Granville Vance Public Health Logo

Latest Local Virus and Vaccine Update (2-25-21)

The following has been cut and pasted from email correspondence from Lisa Harrison, director Granville Vance Public Health:

There have been 5,157 cases of COVID-19 in Granville County and 4,258 cases of COVID-19 in Vance County for a total of 9,415 across the health district.

Sadly, there have been 76 deaths as a result of COVID-19 in Granville County and 80 deaths in Vance County.

As our focus shifts to vaccine efforts, we will begin reporting updates about the numbers vaccinated in each of our counties. This information, as well as demographic information, can also be found at

Vance County — 

Total Doses Administered: 10,119
First Doses Administered: 6,259
Second Doses Administered: 3,860
Percentage of Population Received 1st Dose: 14%
Percentage of Population Received 2nd Dose: 8.7%

Granville County —
Total Doses Administered: 14,324
First Doses Administered: 9,041
Second Doses Administered: 5,283
Percentage of Population Received 1st Dose: 15%
Percentage of Population Received 2nd Dose: 8.7%

We encourage you to visit the NCDHHS COVID-19 Dashboard. Relevant graphs from these dashboards are available on our website at

We continue to follow North Carolina’s risk-based priorities with scheduling appointments. In addition to continuing to provide vaccine for those in Groups 1 and 2, we have begun to slowly add on Group 3 with a two-week on-ramp allowed for school and child care employees. For school employees, we are working closely with public and private schools in both counties to schedule their employees for vaccine clinics so teachers and school employees do not have to call the hotline at this time. All other eligible school and child care workers may call the GVPH COVID Vaccine Hotline at 252-295-1503 to schedule an appointment.

We held our biggest mass vaccination clinic to date yesterday at Ritchie Bros Auction facility in Butner/Creedmoor. We were able to vaccinate over 1,200 individuals including many of our school and child care employees. We are grateful for the hard work of our GVPH team and the support of the Granville County School Nurses, Vance County School Nurses, NC National Guard, Granville County Sheriff’s Dept, Granville County Emergency Management and many other partners in protecting our residents 1 shot at a time!

Over the past two weeks, we have also been administering a lot of second doses, including large clinics at the Granville County Expo Center and the follow-up event with Vance County Schools and Maria Parham Hospital for the event we had in January. GVPH is scheduling second dose appointments when we administer the first vaccine. A reminder about second doses, both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines may be scheduled up to 6 weeks (42 days) after the first dose. If you do not get your second dose within 6 weeks, you do not need to start again at the first dose. If you do not get your second dose at the recommended time, you should still get it. The vaccine can be given up to four days early and still work. See more information about vaccine products at the CDC website.

We will continue to add other members of Group 3, Frontline Essential Workers, on March 10th. We are already working together with local child care centers, schools, church partners, court systems, businesses, and large industrial groups to ensure we can plan well. Keep in mind, we only have appointments available one week at a time since the delivery of vaccines varies somewhat. We (usually) get new doses in each week, and, related to that number of doses we receive, open up more appointments each week.

Again, the message to remember is that we will get rid of every vaccine dose we have in our possession each week on the groups we are allowed to vaccinate at this time in an equitable fashion, and we will work hard to register, reach out, and communicate the timing of each group’s turn as soon as we are able. We are making good progress. Always check our web site for the latest updates

VGCC is Workforce Development, Community Engagement, Entrepreneurship Haven

With the stroke of a pen, Vance-Granville Community College President Dr. Rachel Demarais joined more than 200 of her colleagues across the country to show support of entrepreneurship.

Demarais was joined by Tanya Weary, dean of South Campus and Dr. Jerry Edmonds, vice president of Workforce Development and Community Engagement on Tuesday, Feb. 23 for the virtual signing of the “Presidents for Entrepreneurship Pledge,” which took place at the community book read and discussion for Who Owns the Ice House: Eight Life Lessons from an Unlikely Entrepreneur.

The pledge outlines five action steps to increase focus on entrepreneurship and the impact community colleges have on the economic well-being of the communities they serve, according to information from the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE).

In signing the pledge, more than 200 community colleges across the country are making a commitment to play a greater role in stimulating economic development in their communities. “An entrepreneurial mindset is critical to solving today’s challenges for tomorrow,” Demarais said.

“As a lead workforce developer in our region, it is imperative that VGCC support economic development through both skills and entrepreneurial training,” she added. Programs offered through the VGCC Small Business Center as well as incorporating entrepreneurial thinking in the school’s trades programs contribute to promoting the idea of entrepreneurism, she said.

According to NACCE President and CEO Rebecca Corbin, the pledge is a way for community colleges to advance entrepreneurship and create jobs across the country. Community college presidents who take the pledge commit to these five action steps:

  • Develop transparency of community college and community assets
  • Create internal and external teams dedicated to entrepreneurship
  • Increase entrepreneurs’ engagement in community colleges
  • Engage in industry cluster development
  • Create broad exposure to their college’s commitment to entrepreneurship.

The National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE) is the nation’s leading organization focused on promoting entrepreneurship through community colleges. The association represents more than 300 community and technical colleges who serve more than three million students. For more information, visit Follow NACCE on Twitter at @NACCE and like NACCE on Facebook at National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship.

