, and they are supposed to look to make sure the photo reasonably resembles the voter; the address doesn’t have to match the voter registration records

It is important to note that all voters will be allowed to vote with or without a photo ID. Those without an ID will use the ID exception form and a provisional ballot.

For complete details, visit ncsbe.gov/voter-ID and “FAQ: Voter ID” to learn more.

Michele Burgess Named George Watkins Citizen Of The Year

Michele Eaves Burgess has been named the George Watkins Citizen of the Year by the Occoneechee Council of Boy Scouts of America.

Burgess officially received the honor at an awards ceremony Thursday in Henderson. This award is Scouting’s premier event and major fundraiser in Vance County, and honors extraordinary community leaders in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the quality of life in the Eno River District and who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law, according to a press release issued by the Occoneechee Council.

“I am honored to be recognized by our community for my involvement and dedication to making Vance County a better place for our future leaders and today’s youth,” Burgess said in a prepared statement. “Being selected to receive this award, named for Mr. George R. Watkins, Sr., who I admire and have had the pleasure to work with for many years is very special to me. George and his family have set a positive example of how volunteerism and giving back makes such an impact.”

In presenting the award, Ronald Bennett, event chairman, praised Burgess for the energy and excitement she brought in her role as president of the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce. She recently retired but Bennett said Vance County and the surrounding communities are better places because of her efforts through the Chamber.

Burgess has led the Chamber three different times over the years. Tem Blackburn, who shared remarks Thursday evening, was on the interview committee that chose Burgess over others. Although she had less experience than those other candidates, there was something that clearly set her apart, he said.

“In the years that followed, whenever I needed help on a project for the Library, the YMCA, the public schools, anything of benefit to the community I called Michele and I always felt she was not only glad to help, but she was so glad I had called her and asked her to help,” he said.

Nancy Bobbitt also spoke about her friend and told those gathered that Burgess “has never faltered in her love and support of this community.” Through Burgess’s leadership over the years, the Chamber established Leadership Vance and Business After Hours, Bobbitt said. And Burgess was the first Chamber executive from Henderson to graduate and receive certification from the National Institute of Organizational Management.

“She always has a smile and good word for everyone she meets,” Bobbitt said. “She has a wealth of experience and ability to lead others to do their best to make Henderson and Vance County live up to its potential.”

Blackburn said Burgess has been working on behalf of Vance County and its residents to build community. It’s a lot of work, but Burgess has a way of approaching tasks that makes them a bit more enjoyable, Blackburn said.

“Speaking for myself, and for many others who have worked with Michele over the years, she has made it not only rewarding, but great fun!”




Chamber’s “Local Ladies In Leadership” Program Set For June 8

Registration is now open for the next “Women in Business” session.

Vance County Economic Development Director McKinley Perkinson will be the speaker for the second in a series titled “Local Ladies in Leadership.”

Perkinson will bring updates and information about local trends in economic development.

The lunch and learn will begin at 12 noon on Thursday, June 8, in the Farm Bureau Room at Perry Memorial Library.

This is an opportunity for women in the community to hear first-hand how the community is growing and what is in store for the future of Henderson and Vance County.

Contact Vanessa Jones, director of programs for the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at vanessa@hendersonvance.org by June 5 to register. The fee is $20 a person.

Call the Chamber office at 252.438.8414 for more information.

Pop The Hood: Maintaining Your Car’s Cooling System

— For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS.

Nobody wants to get stuck on the side of the road with an overheated engine. With just a little maintenance – and an abundance of caution – vehicle owners can make sure all is well under the hood.

Michael Puckett, with Advance Auto Parts on Raleigh Road, can walk customers through the process of checking to make sure radiators and cooling systems have the proper antifreeze and coolant to keep drivers on the road and out of the shop.

It’s safety first, Puckett said on Thursday’s Pop the Hood segment on WIZS Radio. Safety goggles and protective clothing – including gloves – are important when dealing with antifreeze or coolant.

Antifreeze can be dangerous to people and to animals, so DIY’ers should always store and dispose of it properly. It’s important to remember to disconnect the battery and make sure the engine is cold, whether you’re simply topping off fluids or doing a system flush.

The staff at Advance Auto Parts can help you get just the right product for your make and model vehicle, as well as provide you with the manufacturer’s specifications.

“There’s a bunch of different colors of antifreeze,” Puckett said. “You always want to make sure you’re doing it per OEM (original equipment manufacturer) specs.” The wrong type of antifreeze could affect engine performance.

Advance Auto also offers online purchase for its products for quick and easy pickup in as few as 30 minutes.

“Call the store and we can help you with anything you have questions about” when placing an online order, he said. Visit shop.advanceautoparts.com to learn more.

Call the Raleigh Road store at 252.438.2049 and the Prosperity Road location, just off Dabney Drive, at 252.438.4183.

The information contained in this post is not advice from Advance Auto Parts or WIZS.  Safety First!  Always seek proper help.  This is presented for its informational value only and is part of a paid advertising sponsorship.

CLICK PLAY to hear Pop The Hood: Maintaining Your Car’s Cooling System from May 18, 2023!