Oxford Board to Discuss Increased Benefits for Employees at Oct. 9 Meeting

-Information courtesy Cynthia Bowen, City Clerk, City of Oxford

The City of Oxford Board of Commissioners will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2018, at 7 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Board Room, City Hall.

Among the agenda items:

Recognition – October Yard of the Month – Karen Keeton, 511 Harris Street

Recognition – Grand Prize Yard of the Month winner

Presentation by Mobil 311

Public Hearing to receive public input on the City seeking a $500,000 loan to repair city streets.

Consider accepting Certificate of Sufficiency for petition of voluntary, contiguous annexation by Granville County and consider adopting a resolution calling for an annexation.

Consider a request from Barbara and Ronald Harris to subdivide the property located on the corner of Broad and West Street.

Consider adopting a more uniform bereavement policy.

Consider adopting a longevity pay policy.

Consider adopting an employee annual leave buy-back policy.

Consider adopting an updated tuition assistance program policy.

Consider approving a request for an extension/amendment to audit contract.

Consider approving the 2018-2028 beverage agreement for Oxford Park Athletic Complex.

City of Creedmoor & Granville Chamber Present Govt. Sunrise Forum, Oct. 12

— Information and flyer courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce | Ginnie Currin, Executive Director ~ 919-693-6125 ~ ginnie@granville-chamber.com

The Granville County Chamber’s Sunrise Forum will be hosted by the City of Creedmoor on Friday, October 12, 2018. A light breakfast will be served at 7:45 a.m.; program to officially begin at 8 a.m.

The forum will be held in Creedmoor City Hall’s Boardroom located at 111 Masonic St., Creedmoor.

Those in attendance will discover how the City of Creedmoor is working to make life better for those who live and work there.

Respond to Toni Anne Wheeler – 919.528.4994, tawheeler@granville-chamber.com or Wanda Garrett – 919.693.6125, wanda@granville-chamber.com.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

J.F. Webb Public Hearing Guidelines

Granville County Public Schools would like to make sure certain guidelines are in place and met at the upcoming J.F. Webb High School and J.F. Webb High School Health and Life Sciences Public Hearing scheduled for Tuesday, October 9, 2018.

It will take place at the J.F. Webb High School cafeteria.

In a news release, the following guidelines were provided:

-Guest speakers must “Sign up” to speak (up to 30 minutes prior to the 7pm Public Hearing start time);

-The guest speaker sheet will be pulled to close sign-up at 7pm;

-Guests will have 4 minutes to speak;

-The hearing is scheduled to last until 8:30 p.m. If there are still guests who signed up waiting to comment at 8:30 p.m, the Board can decide by majority vote whether to extend the hearing or make some other accommodation;

-The Board of Education will only listen to guests, as no responses or decisions will be provided that evening;

-The Board of Education will take the public input and study information under advisement and will deliberate and make a final decision at a later public meeting.

Granville County Logo

Granville County Library System announces staff changes, new hires

— press release

GRANVILLE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM: Granville County Government announces that Interim Director Will Robinson has been named Director of the Granville County Library System, effective Oct. 1. Robinson has been serving as Interim Director since June of 2018, previously serving as Manager of the South Branch Library in Creedmoor.

Robinson earned his Masters degree in Library Science from the University of South Carolina in 2012 and has previous experience with the Wilson County Library System, where he served as librarian in the Local History Library and later was the library’s Head of Reference. He worked in Wilson, NC for five years before assuming the role of Manager of the South Branch in December of 2017.  He also holds a B.A. degree in Anthropology from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

Penelope Mason, former Children’s Librarian for the Richard H. Thornton Library, was named Manager of the South Branch Library in August. Mason has worked for the Granville County Library System since March of 2011 and holds a Masters Degree in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, as well as a Bachelors degree in Education from the University of Mount Olive. In her new role, she will perform supervisory, administrative and customer service duties in support of the Library System’s operations.

Hired as the new Children’s Services Librarian at the Richard H. Thornton Library is Amy Carlson of Maryville, TN. Carlson has experience working with children and teens through previous employment as a church ministry assistant, through missionary work on the International Mission Board in Kenya, through work with the Boys and Girls Club and other youth-related programs. She holds a Masters degree in Information Sciences, as well as a Bachelors degree in English from the University of Tennessee.

Carlson begins her role as Children’s Librarian on Oct 16.

Ashley Wilson will also begin work with the Granville County Library System on Oct. 16, serving as Adult Services Librarian at the Thornton branch.

