Granville County Public Schools

Dr. Brenda Williamson Named Principal of Merged Granville Co. Middle Schools

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

At their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, January 7, the Granville County Board of Education voted to close Mary Potter Middle School and convert the campus to an educational support facility effective with the 2019-2020 school year.

Next academic year, students currently attending Mary Potter Middle School will merge with the students at Northern Granville Middle School’s school campus to create one single, unified middle school campus for the northern part of the county.

As the student population shifts from MPMS to NGMS next year, teachers and support staff will likely follow. GCPS administration has been working closely with staff to ensure all employees are supported in this process and are placed in appropriate positions throughout the district.

In order to move forward with beginning the transition for this merger of schools next academic year, Superintendent McLean has announced that the Principal for Northern Granville Middle School will be Dr. Brenda Williamson. “Principal Williamson has provided incredible leadership at Mary Potter Middle this year and we are excited about all she will accomplish at NGMS. She will begin in this role effective July 1, 2019.”

In the meantime, Principal David Hackney will continue to be the Principal at Northern Granville Middle School for the remainder of the 2018-2019 school year. “We are very proud of the hard work and dedication of Mr. Hackney at NGMS,” reported Dr. McLean. “I fully expect him and his staff to finish the year strong and have very successful academic results for their students. He has done a very good job serving the students of this community.”

Superintendent McLean went on to say that the task of combining these two schools will require a significant team effort from all staff at both schools, working closely together. “Dr. Williamson not only needs to finish strong at MPMS this year, but she will also begin the work of planning and implementing all that needs to be done to effectively transition our students, staff and resources together in time for next year.”

Dr. McLean further added, “Now that we will only have one larger middle school in the northern part of our county, it is more important than ever that this be a flagship school, offering the very best in academics, extracurricular and enrichment opportunities for our students. We are very excited about the future of Northern Granville Middle School – it truly will be “U-Knighted for Excellence!”

A team of administrators, staff, parents and students will soon begin the work of providing guidance and support to Dr. Williamson in this process. The district and both schools welcome parent and community support during this process.

Granville County Logo

Free Rabies Vaccinations at Granville County Animal Shelter

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Granville County Animal Control will provide free one and three-year rabies vaccines from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Saturday, February 16, 2019, at the Animal Shelter in Oxford.

Pet owners must have proof of prior rabies vaccine, in the form of the paper certificate, to receive the three-year vaccine. A rabies tag will not be accepted as proof of a prior rabies vaccination.

North Carolina law (NCGS 130A-185) requires that all owned dogs, cats and ferrets be vaccinated against rabies by four months of age, and that rabies vaccinations be kept current. One shot is not enough. If unsure of when your pet was last vaccinated against the rabies virus, please contact your veterinarian.

Also on February 16 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., the Humane Society of Granville County will offer AKC microchips for dogs and cats for only $20. These microchips include a lifetime registration.

Please remember that cats must be in a carrier and dogs must be on a leash when coming in to receive these services. No appointments are necessary – animals will be vaccinated and/or microchipped on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Granville County Animal Shelter is located at 5650 Cornwall Road in Oxford. For more information, contact the Shelter at 919-693-6749.

GCPS’s Abby Dooley Named WRAL’s ‘Teacher of the Week’

-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools

Granville County Public Schools congratulates Ms. Abby Dooley, a 3rd-grade teacher at Butner Stem Elementary School for being named the WRAL Teacher of the Week!

After graduating from ECU with her teaching degree, Dooley returned to her native Granville County and is now in her 5th year of teaching.

Be sure to visit and share the link below to watch her video segment on WRAL

Abby Dooley, a 3rd-grade teacher at Butner Stem Elementary School named WRAL Teacher of the Week.

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Senior Centers to Host Talks on Elder Abuse

-Information courtesy the Granville County Government Facebook page

One in every ten older adults experiences abuse. Elder abuse is not just physical abuse – it can also be financial or verbal.

Madeline Masters, Attorney with NC Legal Aide, will present a program at two of Granville County’s Senior Centers to talk about signs of elder abuse. Learn more about the scams that target seniors, what you can do for protection, who to call if abuse is suspected, resources available for victims and how to stop abuse in the community.

