Vance County Schools Excellence in Education Banquet

Vance County Schools named its 2023 Educators of Excellence at a banquet on Thursday, Aug. 10 to honor nominated teachers, staff and administrators from across the schools in the district.

Teacher of the Year honors go to Analiza Maghanoy of EM Rollins STEAM Academy, according to information from VCS Director of Communications & Marketing Aarika Sandlin.

Others receiving top honors were Lillian King of Carver Elementary – Beginning Teacher of the Year; McShell Edmonds of Vance County High – Assistant Principal of the Year; and Dr. Michael Putney, Sr. of Dabney Elementary – Principal of the Year.

VCS Superintendent Dr. Cindy Bennett said the district benefits from the experience of leaders like the ones honored at the banquet.

“Vance County Schools is very fortunate to have dedicated and passionate teachers and leaders who work diligently day in and out to ensure the children in Vance County are receiving the best possible education, learning from innovative programs and experiences, and truly understanding how they can positively impact tomorrow.”

Maghanoy teaches third grade English Language Arts at EM Rollins STEAM Academy. She earned a Bachelor of Elementary Education from Western Mindanao State University and a Master of Education Studies from the University of Newcastle, Australia.

I know many outstanding teachers who give their best efforts to our students every day. I am humbled to be recognized as the Vance County Teacher of the Year, with gratitude to my strong administrators (present and past) for their unwavering support and inspiration to be the best I can to serve the students, parents, and the entire community of Vance County Schools”, Maghanoy stated.

King, also a third-grade teacher, works at Carver Elementary and majored in elementary education at N.C. Central University.

“I feel very honored to even be nominated and even more grateful to have been chosen by my district,” she said.

Top administrator awards went to Edmonds, who was named Assistant Principal of the Year.

This achievement not only brings me joy but it fuels my motivation to continue pushing to strive for even greater heights. I am committed to using this achievement for continuous growth, learning and making a meaningful impact on my school community. I am so grateful for the support and guidance I received from fellow educators, the VCHS family, friends, and my family. 

Edmonds received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from N.C. Central University and a Master’s in School Administration from N.C. State University.

This is Putney’s third time as Principal of the Year, but he said he feels honored to receive the recognition. He’s been principal at Dabney since 1997.

This is my passion. I do not see this as a job. I see this as a calling to be able to have an impact on others. To hear positive remarks from former students, staff, and parents fuels me to continue to strive to make a difference for others.”

Maghanoy and Putnam will represent Vance County in regional competition.

Following are the nominees from across the district competing for the awards:

2023-2024 Teacher of the Year Nominees:

  • Nino Robles, AdVance Academy
  • Caroline Boyd, Aycock Elementary
  • Debbie McCune, Carver Elementary
  • Cynthia Moore, Clarke Elementary
  • Karin Jennings, Dabney Elementary
  • Analiza Maghanoy, E.M. Rollins STEAM Academy
  • Julia Morton, E.O. Young Elementary
  • Jamie Chin, L.B. Yancey Elementary
  • Tina Terry, New Hope Elementary
  • Kevin Johnson, Pinkston St. Elementary
  • Jose Ortiz Covelli, STEM Early High
  • Vicki-Ann Fullwood-Barrett, Vance County Early College
  • Pamella Wickham, Vance County High
  • Davia Johnson Wilkins, Vance County Middle
  • Cynthia Nnaemeka, Vance Virtual Village Academy
  • Hannah Whittemore, Zeb Vance Elementary

2023-2024 Beginning Teacher of the Year Nominees:

  • Matthew Weaver, Aycock Elementary
  • Lillian King, Carver Elementary
  • Nicole Clarke, Clarke Elementary
  • Ty-Mhaj Hart, Dabney Elementary
  • Rosa Bullock, E.M. Rollins STEAM Academy
  • Marcia Cobbs, E.O. Young Elementary
  • Loletta Davidson, L.B. Yancey Elementary
  • Twanda Peace, Pinkston St. Elementary
  • Quentillia Crutchfield, STEM Early High School
  • Karen Suarez, Vance County High
  • Damian Davis, Vance County Middle School
  • Whitney Brodie, Zeb Vance Elementary

2023-2024 Assistant Principal of the Year Nominees:

  • Dr. C’monee Wilkins, Clarke Elementary
  • Facetia Branch, Dabney Elementary
  • Desmond Thompson, Vance County Middle
  • Angela Cusaac, Vance County High
  • McShell Edmonds, Vance County High

2023-2024 Principal of the Year Nominees

  • Dr. Carnetta Thomas, E.M. Rollins STEAM Academy
  • Dr. Michael Putney, Sr., Dabney Elementary
  • Dr. Shannon Bullock, L.B. Yancey Elementary
  • Dr. Stephanie Ayscue, Vance County Middle School
  • Dr. Jessica Perry, Vance Virtual Village Academy
NC State Board of Elections

North Carolina Voters Will See ‘No Labels’ On Future Ballots

North Carolina is now among a group of 10 states that has recognized the No Labels movement.

The State Board of Elections voted 4-1 over the weekend to allow the No Labels party to appear on ballots alongside the more traditional descriptors of Democrat, Republican, Independent and Unaffiliated.

