Oxford’s Annual Turkey Trot Scheduled for Thanksgiving Morning

-Information courtesy Laura Gabel, Area Congregations In Ministry (Food Bank – Oxford, NC)

The 14th Annual Turkey Trot is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Thursday, November 22 – Thanksgiving morning – in downtown Oxford. Registration for the fun run/walk begins at 8:30 a.m. at Oxford United Methodist Church, located at the corner of College and McClanahan streets. The entry fee is two cans of food or a monetary donation for Area Congregations In Ministry (ACIM).

The route begins at the church, goes down College Street, through the campus of the Masonic Home for Children and ends at the Methodist Church. Come out for a fun morning as we give thanks while helping others!

Camp Recognized as an ‘Educator of Excellence’ at Recent Reception

-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville County Public Schools 

Robin Camp, an Exceptional Children’s Program (ECP) Teacher of Excellence with Granville County Public Schools (GCPS) was recognized last week at the Educator of Excellence Reception at the ECP Conference. Camp works at Granville Central High School in Stem, NC.

Dr. Stan Winborne, public information officer for GCPS, congratulated Camp on her well-deserved honor. “Please join us in congratulating Robin. She demonstrates daily ‘Excellence and Achievement for all!’ We are so proud of her, and can’t wait to see what she does next!”

Robin Camp, an Exceptional Children’s Program (ECP) “Teacher of Excellence” with Granville County Public Schools (GCPS) was recognized last week at the Educator of Excellence Reception at the ECP Conference. Camp works at Granville Central High School in Stem, NC. (Photo Credit: GCPS)


Granville County Logo

Granville Board of Commissioners to Hold Public Hearing on Economic Development

-Information courtesy Debra A. Weary, Clerk to the Board, Granville County

The Granville County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, November 19, 2018, at 7 p.m. at the Granville Expo and Convention Center, 4185 US Highway 15 South, Oxford.

Agenda items include:

Consent Agenda

1. Minutes

2. Contingency Summary

Public Comments

3. Public Comments

Public Hearings

4. Public Hearing-Economic Development

Solid Waste Matters

5. Litter Removal Services


6. Material Testing & Special Inspections for Law Enforcement Center/Animal Shelter Project


7. Butner Board of Adjustment – ETJ

8. Butner Planning Board – ETJ Member

9. Orange Street Community Center

County Manager’s Report

10. Recap of Granville County Public Schools’ Funding History

County Attorney’s Report

11. County Attorney’s Report

Presentations by County Board Members

12. Presentations by County Board Members

Any Other Matters

13. Any Other Matters

Closed Session

14. Closed Session – Personnel


Samaritan’s Purse Collecting Boxes for ‘Operation Christmas Child’ Through Monday

Robin Pate, area coordinator with Samaritan’s Purse, was on Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss “Operation Christmas Child,” the global ministry’s program to provide children around the world with both fun and necessary items.

According to their mission statement, Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet the needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ.

“Operation Christmas Child,” an annual project of Samaritan’s Purse since 1993, collects small gifts and fills “shoe boxes” with toys, school supplies and hygiene items. The boxes are then delivered to children ages 2-14 in war-torn and/or impoverished countries all over the world.

“We work with countries that we know have few resources for children due to famine, poverty, war or disease,” said Pate. “We always work through local churches, but distribution may happen at an orphanage or a school.”

Packaged boxes are collected predominantly in the United States and are then delivered to approximately 100 countries all over the world. Samaritan’s Purse has set a goal this year of delivering 11 million boxes. “We start distributing boxes around Christmas and continue throughout the year,” Pate explained.

Participants are asked to start with a medium-sized cardboard or plastic box and to decide whether to pack for a boy or a girl in the age range of either 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14. “We ask that you select a ‘wow’ item such as a soccer ball, stuffed animal or a doll and then fill in around the box,” Pate said.

According to Pate, the number one gift for both boys and girls is a soccer ball with a pump. Other suggestions of well-received items, in addition to stuffed animals and dolls, include roll-up fleece blankets, tee shirts, polo shirts, dresses, shoes and flip-flops.

“For most of these children, it is the first gift they’ve ever received, and it may be the only gift they ever receive,” said Pate. “We ask that people consider this and send good stuff – stuff that’s not going to tear up the first time the child uses it.”