The program at the Granville County Senior Center in Oxford will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, February 13; the program at the South Granville Senior Center in Creedmoor will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, February 22.

The public is invited to attend.

NC Dept of Agriculture

Applications Being Accepted for Hurricane Florence Reforestation Fund

-Information courtesy NCDA&CS

Woodland owners in 52 counties impacted by Hurricane Florence and recognized as federally-declared disaster areas can now apply for cost-share funding for reforestation efforts. The North Carolina General Assembly approved $2.5 million in time-limited funding for reforestation efforts that will be administered by the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the N.C. Forest Service.

“Hurricane Florence not only devastated agricultural crops, but the storm also caused considerable damage to our valuable forestlands. The Florence Reforestation Fund will help owners rebuild these natural resources,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler.  “I am grateful to legislators for providing funding that will help keep North Carolina green and growing.”

Qualifying property in designated counties will be eligible to apply for the program funding. However, funding requests should be for “shovel-ready” projects and practices that can be completed within short time periods. Funds will be administered similar to other NCFS cost-share programs such as the Timber Restoration Fund that was offered following Hurricane Matthew.

Approved practices include site preparation and tree planting as recommended in the applicant’s management plan. Afforestation of open fields or pastureland is also eligible, however, funding for forest stand improvement practices is not available through this program. To receive reimbursement, at least 4.5 acres of approved, completed work must be documented. The maximum funding allocation will be 100 acres per landowner per fiscal year.

Applications need to be submitted to the landowner’s local N.C. Forest Service office for initial review before they are sent to the NCFS Central Office for final approval. Applications will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis until all available funds have been allocated. Projects should be completed by May 1, 2020.

To learn more about the Florence Reforestation Fund, landowners should call their local county ranger’s office.

NC Coop Extension

NC Coop. Extension to Hold Blueberry Workshop for New & Seasoned Growers Alike

-Information courtesy Paul McKenzie, Agricultural Extension Agent, Vance/Warren Counties, NC Cooperative Extension

NC Cooperative Extension is conducting a blueberry workshop on Saturday, February 16, 2019, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at 2292 US 158, Oxford, NC (watch for signs). This workshop will cover topics such as site analysis and soil preparation, variety selection, proper pruning techniques and other cultural practices used to grow blueberries.

You will have the opportunity to practice your blueberry pruning techniques, so bring your pruners. Bill Cline, NCSU Blueberry Specialist, will present the program and be available to answer any questions you have about blueberry production.

If you have any interest in growing this wonderful fruit in your home garden, do not miss this opportunity to learn how to get started correctly. If you already have blueberry plants, learn how to get the best fruit production. To register or for more information, please contact Johnny Coley (919) 603-1350 or Paul McKenzie (252) 438-8188.


Rehab Work Coming for Bridge and Roadway in Granville County

-Press Release, N.C. Department of Transportation

Thanks to two N.C. Department of Transportation contracts, a short bridge located just south of Creedmoor will be getting some much-needed repairs and nearly 36 miles of Granville County roads will be resurfaced.

As early as February 25, contractors from National Bridge Builders will be able to start repairing the Northside Road bridge extending over Ledge Creek. Built in 1956, the bridge is due for upgrades, as its average daily use is expected to increase by nearly 100 percent by 2039.

The contract was awarded for just over $1 million and crews will have until September 15 to complete work and reopen the bridge for traffic.

The posted off-site detour will utilize Cash Road, South Durham Avenue, West Hillsboro Street and South Elm Street.

In a separate project, several roads in the county will see surface improvements. They include portions of N.C. 50 and N.C. 56, as well as Rock Springs Church Road between Bruce Garner Road and the Wake County line.

This $4.4 million contract was awarded to Carolina Sunrock of Raleigh. The contractor can begin the roadway resurfacing as early as June 1 and must be finished by June 30, 2020.

These projects are two of 14 highway and bridge projects recently awarded by the Department. As required by state law, the contracts went to the lowest qualified bidder. They are worth $144.4 million.

Granville County Logo

Animal Control to Present at February’s Granville Co. Board Meeting

-Information courtesy Debra A. Weary, Clerk to the Board, Granville County

The Granville County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, February 4, 2019, at 7 p.m. at the Granville Expo and Convention Center, 4185 US Highway 15 South, Oxford.