In a June 2023 interview with WIZS, Pat McCrory, one of the national co-chairs of the movement, said he is in favor of more choices for voters.

“And if No Labels does come up with a President/Vice President team as an alternative for voters, dissatisfied with the options from traditional parties, make no mistake: “It’ll be to win, not to be a spoiler,” the former N.C. governor said on the June 20 TownTalk segment.

North Carolina joins nine other states – Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota and Utah – that have approved No Labels to appear on ballots.

“The No Labels movement has achieved a significant milestone, winning ballot access in 10 states,” said civil rights leader Dr. Benjamin J. Chavis, national co-chair of No Labels. “This is a historic victory for Americans who have said loud and clear they want more choices at the ballot box. The spirit of democracy is winning in America today.”

During that TownTalk interview, McCrory said No Labels seeks to provide a common-sense approach to address challenges that mainline parties find little on which to compromise.

“I’m a conservative who believes the more competition, the better.” Divisions and failure to find compromise among political parties only create chaos, he said back in June.

With a focus on common-sense policy solutions, practical compromise and cross-party collaboration, the No Labels movement has spent the past 13 years working to give voice to America’s commonsense majority.

Visit to learn more.

Alan Gill Steps In As Interim Director Of Vance County Board Of Elections

Alan Gill has been named to serve as interim Vance County Board of Elections director following the recent announcement that Melody Vaughan is stepping down from that position.

Gill told WIZS News Monday that he began today and he and Vaughan will have a couple of weeks to have some overlap before she leaves on Aug. 25.

“There’s a lot of things that need to go on,” Gill said, with city elections looming in early October and then elections in Kittrell and Middleburg a month later.

Gill has experience with elections that take place in the county and he has been a chief judge – mostly in the West Henderson polling location – since the early 2000’s. He also has worked the early vote sites since he retired from his job as director of the Vance County Recreation and Parks Department in 2014.

“If I can help, I’m glad to,” Gill said of his interim director role. “I’m actually quite happy just doing the chief judge duties, but didn’t want to see the Vance County Board of Elections left in a hard spot,” he added.

He also served a stint as deputy director a few years ago, so he has experience in much of the office operations, including processing registrations, cross-checking databases and updating addresses and voter information.

The position has been advertised, so Gill said he didn’t know how long this interim position will last. It could last through November, however, meaning that Gill will be the person leading the county’s election workers through the early-voting period and then carry out the Oct. 3 Henderson municipal elections.

“I know almost all of the election workers and most of the people that are at the sites that we use for voting,” Gill said, “so if I can help out and we get through this election in good shape, then I’ll be happy.”

Click Play – Broadcast Audio from 8-15-23

TownTalk: Macon Named Vance Co. Extension Director

When you work with the public, effective communication is an important asset. And knowing about interpersonal communication skills is a bonus.

Dr. Wykia Macon has come back home, and she’s brought a wealth of experience with her – experience she has gained from time spent studying and working in several places across the globe.

Macon has been selected to lead the Vance County Cooperative Extension Center, a job that she officially began on Aug. 1.

The director oversees a staff of 9 – but it’s 8 right now, because, you see, Macon used to be lead the 4-H program.

“My time in 4-H gave me time to get into the community,” she said Monday on TownTalk, “to partner with a variety of people.”

As she transitions from being a member of the staff to the leader of the staff, Macon no doubt will put those interpersonal communications skills to good use. It’s all about knowing how to interact and connect with people, she explained.

With a year of coursework in the area under her belt, Macon said she spent two years in Kenya as a member of the Peace Corps. There she lived and worked in a boarding school for the deaf.

“I realized there were a lot of things I didn’t know,” she said.

Her doctoral studies took her to work for policy change in Ethiopia and then to Cambodia.

One thing that she confirmed during her time in those other countries is that Americans are a bit more direct.

As she embarks on this new stage, Macon said she plans to use those communications skills to help build connections in the community.

“I’m excited to watch us grow in different ways – across program areas,” she said.

The cooperative extension is known for its agricultural component, but there are so many more programs that extension provides.

From 4-H to parenting programs, small farms to family and consumer sciences, cooperative extension offices across the state share research-based information and best practices.

“We’re all about research-based information,” she said. “We take that information from the universities (N.C. State and N.C. A&T State) and share it with our citizens.”

Macon said she hopes to spark an interest in idea of community gardens, a place where young people can learn more about planting, harvesting and then cooking the food that comes from the garden. The local Boys & Girls Club has a new garden, thanks to a collaboration with the cooperative extension, and Macon said she would like to see more pop up across the county.

This is one example of how cooperative extension can expand into the community, and Macon said she’s listening out for other opportunities, too.

“When I interact with people, I just try to keep an open mind,” she said, whether she’s speaking with someone younger or someone with more experience.

“We don’t know how to fully serve the community if we don’t listen,” she added.

There she goes, making good use of those interpersonal communications skills again.




Donate Blood In August, Get $10 To See A Movie

There are several blood donation clinics popping up in the area through the end of the month, and the American Red Cross has issued an appeal to donors to help keep hospital shelves stocked with lifesaving blood products.

