Upcoming Blood Drives To Support American Red Cross

The American Red Cross needs donors to sign up to give blood to help meet their goal of 10,000 weekly blood and platelet donations. To sweeten the pot, all donors who come out between Oct. 21 and Nov. 9 will get a $10 gift card by email to a restaurant of their choice. Donors also will be automatically entered to wins a $5,000 gift card; one winner will be chosen at random each week during Oct. 21-Nov. 7, Red Cross officials said. See details at RedCrossBlood.org/Lunch.

As cold and flu season quickly approaches, the Red Cross reminds donors that they can still give blood or platelets after receiving a flu vaccine, as long as they are feeling healthy and well on the day of their donation. Likewise, there is no deferral or wait time for those receiving the updated COVID-19 vaccine.

Donors have been stepping up lately, which is good, but demand continues to outpace donations and the Red Cross has several upcoming blood drives in the four-county area.

Upcoming events are noted below:



10/23/2023: 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Henderson Family YMCA, 380 Ruin Creek Rd.

11/7/2023: 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Maria Parham Health, 566 Ruin Creek Rd.

11/7/2023: 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Vance Granville Community College, 200 Community College Rd.

11/8/2023: 8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Kerr Vance Academy, 700 Vance Academy Rd.



10/31/2023: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Granville Central High School, 2043 Sanders Rd.



10/21/2023: 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Rock Spring Baptist Church, 34 Rock Springs Church Rd.


A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

To make an appointment, use the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).  

TownTalk: Show Shine Shag And Dine Is This Weekend!

This weekend’s Show, Shine, Shag and Dine in downtown Henderson promises to bring car enthusiasts from all over to get their fill of fins, treads and gleaming chrome. And don’t forget all those horses under the hood.

The fun begins on Friday afternoon with a BBQ and cruise-in at Satterwhite Point on Kerr Lake and continues through the evening at Southern Classic Car, LLC on Horner Street.

The action continues all day on Saturday as nine blocks of Garnett Street transform into a festival jam-packed with fun for the whole family.

“It’s quite the challenge to get all of this pulled together,” said Pam Hester, Vance County’s tourism director. Hester, along with fellow tourism staffer Norman Dickerson, and organizers Charles Bowman and Danny Stanton were guests on Monday’s TownTalk to give a little peek about what festivalgoers can expect.

It’s the 21st annual event, and registration of the old cars – 1994 models and older – will be from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Saturday.

The annual Corbitt truck show and reunion will take place along Garnett Street between the city fire station and Sunrise Biscuit. Check out vehicles that were made right here in Henderson at Corbitt Truck Company.

More than 30 awards will be given to winners in a variety of categories; the awards ceremony will take place around 3:30 p.m.

Hester said folks who come back year after year can expect to see many familiar things, including those Corbitt trucks and food vendors. But they also will see some new features, including a performance by Jimmy Barrier and the Sound Barriers, who are on the schedule for the first time this year.

“It’s just a whole lot of pieces…that fall together at the right time and right place,” Hester said of the annual event. “And there are new pieces every year.”

Because there’s no pre-registration, Dickerson said the number of participants is sort of a surprise every year.

“Generally, if it’s a beautiful day…attendance and participation’s usually through the roof,” Dickerson said. “The weather is a big factor,” but he said the number historically is around 400. That’s folks who drive in or trailer in. their hot rods, creampuffs and classic cars.

Stanton was in charge of the drag cars last year, and he’ll be overseeing that aspect again this year. “I’m trying to get the race cars back involved as much as possible,” Stanton said.

“You get a lot of maybes, but (also) some definites,” he said. The drag racers will be on display near the old train depot at Montgomery and Garnett streets.

Beer & Gear’s Jeep Jam will convene again at Curtis White’s real estate office. Any make, model and year of Jeep is welcome, and Carol Terwilliger and her volunteers hope for another good showing this year.

Stanton said he’s likely going to be showing off his ’55 Chevy during the weekend. He’s redone the interior and juiced up the engine a bit so that “it makes a little noise.”

“I’ve been a car guy all my life,” Stanton said. “I’m really looking forward to the weekend.

Want to learn more about getting your drag racer in the show? Contact Stanton at 252.432.5544.

See the flyer at http://www.kerrlake-nc.com/images/flyer-2023.pdf




Henderson Mayor Runoff Election Set For Nov. 7; Early Voting Begins Oct. 19

Significant updates and changes have occurred since this original post on Oct. 13.  It is strongly recommended that you review the new information available as of 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 17, 2023 in bold rather than the original post.

The Vance County Board of Elections has called for a “recess” in the post-election canvass process – that 10-day window following an election that officials have to verify and certify results.

This action comes one week after the Oct. 10 nonpartisan municipal elections in Henderson that included contests for four City Council seats and a four-candidate field for mayor.

