Maria Parham Health Hosts Reception, Meet And Greet For Surgical Robot
Part of Maria Parham Hospital’s main lobby was set up Monday to simulate one of its operating rooms, but not just a run-of-the-mill OR. Yes, there were some usual sights – a “patient” on a table, employees in scrubs, but there also was a console, a monitor and a device situated over the operating table with arm-like extensions.
It was all a part of a daylong reception to officially welcome a robot called Da Vinci to its new home at Maria Parham.
Maria Parham Public Information Officer Donna Young said the robot is a product of medical device company Intuitive; it’s been helping out in OR 3 since Oct. 1.
The hospital held a contest to encourage folks in the community to suggest a name for the four-armed high-tech equipment, which was announced at the end of the reception. Drum roll, please: Lady D is the robot’s name – short for Lady da Vinci.
Three surgeons use the system at this point, but others will complete the training so they can use it, too.
Instead of standing or sitting beside the patient, the surgeon peers into a console to see the area of the body being operated on and manipulates with the thumb and middle finger in a glove-like device that moves the robot’s arms.
Two Intuitive representatives were on hand Monday to answer questions about the device and to invite individuals to test out the system, which allows surgeons to perform complex operations with precision and control.
Maria Parham’s robot will be used for abdominal surgeries, but future plans include adding some urological and gynecological procedures, hospital officials said.
In addition to the advantages that the robot offers surgeons, patients also benefit from the minimally invasive surgeries and procedures, including a lower risk of infection, smaller scars, less trauma to surrounding healthy tissue and a quicker recovery.