Right now, the Red Cross especially needs type O negative, type O positive, type B negative and type A negative blood donors, as well as platelet donors.

Don’t know your blood type? Making a donation is an easy way to find out. The Red Cross will notify new donors of their blood type soon after they give.

Just to sweeten the pot, everyone who comes to give during August will get a $10 e-gift card to use at a movie merchant of their choice.

Find details at

Schedule an appointment to give by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Here’s a list of upcoming blood donation clinics in the area:



8/30/2023: 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Maria Parham Health, 566 Ruin Creek Rd.



8/31/2023: 1 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., Solid Rock Bible Way, 2 Risen Way



8/23/2023: 12 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Butner Town Hall, 415 Central Ave.

Dr. Wykia Macon New CED At Vance Cooperative Extension Center

Vance County native Dr. Wykia Macon has been chosen to be the director of the Vance County Cooperative Extension.

Macon has been the county’s 4-H agent since July 2020, and began her new role as cooperative extension director just a couple of weeks ago on Aug. 1.

“I am excited to support Cooperative Extension as we bring more relevant and useful programs that will benefit the community,” Macon stated in a press release. “I am very grateful for this opportunity and I look forward to further serving the community of Vance County in this capacity.

She is a 2005 graduate of Southern Vance High School, and earned a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from UNC-Chapel Hill.

Learn more about Macon’s commitment to her community, her work with the Peace Corps and her vision for how cooperative extension can work within the county on Monday, when she will be the featured guest on TownTalk. Tune in at 11 a.m. or listen to the podcast later.


Franklin County’s Novozymes Endows VGCC Scholarship

  • information courtesy of VGCC Public Information Officer Courtney Cissel

A global biotech company with a facility in Franklin County has endowed a new scholarship at Vance-Granville Community College.

Novozymes and VGCC recently announced the $15,000 gift, which currently could be up to $500 based on the level of investment income generated. Current VGCC students or newly enrolled students are eligible to receive the scholarship award based on their academic achievement.

“This scholarship presents another wonderful opportunity to expand resources that will allow us to educate, inspire, and support a diverse community of learners to achieve professional and personal success,” stated Tanya Weary, VGCC Foundation executive director.

Darren Alfano, head of People & Organization for Novozymes North America, made the presentation to VGCC President Dr. Rachel Desmarais, Weary and other school officials during a recent visit to the VGCC Franklin Campus

“The biotechnology industry is growing at a record pace as biosolutions continue to be developed for more applications every day,” Alfano commented. “From the food you eat to the clothes you wear, biosolutions are part of all of our daily lives. We are excited to partner with Vance-Granville Community College in providing high quality education to the future biotech workforce in our local communities.”

Considered a world leader in their field, Novozymes’ biosolutions enable everything from more drought-tolerant crops to cold water laundry washing to advancements in renewable energy. The company has expanded to serve 30-plus industries across 130 markets with enzymatic, microbial, advanced protein and digital solutions.

While the roots of international parent organization Novo Group reach back a century to the 1920s, Novozymes has had a presence in Franklin County since 1979, when the company arrived in North Carolina to establish its North America headquarters along with a manufacturing plant in Franklinton. Novozymes quickly formed a relationship with Vance-Granville Community College when the college’s Franklin Campus opened at its current location, and the company was instrumental in the construction of the campus’s biotech lab in 2001.

The VGCC Foundation offers over 300 endowments for scholarships VGCC students—more endowed scholarships than any other program of its kind in North Carolina. Scholarships have been endowed by numerous individuals, industries, businesses, civic groups, and churches, as well as the college’s faculty and staff. Tax-deductible donations to the VGCC Foundation have often been used to honor a person, group, business, or industry with a lasting gift to education. For more information, call 252.738.3409.

The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood: Air Filters


— For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS.

Air filters play a vital role in preventing dirt, grit and other impurities from fouling vehicle engines. In the old days, the air filter casing was pretty easy to spot: it was round like a donut and sat right up there on top in a housing that resembles a frying pan.

At least that’s how WIZS co-host John Stevenson said he describes it. These days, however, an air filter is likely found in a rectangular housing near the inside of one of the fenders.Stevenson and colleague Bill Harris discussed the finer points of air filters on the Pop the Hood segment of The Local Skinny!

Let the folks at Advance Auto Parts help you figure out the right type for your make and model.

With just a few bits of information – make, model, year and/or the VIN – the staff at Advance Auto can help you determine the exact type of filter you need.

The air filter should be changed annually – more often, though, if you drive along dusty areas like gravel roads or other places that kicks up dirt.

A clogged air filter can affect your vehicle’s overall performance, Stevenson said.

“It can affect your gas mileage and could throw a check engine light,” he said.

And if your vehicle rolled off the assembly line earlier than 1989, don’t go looking for its cabin air filter – they were first introduced in 1989.


The information contained in this post is not advice from Advance Auto Parts or WIZS.  Safety First!  Always seek proper help.  This is presented for its informational value on and is part of a paid advertising sponsorship.