The ministry also asks that candy, toothpaste, used or damaged items, war-related toys, breakables, food, liquids and seeds not be included as these items will not clear customs.

A donation of $9 is also suggested to cover project costs including collection, shipping and distribution of boxes. Participants can even see which country received their box by giving their donation online via the ‘Follow Your Box’ link. Donations are tax-deductible.

With November 12 -19 being National Collection Week for “Operation Christmas Child,” now is the time to bring your boxes to a local drop-off site. If you do not have a suitable box, a box will be provided for you to pack your items at the drop-off location.

Local drop-off locations include:

  • North Henderson Baptist Church – 1211 N. Garnett St., Henderson
  • Central Baptist Church – 2310 Ruin Creek Rd., Henderson
  • Tar River Baptist Association – 92 NC-56 Hwy. E, Louisburg
  • Flat River Baptist Association – 118 W. McClanahan St, Oxford

Additional drop-off hours and locations may be viewed by clicking here.

To find out more about Samaritan’s Purse and “Operation Christmas Child” including suggestions for box items, drop-off information, videos of the fun way boxes reach children and local volunteer opportunities, please visit www.samaritanspurse.com/occ.

To hear the interview in its entirety, click here.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Board of Education to Hear on School System Finances at Nov. 19 Meeting

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools


The Granville County Board of Education will meet Monday, November 19, 2018, at 5 p.m. at the Granville County Public Schools Central Office, 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford, North Carolina. The purpose of the meeting is to receive a presentation from staff on School System finances and consideration of other items as listed in the online agenda.

The next regular scheduled Board meeting is Monday, December 3, 2018, at 6 p.m.

Henderson Police Arrest Two Oxford Residents Suspected in String of Robberies

-Press Release, Henderson Police Department

On November 14, 2018, around 8:30 a.m., officers with the Henderson Police Department located the vehicle matching the description of the vehicle used in a string of robbery incidents throughout the region.

The officers conducted a traffic stop and the occupants were detained pending further investigation.  Another individual identified as being involved in the robberies was located at an area hotel and detained.

The Henderson Police Department contacted investigators with Butner Public Safety and through a collaborative investigative effort, Quavon Henderson, 18, of 101 Dove Road Oxford, NC and Robert Dylan West, 21, of 101 Dove Road Oxford, NC were identified as the suspects involved in various robberies that have occurred in Henderson, Butner, Wake Forest, and in South Hill, Virginia.

Quavon Latrell Henderson and Robert Dylan West were identified as the suspects involved in various robberies that have occurred in Henderson, Butner, Wake Forest, and in South Hill, Virginia between Nov. 6 and Nov. 13, 2018. (Photo Credit: HPD)

These incidents occurred between November 6, 2018, and November 13, 2018.

The following charges were obtained on Quavon Henderson: three counts of felony conspiracy to commit common law robbery; two counts of common law robbery; one count of attempted common law robbery; one count of felony breaking and entering; and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor/neglect due to a two-year-old being present during the offense.

Quavon Henderson received a $150,000 secured bond pending a court hearing on November 27, 2018.

The following charges were obtained on Robert Dylan West: three counts of felony conspiracy to commit common law robbery; two counts of common law robbery; one count of attempted common law robbery; and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor/neglect due to a two-year-old being present during the offense.

Robert Dylan West received a $200,000 secured bond pending a court hearing on November 27, 2018.

If anyone has any additional information related to these cases or other cases, please contact the Henderson Police Department at 252-438-4141, Crime Stoppers at 252-492-1925, or use the P3 app on a smartphone or tablet device. Callers may remain anonymous. Crime Stoppers offers rewards for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of suspects involved in criminal acts.

Authority: Chief M.W. Barrow

Sergent, Yount Discuss Oxford’s Main Street Program, Downtown Growth

Oxford Mayor Jackie Sergent and Mary Yount, director of the Downtown Oxford Economic Development Corporation (DOEDC), were on Wednesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss recent growth and development in both the downtown area and in the city.

The City of Oxford, in partnership with the DOEDC, has been a North Carolina Main Street community since 1998; however, 2018 is the first year Oxford received National Main Street accreditation.