Granville Co. Public Schools to Offer International Baccalaureate Program at G.C. Hawley

If all goes according to schedule, parents with children currently in 4th grade in Granville County Public Schools will have one more option to choose from when it comes to middle school. G.C. Hawley Middle School is scheduled to become part of the International Baccalaureate program in fall of 2022.

Although planning is in initial stages, the Granville County Board of Education approved the designation for the school earlier this month, according to Dr. Stan Winborne, assistant superintendent for operations & human resources and public information officer.

Leading the effort is Dr. Chris Ham, current principal at Hawley Middle School, located in Creedmoor. “My team and I are excited to have the opportunity to bring this world-renowned program to Granville County in the near future. The IB program, in my opinion, is the absolute best learning opportunity available,” he stated.

The board authorized Superintendent Dr. Alisa McLean to research implementation of the IB program at a retreat held in the fall of 2020. The IB program, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, “offers a rigorous, engaging curriculum that relies on a different approach to teaching and learning,” according to information provided by the school district. The curriculum extends across content areas and has an additional focus on multilingualism.

Although there is no cost to the students, the district has to pay for the curriculum, as well as invest in additional training for staff. In making its decision to proceed with the IB designation, the board cited “the necessity to offer new, competitive programs in an effort to increase opportunities for the students of Granville County,” Winborne’s statement noted.  The program will be offered as a “Choice Program” to all middle school students in the county for the fall of 2022.

Parents will receive more information as planning continues.

Ham was the first principal at Granville Early College High School, and he established the district’s Choice Program. He has been an educator for more than 25 years; 14 of those years have been spent as a principal.

McLean said only a handful of districts in North Carolina offer the IB program. “Bringing this to our district will be an amazing opportunity for our students,” she stated. “I am so excited about being able to give our students the best there is to offer. This will truly be a win for our students and their families.”

Next steps for Ham and his staff will be setting up meetings and training dates with members of the IB organization to create a timeline for implementation. The IB program, he said, “will greatly enhance the learning experience for our students and will help prepare them to engage in the world they will be a part of after their education is complete.

Board Chairman David Richardson said he is looking forward to the possibility of extending the IB program to the high school level as students move from the middle school to the next level.

Learn more about the IB middle years program at .


NCDOT Resurfacing Project Awarded for Granville County

— press release courtesy of NCDOT

Thanks to a new contract awarded by the N.C. Department of Transportation, nearly 12 miles of area roadway will be resurfaced.

Under a $643,000 contract, Boxley Materials Company of Roanoke, Va., will mill and resurface pavement on sections of five state-maintained roads in eastern Granville County.

The roads to be resurfaced are Hight Road, Peaces Chapel Road, Tommie Sneed Road, Grove Hill Road and Flat Rock Road.

This work can start as soon as July 1 and must be complete by the end of July 2022.


Downtown Oxford Sponsoring “Mum’s Morning Out”

A group of downtown Oxford businesses is sponsoring “Mum’s Morning Out” on Saturday, Feb. 27 which will include a spring fashion show, raffles and giveaways. Seating is limited, so purchase tickets soon to participate in this fun-filled event.

Tickets are $5 and are available at Oxford City Hall, 300 Williamsboro Street. The fun begins with check-in at 9 a.m. at the Orpheum Theatre in downtown Oxford, where participants can enjoy a mimosa while they get a peek at upcoming spring fashion trends for the whole family. Local merchants Nan’s and CSquared are supplying the clothing for the “Runway Fashion Show.”

Following the fashion show, participants will be able to review a program of downtown offerings, in-store raffles and giveaways and spend a little time shopping downtown. Northern Point Realty invited the group to visit its office at 10:45 a.m. for “nibbles and an adult beverage.” Northern Point Realty , located at 139 Hillsboro St., also is sponsoring a raffle basket for $100 in “Downtown Dollars.”

In addition to the $100 raffle, The Home Decorator Shoppe is sponsoring four flower giveaways and the Downtown Economic Development Corporation will raffle off two $50 Downtown Dollars certificates. Raffle winners must be present to collect their prize.

Ticketholders also will pick up a sure-to-please swag bag of goodies.

Space is limited to 25 at the fashion show, but other events at individual retailers  should be available throughout the day.

Sponsors of the event are:

Home Decorator Shoppe

Northern Point Realty

Granville Health System

Steel Magnolias Salon


Kerr Tar Workforce and NCWorks

Looking A Job – Look Here Before Feb 25

It’s a job seeker’s market, according to a local NC Works official who announced a couple of upcoming opportunities that could lead to employment.

Desiree Brooks, business services manager of the Workforce Development Board of the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments, said participants interested in work at Altec can register for an event that will begin at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 25.

Altec, which builds bucket trucks, has a facility in Creedmoor in southern Granville County.

A second opportunity scheduled for Thursday is the Triangle Virtual Regional IT Career Expo, Brooks said. A group of area workforce development groups is hosting this event, which will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

There are many opportunities in the Kerr-Tar region for jobs in the IT field, she said. A job may not be working for an IT company, but there are businesses hiring for IT-related jobs, she said. “We’re all coming together for a common need,” she said.
We all share the same goals – to improve workforce, not just in our area, but across North Carolina,” she said.