A runoff had been set for the mayoral contest, but those plans also were put on hold earlier today, per the N.C. State Board of Elections. The recess means that none of the contests have been certified.

In a meeting held at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Vance Board of Elections Chair James Baines issued the following statement:

“The Vance County Board of Elections is recessing Canvass completion for the Municipal Election that occurred on 10-October-23 because the State Board of Elections has not yet completed the investigation regarding the geocoding issue. Canvass will reconvene once the State Board of Elections notifies the County Board of the completion of the investigation and resolution to the issue.”

As elections board members explained, the process of certifying election results considers all contests as one process; results must “be submitted to the state at once,”  board member Cathy Clodfelter said Tuesday. So because all of the results have not been certified, none of the contests has been certified.

Earlier Tuesday afternoon, Vance County Board of Elections Director Jennifer Cocklin informed WIZS News that early voting – set to begin in two days’ time – would not begin as previously announced.

Cocklin read the brief statement to WIZS News from the state board of elections:

“The results of the 10-October-2023 Vance County municipal election have not been officially declared by law, therefore the run-off election cannot be called for at this time.”

A glitch in geocoding is at the heart of the issue, and elections officials acknowledged the state board of the possible problem. As part of election coverage to announce the unofficial results on Oct. 10, WIZS included a statement from Baines that was issued after the polls had closed:

“The Vance County Board of Elections is aware of a geocoding issue that may have caused some voters in the city of Henderson elections to receive a ballot in Tuesday’s election that did not have the correct alderman ward contest. The County Board immediately notified the State Board of Elections, which is working with the county to determine how many voters’ ballots were affected. Election night results are always unofficial, and the post-election canvass process will ensure that the votes are counted correctly for each contest. Election officials will provide additional information about this situation as it becomes available.”

Cocklin provided few details about next steps, but she said she has provided information to the state board as it is requested.
“They’re asking us and we’re providing information as quickly as we can,” she said. “The only thing I know is they are working on it,” she said, “meeting every day – at least once every day.”

Just in case you need a refresher course in civics, here’s some information from the state board of elections website:

“Results on election night are unofficial. Canvass is the official process of determining if the votes have been counted and tabulated correctly, resulting in the authentication of the official election results.

For close elections, the canvass period is especially important. During this time, elections officials count absentee ballots that came in before the deadline and research provisional ballots to determine whether they should be counted.

In every county, the canvass meeting when the results are certified is 10 days after Election Day. Because elections thrive on transparency, the canvass meeting is open to the public.”


Original Post Oct. 13, 2023:

County elections officials have confirmed that a runoff election to determine the next mayor of the City of Henderson is set for Tuesday, Nov. 7. Residents will be able to vote early, beginning Thursday, Oct. 19.

None of the four mayoral candidates received the 50 percent plus 1 vote needed to be declared the winner in Tuesday’s nonpartisan municipal elections; Melissa Elliott led the field with just more than 48 percent of the vote, and Greg Etheridge requested a runoff on Wednesday. That request was granted when it became clear that the provisional ballots would not be enough to give Elliott the necessary votes to prevent a runoff.

The person who receives more votes will be declared the winner.

The early voting period will run from Thursday, Oct. 19 until Friday, Nov. 3.  The Monday-through-Friday hours are 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.
The location is the Dr. Andrea Harris City of Henderson Operations Center on Beckford Drive.  And just as was the case for the recent municipal election, the final Saturday before the runoff date will feature early voting as well.  That lone Saturday, Nov. 4, features early voting hours of 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m.

If all of that seems familiar, it is because essentially it’s the same in principle as the election that was just held.  The new director of the board of elections, Jennifer Cocklin, told WIZS News the early voting had “to be done the same way.”

And when the runoff date of Nov. 7 arrives, voters will be able to return to the nine precincts used most recently and vote from 6:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m.

Henderson Man Dies In Early-Morning Shooting; Manson Man Charged


A Manson man faces a first-degree murder charge in the early-morning shooting death of a Henderson man.

Daniel Blake Grissom died from his injuries and the condition of a second male victim is unknown at this time.

In a press release issued this afternoon, Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame said Eric Ryan Hill was taken into custody without incident. Sheriff’s deputies responded to the 200 block of Gillburg Lane and found the two men who had been shot. They were taken to area hospitals. The name of the second victim has not been released.

Few details are available, but a social media post by the sheriff’s office before 8 a.m. today included a photo of the suspect and said he had been seen driving a white Ford Explorer in the vicinity of the Sheetz on Ruin Creek Road at 7:47 a.m.

It is unclear where or when the suspect was apprehended.

Detectives from the Vance County Sheriff’s Office are handling the investigation.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact the Vance County Sheriff’s Office.