Agenda items include:

Consent Agenda

1. Contingency Summary

2. Budget Amendment #5

3. Resolution to Approve School Bus Lease-Purchase Agreement for Granville County Public Schools

Recognitions and Presentations

4. Recognition – Volunteer Service Awards

Oaths of Office

5. Reappointment of Tax Administrator and Oath of Office

Public Comments

6. Public Comments

Animal Management Matters

7. Free Rabies Vaccines

8. Updated Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program for Granville County Citizens

9. Animal Control F250 Truck and Chassis Mounted Kennel

10. Animal Control Staff Development Day


11. Senior Services Advisory Committee

12. Granville County Library System Board of Trustees

13. Animal Control Advisory Committee

14. Granville County Human Relations Commission

15. Oxford Zoning Board of Adjustment

16. Granville County Veterans Affairs Committee

17. Agricultural Advisory Board

County Manager’s Report

18. Consent to Assignment of Contract

County Attorney’s Report

19. County Attorney’s Report

Presentations by County Board Members

20. Presentations by County Board Members

Any Other Matters

21. Any Other Matters

Closed Session

22. Closed Session – Property Acquisition

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Board of Education to Hold Regular Meeting – Feb. 4

-Information courtesy Dywanda Pettaway, Clerk to Board of Education, Granville County


The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular board meeting Monday, February 4, 2019, at 6 p.m. at the Granville County Public Schools Central Office, 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford, North Carolina.

The board will also meet in a Closed Session for a consultation with the Board’s attorney and Personnel/Attorney-Client Privileges in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143-318.11 (a)(3), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and Section 115C-321 on this evening.

To find a copy of the agenda for the meeting please use the following link:

Terry Garrison

Rep. Terry E. Garrison Co-Sponsors Bill to Expand Medicaid in NC

-Information courtesy Rep. Terry E. Garrison, District 32, NC General Assembly

Yesterday, Representative Terry E. Garrison co-sponsored House Bill 5 (HB 5), a proposal to expand Medicaid in North Carolina and increase access to affordable health care for more than 500,000 North Carolinians, including approximately 1748 in Vance County; 759 in Warren County; and 1,672 in Granville County alone.

“I am proud to co-sponsor HB 5 which would expand Medicaid and increase health care coverage for families combined across District 32. This bill would help more than 4179 families in District 32 gain access to coverage, but the full effects would be felt by our entire community. North Carolinians shouldn’t be forced to put the health of themselves and their families on the back burner because they can’t afford insurance. We can and should ease that burden this year,” said Representative Garrison.

By introducing a bill to expand Medicaid as the first bill of the 2019 legislative session, state Democrats are signaling their number one priority is helping working families. In addition to making health care more affordable for hundreds of thousands of our people, this proposal would boost our economy and create jobs. According to an analysis prepared by the Center for Health Policy Research at George Washington University, if Medicaid expansion had occurred by 2016, then its impact by 2020 would have been:

• Created 86 jobs in Vance County; 24 jobs in Warren County; 80 jobs in Granville County
• Created $79.9 million in new business activity for Vance County; $11.6 million in new business activity for Warren County; and $87 million in new business activity for Granville County.
• Created $52.1 million in new county revenue for Vance County; $7.1 million in new county revenue for Warren County; and $49.7 million in new county revenue for Granville County.

According to state estimates, expanding Medicaid will overwhelmingly be paid for by the federal government. Any remaining costs would be funded by a small assessment on hospitals and other health care providers.

“Expanding Medicaid is good for our people, good for our economy, and good for our Rural Veteran families or those struggling with addiction, and I look forward to speaking with people across my district about why this is such a critical step we must take together,” Representative Garrison concluded.

Rural North Carolina has the most to gain from Medicaid expansion. Rural hospitals are struggling. Since 2010, five rural hospitals in North Carolina have closed and two have lost critical services like maternity and labor wards. But rural hospitals located in states that have expanded Medicaid are 84% less likely to close. Expanding Medicaid will keep the doors open on rural hospitals, providing vital health care to our communities.