This virtual career fair is for employers who are looking for workers as well as for job seekers, she said. Register for this event online at or phone 919.693.2686 to get assistance or to learn more about either event.

Therapy Dog Riley Assists GCPS Social-Emotional Learning Programs

Butner-Stem Middle School celebrated Kindness Week recently by sending ValenKIND messages to each other. Students and staff completed 368 ValenKIND messages, according to information from the school and from Dr. Stan Winborne, Granville County Public Schools Assistant Superintendent for Operations & Human Resources and public information officer.

Each ValenKIND contained a message of kindness and support that were sent to students, and was one way to support students while they are learning remotely.

“It was really fun to play cupid this month and spread a little cheer. It was touching to see the kind messages students wrote to each other and their teachers,” said Raisse Ward, a BSMS guidance counselor.  It’s really obvious that we have built strong relationships with our students,” Ward said.

Jan Leiner, Career Technical Education (CTE) teacher at the middle school, said she received several ValenKIND messages from students and colleagues, and she said she especially appreciated the expressions of support as a way to offset the stress of remote learning and teaching.  Students and staff were able to create a valentine like pictures with personal messages to another person, Leiner explained. “Each day I would find a new post and it warmed my heart to receive such kind and wonderful posts,” she said.

The kindness activity is one example of efforts that BSMS has undertaken as part of a school-wide effort to meet student needs during the school year. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs, including the ValenKIND activity, as well as another program to help teachers build relationships with their students.

Teachers lead Restorative Practices activities and Second Step lessons for 20 minutes each weekday as a way to help them get to know their students.

Apryl Holbert, 8th grade math teacher, said she enjoys Morning Meetings, “Morning Meetings are a great way to get to know my students, especially while we are virtual! I love that they will be open and share their opinions. It is really cool to see that I have things in common with middle schoolers and it gives me insight on how to keep them interested in my class!”

The BSMS campus also gets visits from a therapy dog named Riley as part of the SEL program. Riley is a therapy dog with PetPalsNC and visited the school each week before students moved to remote learning. During the pandemic, Riley, with the help of his human partner Cathy Allen, sends the students weekly updates on what he’s been up to. Allen is a retired teacher with Granville County Public Schools.

Camirra Williamson reads his letters weekly. Williamson is a Project Lead the Way teacher at BSMS and said she enjoys reading the letter.  “They are like a nice pick-me-up during this quarantine and winter weather! His little stories are cute and fun,” she added.

Until students can return to in-person learning, Riley visits virtually with students. Bradley Bullock, a student in Christeanna Friend’s 6th grade English Language Arts class, said “I like that he is always adorable and makes me feel happy and calm.”

A therapy dog is a dog that has completed training and assessments and receives a certification to work as a team with its handler to help children and adults.

Riley visits groups of students and enjoys the company of some students in individual sessions. Students have learned about how to care for a dog and they enjoy reading to him.

Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Granville County Chamber of Commerce to Close South Office

According to information received from the Granville County Chamber of Commerce, the south office in Creedmoor will close April 15, 2021.

The southern Granville office is located at 1598 NC Hwy 56, Suite 4, Creedmoor, NC, 27522.

The email correspondence said, “In order to more efficiently serve all of our members, the Chamber Board of Directors” announces it will consolidate the Chamber offices and relocate the “South Office operations to the Oxford Office,” which is located at 124 Hillsboro Street, Oxford, NC, 27565.

It is a belt-tightening measure in response to covid.

“The Granville County Chamber of Commerce seeks to promote a healthy economy with good business conditions, support good government, improve community relations and market services and programs for Chamber members.  …  We look forward to continuing to work alongside each of our chamber member businesses to make Granville County a great place to live and work,” the email announcement said.

Altec Virtual Hiring Event Tues, Feb 23

Altec is having a virtual hiring event. It will take place Tuesday, February 23 at 11 a.m.

The Kerr Tar Regional Council of Governments informed WIZS News about the NCWorks Career Center event.

The hiring event with Altec will feature opportunities for assemblers, welders, machinists, mechanics and electricians.

Register at

For additional assistance email or or call 919.693.2686.


VITA Tax Assistance

Vance VITA Not Able To Use Library To Operate

Katrina Reid with Vance County Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) reports to WIZS News, “Due to COVID-19, the Vance County VITA program that’s held at the Perry Library is closed.”

The library is not open to the public at this time.

For additional assistance, reach out to Reid at 252.432.6642.

In her correspondence, she provided some other free sites that are open in our immediate area.

Granville County Senior Center
107 Lanier Street, Oxford NC 27565
Feb.11-Apr. 15
Appointment is required

Warren Family Institute VITA
427 West Franklin Street Bldg 6
Warrenton NC 27589
Feb.13-Apr. 16
Appointment is required

Helping Hand VITA
2197 Moss Hayes Road
Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church
Creedmoor, NC 27522
Jan. 22-Apr. 30
Appointment is required