The Local Skinny! Duke Remote Area Medical Clinic Update

The Remote Area Medical pop-up clinic that set up shop back in May provided $186,000 in free medical, dental and vision care to people who attended the weekend event.

Saajan Patel and Anvi Charvu, both upperclassmen at Duke University, helped to organize the two-day clinic and provided a follow-up report on Thursday’s The Local Skinny!

“The clinic went really well,” Patel said.

Health professionals were able to attend to 230 different patients who came to the parking lot of Vance Charter School where the pop-up clinic was held.

In addition to many children seeing a doctor for the first time, Patel said there were 30 dental cleanings performed, 92 tooth extractions and 140 pairs of glasses made on the spot to give to those in need.

This is the second year that RAM has had a clinic in Henderson, and Charvu attributed this year’s success to having more volunteers to help things run more efficiently and smoother.

“Our first year, we had a limited number of volunteers, so we had a limited capacity,” Charvu said. This year, clients could pretty much walk in and be served, she added.

Duke sophomore Grace Wang is helping to plan next year’s clinic, which will most likely take place in February 2024. Wang said she was impressed with the “amazing energy” of the volunteers and the health professionals who provided the care during the May clinic.

Don’t want to wait until February? There’s a RAM clinic at Nash Central High School in Rocky Mount this weekend, Patel said.

The pop-up clinics are “band aid” solutions to the overarching challenge of health care inequities, Patel said. RAM clinics are free and open to anyone – with or without insurance.

The May clinic demographics broke down like this: 48 percent of clients were African American, 20 percent were Hispanic; 79 percent had not completed a college degree and 64 percent had neither dental nor vision insurance.

“We want to continue expanding and educating everyone” on how to solve the challenge of health care inequity, Patel said. Wang said the RAM organizers are partnering with local agencies like the health department, Triangle North Healthcare Foundation and others to help make a difference.

“We want to support the health of this county in more ways than one,” Wang said.

Visit www.ramusa.org to learn more or to view the clinic schedule.



SportsTalk: KVA Prepares For Tournaments

Schools around the area are approaching state playoffs and conference tournaments.  Kerr Vance Academy is no exception.  The school’s Volleyball team, currently ranked 7th in the state, will take on Faith Christian in the second round of their conference tournament in Rocky Mount after receiving a first round bye, according to Mike Joyner, KVA Athletic Director.  Once the conference tournament finishes up it’s likely KVA will have some more home games to start off state playoffs.  “Depending on how the conference finishes, it’s likely we will get more home games,” Joyner said.

Soccer and Tennis have also finished their regular season.  “We will likely have to travel in the first round,” Joyner said in regards to his soccer and tennis teams. “We are waiting for seeding,” Joyner added.

Basketball is also gearing up for JV girls and boys and varsity girls and boys.  Basketball season opens Oct. 30th.

And if that weren’t enough Joyner is also prepping the school’s swim team.  “We have six or seven swimmers and we are hoping to schedule meets closer to home this year,” Joyner commented. Joyner was a guest on Wednesday’s SportsTalk on WIZS.


TownTalk: Mayoral Race Still Uncertain

The text of this story has been updated since originally posted October 11th.

The outcome of Tuesday’s Henderson mayoral race remains uncertain, and the two top vote-getters are headed to a Nov. 7 runoff election.

Melissa Elliott earned 898 votes from the 1,856 individuals who voted in the nonpartisan municipal elections, which constitutes 48.57 percent – just short of the 50 percent, plus 1 vote state statute requires to be considered the winner.

Greg Etheridge garnered 746 votes, just more than 40 percent. Etheridge said in an email Wednesday that he had submitted his request for a runoff to the county board of elections.

Elliott said as of Wednesday that provisional ballots and mail-in ballots were yet to be included in the overall count, so she said it was premature as of Wednesday for her to comment on a possible runoff.

In a written statement sent Tuesday evening to WIZS News, Etheridge thanked his supporters and laid out plans for a Nov. 7 runoff.

In part, his statement read: “You are the reason I am going to continue the fight for safer neighborhoods, affordable housing, jobs with living wages, a vibrant downtown, and lower property taxes in our wonderful hometown.”

About 20 percent of the city’s residents voted during the early voting period and Tuesday’s election day – 1,856 of the city’s 9,285 registered voters.

In a phone interview Wednesday, Elliott said she chooses not to criticize those who did not vote, but she applauds those who did come out to vote.

“Right now, I’m the winner and I’m going to stay the winner,” she said.

Elections officials planned to open the provisional ballot box on Friday, Oct. 13 at 12 noon.

A simple math problem shows that of those 9,285 registered voters, 1,856 exercised their right to vote, leaving a whopping 7,429 who did not vote at all.