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Granville County Human Relations Commission to Host Dr. MLK Jr. Fellowship Celebration

The Granville County Human Relations Commission (HRC) will host its annual event to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., just as it has in years past. But this year’s event will be virtual. The Granville HRC traditionally organizes and hosts a fellowship breakfast as a way to brings community members together to celebrate diversity, as well as the legacy of the late Civil Rights leader, who advocated for peace.

“For 2021, we wanted to ensure that the message of fellowship and unity was carried forward, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic,” HRC Chair Rev. John Gooch said in a press release from Granville County Public Information Officer Lynn Allred. “Although the means of conveying that message is different, the spirit of the event remains the same. We thank everyone who helped make this possible,” Gooch continued.

The event will be videotaped and will be available for viewing on Monday, Jan. 18, which is the federal holiday honoring the slain Civil Rights leader. Viewer can tune in to Granville County’s local government channel, Spectrum Channel 17. Video segments will also be posted to the Granville County Government website and social media (Facebook) platform, according to the press release.

First-place winners of the essay contest will read their essays aloud during the program. Karissa Birdine of Butner Stem Middle School and Haley Erexson of Granville Central High School were this year’s essay contest winners.

This year’s keynote speaker is Jeannette Paschal, senior pastor of the United Christian Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church of Oxford. In addition, members of the Mary Potter Community Choir will perform musical selections. Members of the Human Relations Commission are also a part of the program and will give remarks.

Spectrum cable television subscribers can tune in to Channel 17 (Community Calendar in the program guide) from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Jan. 18. The video will be aired throughout the day. Visit to view segments of the video online, or visit the Granville County Government Facebook page.

Segments of the event were recorded at the George C. Shaw Museum and the Granville County Historical Society Museum, both located in Oxford.

For more information about this project, please contact the County Manager’s Office at 919-693-5240.

Vance-Granville Community College continues to “cultivate” new Agri-Tech program

— press release

Vance-Granville Community College continues to “cultivate” new programs for the Spring semester.  The Sustainable Agri-Tech program will grow one’s knowledge in the agricultural field and prepare students for occupations in a wide variety of jobs in agriculture (both production and value-added) with a range of skills and knowledge.

The program addresses agricultural concepts, skills, and techniques that are required by the agriculture industry. Upon completion, students would have explored sustainable and organic methods, plant, soil and animal science, field management, equipment maintenance and basic computer skills and marketing techniques.

Class begins on February 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM.  Kelly Dixon will be leading this hybrid class at our Warren Campus.  The 96-hour program is made up of only 30 hours in the classroom and 66 hours online.  Cost is $188.25.  Tuition assistance is available to those who meet eligibility guidelines.  Space is limited.

For more information, please visit our webpage:

(This is not sponsored content.)

Covid Vaccine Things to Know in Vance, Granville, Warren, Franklin Counties

Area health departments continue to update the public on progress with administering the COVID-19 vaccine. Please see below for updates from the Granville Vance Public Health, the Warren County Health Department and Franklin County Health Department. Although some details differ, all health department officials stress that residents’ patience and continued vigilance in the use of the 3 W’s – Wear, Wait, Wash – are vital components to combating the pandemic.

Three counties remain in Phase 1a, but are scheduled to open up Phase 1b, Group 1 soon. Franklin County began vaccinating eligible residents in Phase 1b last week.

Granville and Vance counties

Granville and Vance counties remain in Phase 1a distribution and plan to move to Phase 1b, Group 1 (only those aged 75 and over), on Thursday, Jan. 14. Health Director Lisa Harrison hopes to complete vaccinating groups 1a and 1b by March.

Phase 1a is only for eligible health care organizations and individuals with additional instructions to sign up for the vaccination. Harrison urges all others to wait to ask for an appointment until news outlets announce or publish that the phase for which you’re eligible to receive the vaccination is underway. Residents can also visit the GVPH COVID-19 website to find updated information. More information is forthcoming about how to register in the mandatory statewide COVID Vaccine Management System (CVMS). There is a survey everyone must fill out as part of registration and the system is not accessible to individuals at this time, Harrison added.

Individuals 75 years and older may call the health department now to schedule an appointment. Phase 1b, Group 1 vaccinations are scheduled to begin Thursday, Jan. 14. Any other instructions that may help make your vaccine appointment move faster (such as forms you need to fill out ahead of your appointment) will be posted on our website.

If you are not in Phase 1a or Phase 1b Group 1, but want more information, please call the COVID Vaccine Information Hotline at 252-295-1503.