Accredited Main Street America programs display a commitment to preservation-based economic development and community revitalization using a four-point approach including, according to Yount, “organization, promotion, design and economic vitality.”

Additional criteria for accreditation include the creation and successful execution of a plan of action and the requirement of a full-time person committed to the implementation.

“We have to have partners and volunteers to make this happen,” said Yount. “DOEDC is a non-profit that works very closely with the City in creating these partnerships with downtown businesses, Granville’s health systems, the County, libraries, museums, etc.”

Volunteer hours are also vital to the sustainability of the downtown area. “This past year, the Downtown Oxford Main Street program reported, as part of our statistics, that we had over 4,200 hours served by volunteers.”

By being a part of the Main Street program, the City of Oxford is eligible to receive additional funding by way of grants and loans and gains access to expert advice at the national, state and local level.

“For the cost of paying their mileage to come to Oxford to work with us [the Main Street program team] came on three separate occasions to facilitate a strategic planning session,” said Sergent. “Often times, it takes someone who really knows what they’re doing to help guide all the volunteers that have come to the table through the process. The NC Main Street program was critical in our coming together with a very solid plan.”

In addition to the funding available through the Main Street program and local government, Sergent credits the municipal service tax with helping the downtown area thrive.

“We have a municipal service tax district in downtown, agreed upon by the downtown vendors. That is an additional property tax that helps provide seed money to the DOEDC. That is part of what helps pay for the activities that go on in downtown,” said Sergent.

When questioned if the downtown area and Oxford as a whole are ready for expected population growth in the future, Sergent replied, “I think we’re tremendously ready!”

Sergent emphasized that the City’s recent acquisition of approximately $40 million in a combination of grants and low-interest loans puts Oxford well on its way to successfully implementing the $94 million infrastructure master plan. The $40 million is currently earmarked for water and wastewater infrastructure.

Sergent also said Oxford’s commitment to preparing for growth is evident in the recent decision by the City Commissioners to annex approximately 88 acres of land with an additional 44 acres to be discussed at their next monthly meeting in December.

“I think Oxford is really poised to handle the growth and development coming our way.”

To hear the interview in its entirety, please click here.

Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Leslie to Speak at Chamber’s Annual Banquet, Citizen of the Year Nominees Needed

— Information courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce | Ginnie Currin, Executive Director ~ 919-693-6125 ~ ginnie@granville-chamber.com

The Chamber’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the 2019 speaker and entertainer for the annual banquet is Bill Leslie, an award-winning journalist and internationally acclaimed musician and composer. He retired from the anchor desk in 2018 after 34 years at WRAL-TV.

Leslie’s award-winning documentaries, his talents as “one of the greats in modern Celtic music,” and a popular storyteller and author are expected to draw a very large attendance for the Chamber’s 77th Annual Banquet in January.

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s Recognition Committee announces that the committee is accepting nominations for the 2019 John Penn Citizen of the Year Award.  This prestigious award, named for Granville County’s signer of the Declaration of Independence, is presented at the Chamber’s Annual Membership Banquet. The 2019 event will be held Monday, January 28, 2019, in the Civic Center at Vance-Granville Community College.

Nomination forms may be obtained at a Chamber office or may be downloaded from the Chamber’s website, www.granville-chamber.com.

This award was designed to recognize a person(s) for outstanding service to the community. Past recipients include Dr. Joseph Colson, Mrs. Robinette Husketh, Hubert Gooch, Rev. G. C. Hawley, Mrs. Gladys Satterwhite, Hugh Currin, Sr., Rev. Harrison Simons, Tom Speed, John Mackie, Dr. Roy Noblin, Dr. David Noel, John K. Nelms, J. J. Medford, Mrs. Mildred A. Jenkins, Tom Johnson, Mrs. Virginia Tuck, L. Clement Yancey, Mrs. Nancy W. Darden, Leonard M. Dunn, Mrs. Carlene Fletcher, Hubert L. Cox, Leonard Peace, Sr., Marshall Tanner, Harold Sherman, Boyce Harvey Paul Kiesow, Ms. Johnsie Cunningham, Stan Fox, Doan and Bette Laursen, Dr. John B. Hardy, Jr., L. C. Adcock, Jim Crawford, Xavier Wortham, Dr. Richard and Julia Ann Taylor, Gary Bowman, James “Lump” and Mary Ann Lumpkins and Laura Gable.