A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh with a Masters degree in Library Science, Wilson recently completed a one-year internship with the Point Park University Center Library as a reference librarian. With an extensive background in customer service – which includes classroom instruction, research, promotional events and technology – Wilson also holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology. A current resident of Chapel Hill, Wilson replaces former Adult Services Librarian Carly Cox, who resigned in June to pursue a teaching career.

There are four branches of the Granville County Library System, which includes the Richard H. Thornton branch in Oxford, the South Branch in Creedmoor, the Stovall Branch and the Berea Branch Library. For more information about services and programs offered through the Granville County Library, visit www.granville.lib.nc.us.


Granville Shriners Fish Fry (Oct. 10)

In the cover photo – Bob Hair, with the Burlington Shrine Club, brought his club’s hospital transport van affectionately known as “the roadrunner” to the 55th annual Henderson Shrine Fish Fry in 2018.

According to Hair, the roadrunner has traveled many a mile to bring children to the closest Shriner’s hospital in Greenville, SC. “Two Shriners ride in the van to take sick children to the hospital,” said Hair. “We stay with them until they get through it [procedure] and then we bring them back home.”

Now it’s time for the Granville County Shrine Club’s Annual Fish Fry.  It’s coming up this Wednesday, Oct 10th and will take place at the Shrine Club on Roxboro Road, Hwy 158 in Oxford.

See more – click here – on the Granville County Shrine Club’s Facebook Page.

The club’s Facebook page, which is where this information was obtained, also says:



(Click here for the original Granville Shrine Club post.)


Granville County Public Schools Public Hearing on Proposed Consolidation Oct 9

— courtesy Granville County Public Schools

The Board of Education will meet on October 9, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. at JF Webb High School, to review information compiled by school system staff regarding the proposed consolidation of J.F. Webb High School and J.F. Webb School of Health & Life Sciences, as well as other topics. During this meeting the Board may hold a closed session pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a).

At 7 p.m. on October 9, the Board will hold a public hearing pursuant to G.S. 115C-72 on the proposed consolidation of J.F. Webb High School and J.F. Webb School of Health & Life Sciences. The purpose of this hearing will be for the Board to receive comments from the public regarding the proposed consolidation. Members of the public wishing to comment on the proposed consolidation are encouraged to attend this hearing. Procedures for the hearing, along with a copy of information provided to the Board regarding the proposal, will be made available to the public prior to the hearing via the school system’s website.

Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Granville Alive After Five, Oct 18th, Jim Quick and Coastline

— courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce

JIM QUICK AND COASTLINE BAND to Perform at Alive After Five
Thursday, OCTOBER 18TH ~ 5:30 – 8:30 pm
Oxford’s Downtown Parking Lot

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the postponed date for the last Alive After Five event of 2018 – Thursday, October 18th – will feature the music and entertainment of JIM QUICK AND COASTLINE BAND. This very popular and well-known group of entertainers is looking forward to performing after the original date was delayed due to Hurricane Florence.

Jim Quick “is the kind of guy you genuinely want to call a friend. With the charm only a true Southerner can possess, he brings his talent to the stage with a quick-witted, knee-slapping sense of humor coupled with the clear sincerity of his love for his craft.

As a child, I was real mischievous playing pranks and makin’ jokes, doin’ stupid stuff you do as a kid. People would laugh. The more they laughed, the more I’d act a fool. It was like applause for more, more, more. I loved being the center of attention. Still do. Add music and, well, that’s spice to the concoction! That’s how I roll.”

And, “roll” he does. Quick’s been touring the Southeast US for more than 20 years, playing nearly 250+ shows per year, and has released more than 11 albums including his newest DOWN SOUTH. Originally introducing their music as the Coastline Band – a band of friends who played the Carolina beach bars day in and day out – the group pushed Quick to the forefront and naturally transformed into Jim Quick & Coastline. Known for his all-out performances and deliberate, off-the-cuff wisecracks, Jim has been a gracious recipient of the Carolina Music Awards “Entertainer Of The Year Award” – sixteen times.

The Chamber’s Alive After Five outdoor event is free to attend. Chamber member concession vendors will be available from which to purchase food and beverages.

Come early, bring a chair, listen to this incredible music, dance and enjoy visiting with friends. The last Alive After Five event of 2018 will be a night to remember as Jim Quick and Coastline Band takes the stage!

Granville Crime Stoppers

Thief Wanted For Taking Pig Cooker in Stovall

— courtesy Granville County Crime Stoppers

Sometime between Wednesday, September 19th, 2018 and Thursday, September 20th, 2018 an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property located off Oxford Street, Stovall, NC and criminally removed one pig cooker from yard of residence.