Only hospitals and health departments have the vaccine at this moment, but in the coming weeks and months, primary care offices, pharmacies, and federally qualified health centers will receive vaccine and be able to vaccinate community members as well. The health department is working with Granville Health System and Maria Parham Health to make sure that the vaccination process is working as efficiently as possible.

Warren County

The Warren County Health Department is giving COVID-19 vaccinations by appointment to all healthcare workers in Phase 1a, which includes:

  • Healthcare workers caring for and working directly with patients with COVID-19, including staff responsible for cleaning and maintenance in those areas
  • Long-term care staff and residents – people in skilled nursing facilities and in adult, family, and group homes
  • Healthcare workers administering the vaccine
  • Healthcare workers handling people who have died from COVID-19

Individuals who fall in the category of Phase 1b can begin getting the vaccine the week of January 19, 2021.

Anyone 75 years and older, regardless of health status or living situation, is eligible to get the vaccine. Call the health department at (252) 257-1185 to make an appointment.

Franklin County

Franklin County began Phase 1b, Group 1 (residents 75 and older) on Jan. 7, 2021 in a drive-through event and delivered 323 vaccinations.

Franklin County residents who think they are eligible to get the vaccine should email and will receive an automated reply with instructions about how to register for the vaccine. You may also phone the health department’s dedicated COVID-19 phone line at 919729-0654. If you leave a message, please leave a phone number and your call will be returned.

County Health Director Scott Lavigne said that although the line was long at times during the Jan. 7 drive-through vaccination event, everyone who had signed up got their shot.

NC Tobacco Trust Fund Grants Available For Agricultural Projects

— press release

The North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission is accepting applications for the 2021 grant cycle. The key objectives for 2021 are supporting the agricultural industry, impacting rural communities and stimulating economic development. Funds will be awarded in the fall of 2021 for selected innovative projects.

Applications information is now online at for qualifying organizations. “Creating opportunities for North Carolina producers and creating jobs in current or former tobacco-dependent regions are our 2021 priorities,” said William H. “Bill” Teague, NCTTFC Chairman. “Applications will be accepted online for innovative projects within North Carolina. Selected projects should expect to start in November of 2021.”

The NCTTFC was established in 2000 by the N.C. General Assembly to help members of the tobacco community including farmers, tobacco workers and related businesses. Its original funding was established through tobacco industry annual payments as a result of the Master Settlement Agreement. Funding is now appropriated to the NCTTFC which then reviews, selects and disperses the funds to grant projects.

Past NCTTFC projects includes fair and farmers market improvements, cost-share grant programs for farmers, commodity marketing, researching alternative crops and support of agricultural education programs.

More information can be found at the NCTTFC’s website (, or by calling Jeff Camden at 919-397-6766. The deadline for applications submission is Friday March 5, 2021.

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Nominate a City of Oxford Employee of the Month

— info courtesy of the City of Oxford, NC

The City of Oxford is now opening up its ‘Employee of the Month’ to where all employees and the public can make nominations.

In an email received by WIZS, Alyssa Blair, Executive Assistant, City of Oxford, wrote, “We want to recognize City employees who embody the mission and values of the City in action. To nominate and employee/team you can fill out an online form, under ‘Human Resources’, on the City website. You must include the employee(s) name, department, and a brief description of what the employee(s) did.”

Click here –

City of Oxford employees who embody the mission and values of the City in their daily duties are recognized each month. City employees or citizens can nominate employees when they see individuals or teams demonstrating the city’s values in action.

Granville Board Chair Sue Hinman Appointed to Statewide Task Force to Reduce Food Insecurity

Granville County Board of Commissioners Chair Sue Hinman is part of a statewide task force established to look at ways to reduce food insecurity in North Carolina. The “Resilience Initiative” was formed to help counties find solutions to the challenges brought on by food insecurity among the state’s residents.

Hinman sees first-hand the effects food insecurity has on Granville County residents. She is the director of Area Congregations in Ministry (ACIM), a food bank located in Oxford. “We have seen a huge increase in the number of people we serve at ACIM since COVID-19,” Hinman said. “So many new faces, either people who have lost jobs completely or lost a job and had to take lower paying jobs” to provide for their families.

The initiative seeks to ensure that the food “ecosystem” across the state is strong. It is a project of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. Hinman said the task force will help bring attention to the real challenges around food insecurity to county commissioners across North Carolina. As a member and co-chair, Hinman said she hopes to raise awareness while increasing accessibility to high-quality, affordable food by anyone who may face food insecurity.