Nominations are due Wednesday, January 2, 2019.

Formal invitations will be mailed to Chamber members.  Persons interested in attending may contact one of the Chamber’s offices – wanda@granville-chamber.com, 919.693.6125; tawheeler@granaville-chamber.com, 919.528.4994.

Joyce Dewitt ‘Thrilled’ to Return to Role in ‘A Waffle House Christmas’

Henderson’s own downtown development director Kaine Riggan and special call-in guest and actress Joyce Dewitt were on air for Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program.

Riggan, writer, producer and director of the musical comedy “A Waffle House Christmas,” announced that the play will be performed at the McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center in downtown Henderson for one night only – Saturday, December 1, 2018 – at 8 p.m.

According to Riggan, approximately 600 of the 1,000 available tickets have already been purchased, and he hopes to see it become a sold-out performance. “I hope it happens for McGregor Hall and for downtown Henderson. That’s our crown jewel!”

The musical, which was first commissioned by the Metro Nashville Arts Commission in 2006, will feature five of the principal actors for the December performance, including Dewitt as Waffle House waitress Rita and country singer T. Graham Brown. Auditions for local actors to round out the cast were held last week.

Dewitt, most well-known for her role as Janet on the sitcom “Three’s Company,” said she was excited to return to this role. “In this case, I had done the play before with Kaine and I know that he is a very wonderful director and I know that he gathers terrific actors together. So the idea of coming back and doing this with a number of wonderful people that I did it with in Nashville was thrilling.”

The setting for the musical is a Waffle House in both the middle of nowhere and in the middle of a blizzard on Christmas Eve. The regular staff and customers are stranded there along with outside visitors. What unfolds are a few secrets, surprises and heartfelt human connections.

“The wonderful thing about these characters that Kaine has written is that they are so human, but what’s going on in their personal story is so meaningful,” said Dewitt. “The audience can relate to each of them.”

“It’s my favorite kind of material – funny, funny, funny – but also, at times, catching and poignant.”

According to Dewitt, when she is first approached about a role she asks herself if she believes in the material and if she can deliver the material in a way that will relate to the audience. She is pleased to have found both in this role.

“When the audience is walking out of the theater, what have we given them? What is in their heart? I genuinely believe this play is a perfect Christmas gift to give the audience.”

To give the gift of this play to yourself and/or a loved one, purchase tickets by:

DROP IN: 201 Breckenridge Street, Henderson, N.C. Monday – Friday 1:30 – 5:30 p.m

CALL: (252) 598-0662 (M-F 1:30 – 5:30 p.m.)

CLICK HERE: www.McGregorHall.org  (Use the eTix official site, online fees apply)

 To hear the interview in its entirety, please click here.

National Weather Service

Heavy Rain Expected Early This Week, No Threat of Winter Weather

-Information courtesy Brian K. Short, Director of Emergency Operations, Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations and the National Weather Service 

The National Weather Service is forecasting a very wet start to the week with upwards of 3 – 4 inches of rain expected in most locations through Tuesday. Urban and small stream flooding is possible. There is a chance for an isolated thunderstorm particularly in the east. Main stem rivers will need to be monitored for potential river flooding later this week.

A second system on Thursday appears to be all liquid at this point despite predicted temperatures very close to freezing in the Triad and VA border counties. Sunny and cool for the weekend. The potential tropical system in the Atlantic poses no threat to central NC at this time.

At this time there is NO threat for impactful winter weather in central NC this week. Triad and VA border counties will have temperatures near freezing for a couple of hours Thursday morning around sunrise. This may possibly be enough to get a pellet or two of sleet on the windshield mixed in with the rain but otherwise should remain all liquid. Even if temperatures do briefly touch 32 degrees, any ice accrual is unlikely because of warm antecedent conditions. Warm ground temperatures and air temperatures prior to the onset of the precipitation would prevent any freezing rain accrual. Temperatures will quickly rise through the 30s after sunrise, further mitigating any chance of winter weather.