If you have information concerning this incident, please contact the Granville County Sheriff’s Office at 919-693-3213 or call Crime Stoppers 919-693-3100.


Important Voter Registration/Election Dates

-Information courtesy the North Carolina State Board of Elections & Ethics Enforcement

Important Dates:

Friday, October 12, 2018 – Regular Voter Registration Deadline

Voter registration forms must be postmarked or delivered to your county elections office by 5 p.m. on October 12. Same-day registration will be available in your county during the One-Stop Early Voting period, beginning October 17 and ending November 3.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 – Start of One-Stop Early Voting

Voters may register and vote at any One-Stop Early Voting location in their county of residence. For locations and hours, check with your county elections office or vt.ncsbe.gov/OSSite.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 – Regular Deadline to Request a Mail-In Absentee Ballot

Requests must be received by your county elections office by 5 p.m. on October 30.

Saturday, November 3, 2018 – End of One-Stop Early Voting and Same-Day Registration

Tuesday, November 6, 2018 – ELECTION DAY

Polls will be open 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Locate your polling place at vt.ncsbe.gov/PPLkup.

U.S. Department of Justice

Help Florence Victims, NOT Scammers

— courtesy of The United States Department of Justice and The United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina

Department of Justice Reminds the Public to Be Aware of Fraud When Disaster Strikes and Report it to the National Center for Disaster Fraud – (866) 720-5721

RALEIGH – The Department of Justice established the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, when billions of dollars in federal disaster relief poured into the Gulf Coast region, which opened opportunities for criminals to exploit people during vulnerable times. The NCDF, a national coordinating agency within the Department’s Criminal Division, operates a call center at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge and serves as a centralized clearinghouse for disaster fraud complaints and information relating to both natural and man-made disasters. The NCDF seeks to improve and further the detection, prevention, investigation, and prosecution of fraud related to natural and man-made disasters, and to advocate for victims of such fraud. More than 20 federal, state, and local agencies participate in the NCDF, which allows them to forward complaints to the appropriate agency for investigation.

“In the aftermath of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Florence the affected communities and citizens of Eastern North Carolina should be on guard against disaster fraud schemes,” said Robert J. Higdon, Jr., United States Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina. “As FEMA and other federal, state, and local relief agencies work tirelessly to support those who have suffered losses as the result of this natural disaster, we can be certain that criminals will target those impacted and attempt to profit from the suffering of others. The Department of Justice is committed to detecting and stopping this type of fraud. Through the National Center for Disaster Fraud, and in conjunction with our law enforcement partners, we are working to aggressively prosecute the offenders.”

While compassion, assistance, and solidarity are generally prevalent in the aftermath of natural disasters, unscrupulous individuals and organizations also use these tragic events to take advantage of those in need. Examples of illegal activity being reported to the NCDF and law enforcement include:

FEMA fraud;
Identity theft;
Contractor fraud;
Charity fraud; and,
Impersonation of government officials.

The NCDF reminds the public to be aware of and report any instances of alleged fraudulent activity related to relief operations and funding for victims. Members of the public are reminded to apply a critical eye and do their due diligence before trusting anyone purporting to be working on behalf of disaster victims and before giving contributions to anyone soliciting donations on behalf of disaster victims. The public is also reminded to be extremely cautious before providing personal identifying or financial information to anyone, especially those who may contact you after a natural disaster.

Unfortunately, criminals can exploit disasters, such as Hurricane Florence, for their own gain by sending fraudulent communications through email or social media and by creating phony websites designed to solicit contributions. Tips should be reported to the NCDF at (866) 720-5721. The line is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Additionally, e-mails can be sent to disaster@leo.gov, and information can be faxed to (225) 334-4707.

Learn more about the NCDF at www.justice.gov/disaster-fraud and watch a public service announcement from United States Attorney Higdon here (link is external). Within the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Deputy Criminal Chief Felice Corpening serves as the Disaster Fraud Coordinator. Working with the NCDF and our local, state, and federal law enforcement partners, Deputy Criminal Chief Corpening oversees the federal prosecution and investigation of disaster fraud matters impacting Eastern North Carolina. Violations of North Carolina state disaster fraud laws are handled by the North Carolina Department of Justice’s (NCDOJ) Consumer Protection Division. The NCDOJ Consumer Protection Division may be contacted at 1-877-5-NO-SCAM (1-877-566-7226) or by visiting www.ncdoj.gov/complaint.

Tips for the public on how to avoid being victimized by fraud are available at https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/tips-avoiding-fraudulent-charitable-contribution-schemes.