The task force was formed in response to an expected increase in the food insecurity rate, which is predicted to rise from 14 to 19.3 percent. Lost wages and job loss due to COVID-19 have negatively impacted the affordability of basic needs such as food and housing, creating a national and statewide crisis. In North Carolina, the average food insecurity rate is 14 percent, well above the national average of 10 percent, according to information from the Granville County government.

Her experience working with the local food bank was what led to her appointment, Hinman said, adding that she hopes to “find other resources out there and to learn what other people are doing” to combat food insecurity. “I also want to share with other people what we are doing at ACIM, because we’re doing a pretty good job right now,” she said.

The task force has had two virtual meetings so far, and Hinman said the group represents a good cross-section of the state. “Some of the other members have worked with food banks before, and others have not,” she said. So far, they have heard from NC Food Bank representatives and learned about different types of federally funded programs that provide emergency food assistance.

There are a dozen additional appointees from Wake, Randolph, Robeson, Tyrrell, Pitt, Bertie, Nash, Henderson, Wilkes, McDowell, Watauga and Brunswick counties. She was appointed by NCACC President Ronnie Smith. Hinman shares co-chair duties with Wake County Commissioner James West.

The task force will meet through August of 2021 to hear from experts, discuss potential partnerships and share experiences. The recommendations made by this group will serve as a road map for counties to implement plans and adopt solutions that will better meet local and regional needs.

“I am proud to have been selected to help lead this initiative, which I am so passionate about,” Hinman said of her appointment. “I look forward to sharing ideas and partnering with other counties to ensure that we address this serious issue that impacts so many, and on so many levels.”

Visit to learn more about this task force.

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City of Oxford Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 12

— courtesy of the City of Oxford, NC

Below you will find the information for the Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting being held Tuesday, January 12th, via Zoom. Please follow the instructions for registering for the meeting.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

When: Jan 12, 2021 07:00 PM  

Topic: Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville County Board of Education Regular Board Meeting Monday, January 11



The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular Board meeting on Monday, January 11, 2021 at 6:00pm at the Mary Potter Center of Education, 200 Taylor Street, Oxford, NC 27565. Members of the public are invited to view livestream. To join the livestream meeting, please use the following link:

The Board will also meet in Closed Session in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11.

Public comments for this meeting will be accepted in writing by using the link below. Comments entered into this form between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on January 11, 2021, will be distributed to the Board of Education members and the first two minutes of each comment will be read aloud during the meeting. A maximum of 30 minutes in total will be allotted for public comment.


— press release

RALEIGH, N.C. – U.S. Attorney Robert J. Higdon, Jr. recognizes the service of federal, state, local, and tribal police officers on Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, which is being observed Saturday, January 9, 2021. On this date, communities across the country will show their appreciation and support for law enforcement agencies and their personnel in various ways.

“I ask every citizen of the Eastern District to join me in recognizing the tremendous service and sacrifices that our law enforcement officers have made this past year and make every day,” said U.S. Attorney Robert J. Higdon, Jr. “Together, with our ongoing partnerships, commitment, and dedication, we will continue to work together to ensure that our citizens, here in the Eastern District of North Carolina, are safe and secure.”

As part of this national day of recognition, citizens across the country are encouraged to share their expressions of gratitude and support for local law enforcement agencies, officers, and public safety personnel within their respective communities. Likewise, citizens and officers alike are encouraged to share their positive experiences and collaborations with each other.

The Eastern District of North Carolina serves the 44 easternmost counties of North Carolina.



— Tar River Land Conservancy Press Release

BUTNER/STEM – Tar River Land Conservancy (TRLC) is seeking volunteers to plant hardwood tree seedlings on conservation land located at 831 Roberts Chapel Road in Granville County. Seedlings will be planted near streams to protect drinking water supplied by Lake Holt and Falls Lake. Tree planting events will take place from 8:45 AM to 12:00 PM on
these dates:

Friday, January 22, 2021
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Friday, January 29, 2021
Saturday, January 30, 2021

No previous tree planting experience is necessary to volunteer. TRLC will provide tools and instruction on proper tree planting techniques. Tree planting holes will be pre-dug before volunteers arrive. Participants should wear weather-appropriate work clothing, work gloves and a hat. TRLC welcomes any business team, church group, school club, or Scout troop interested in participating as a group. Participants will be asked to follow safety protocols to limit exposure to the COVID-19 coronavirus.

For more information or to register, please contact Alex Hall at TRLC at 919-496-5902 or