Granville Early College High School Receives 2019 College Success Award

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

Granville Early College High School is proud to announce that it has received the College Success Award, which honors schools that excel in ensuring students prepare for college, enroll in college and succeed once they get there.

Launched by, the leading nonprofit provider of trusted school information, the 2019 College Success Award recognizes 1,722 schools in 25 states. Award-winning schools have a successful track record of graduating students who later enroll in two or four-year colleges, are ready for college-level coursework, and persist on to their second year, according to available data from each state.

College and career-ready graduates are critical to fueling the U.S. economy, as 65 percent of jobs will require a postsecondary degree by 2020. Granville Early College High School is one of the approximately 20 percent of eligible schools in NC that won the College Success Award.

“We are extremely proud of our talented and hard-working students,” said Principal Jackie Harris.  “Our staff is dedicated to their success and continue to demonstrate excellence in their efforts.”

The College Success Award is possible because NC is leading the nation in collecting and being transparent in sharing information on how students do after high school, which is valuable information for families, educators, and policymakers.

For more information about Granville Early College High School, please visit their website:  Visitors and guests are welcome to visit by appointment!

National Weather Service

Hurricane Preparedness Week: Complete Your Written Hurricane Plan

-Information courtesy Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations


All week long, the National Weather Service has issued informative messages to help you prepare for the hurricane season. Today’s topic, the final in the series for this year’s hurricane preparedness week, is complete your written hurricane plan.

The time to prepare for a hurricane is before the season begins – when you have the time and are not under pressure. If you wait until a hurricane is on your doorstep, the odds are that you will be under duress and will make the wrong decisions. Take the time now to write down your hurricane plan. Know where you will ride out the storm and get your supplies now. You don’t want to be standing in long lines when a hurricane warning is issued. Those supplies that you need will probably be sold out by the time you reach the front of the line.

Being prepared, before a hurricane threatens, makes you resilient to the hurricane impacts of wind and water. It will mean the difference between being a hurricane victim and a hurricane survivor.

Here are some things to know about completing a written hurricane plan:

• Writing down your plan will ensure you don’t make mistakes when faced with an emergency.

• Document all of your valuables and possessions with a camera or video camera well before the storm.

• Gather all vital documents, like passports and medical records, and put them somewhere that you can quickly access.

• Make planning and preparedness a family affair to ensure everyone knows what to do.

• Don’t forget to include your pets in your plan.

• Every plan should include gathering non-perishable emergency supplies and assembling a disaster supply kit.

• Share your plan with others in your family, and have an out-of-state friend as a family contact who knows your plan and where you will go during a disaster, so all your family members have a single point of contact.

To make developing your family emergency plan easy, be sure to download a free template that is available online at

For more information about hurricane preparedness, please visit the following web sites:

U.S. Department of Justice

One of Three Aliens Indicted on Illegal Reentry Charges Found in Granville Co.

-Press Release, U.S. Department of Justice

Robert J. Higdon, Jr., United States Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina, announces that a federal grand jury in Raleigh has returned indictments charging JOSE JESUS CAMACHO-JARAMILLO, age 29, of Mexico, AGUSTIN NUNEZ-LEONARDO, age 20, of Mexico, and LORENZO OROCIO-CRUZ, age 35, of Mexico, with Illegal Reentry of a Deported Alien.

If convicted of illegal reentry of a deported alien, CAMACHO-JARAMILLO, who was previously convicted of Unlawful Entry, deported twice, and then found in Johnston County; NUNEZ-LEONARDO, who was previously convicted of Unlawful Entry, deported three times, and then found in Wake County; and OROCIO-CRUZ, who was previously convicted of Unlawful Entry, deported twice, and then found in Granville County, would face maximum penalties of two years’ imprisonment, a $250,000 fine, and a term of supervised release following any term of imprisonment.

The charges and allegations contained in the indictments are merely accusations. The defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.

The cases are being investigated by ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations and Homeland Security Investigations.

News releases are available on the U. S. Attorney’s web page at Follow us on Twitter @USAO_ENDC.

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. to Hold Budget Work Session – May 14

-Information courtesy Debra Weary, Clerk to the Board/Assistant to the County Manager – Granville County


Granville County will hold a budget work session on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, at 8 a.m. at the Granville Expo Center located at 4185 Highway 15 South, Oxford.

Thornton Branch Introduces ‘Seed Library’ & Community Garden

-Press Release, Granville County Government

The Richard H. Thornton branch of the Granville County Library System continues to offer innovative services by introducing a “Seed Library” and community garden to residents and library patrons. Now available to the public is a card catalog filled with vegetable seeds, as well as herbs and berries that can be “checked out,” taken home and planted in family gardens.

According to Adult Services Librarian Ashley Wilson, families can come in, browse through the “card catalog” that has been stocked with a wide variety of seeds, and select what they would like to grow. Collards, cucumbers, corn, melons, squash, tomatoes, peas, peppers, okra and other vegetable seeds have already been prepared and are available in starter packs, which include growing instructions.

The Richard H. Thornton branch of the Granville County Library System introduces a “Seed Library” and community garden to residents and library patrons. Now available to the public is a card catalog filled with vegetable seeds, as well as herbs and berries that can be “checked out,” taken home and planted in family gardens. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt)

With a limit of three packs of seeds per family, it is hoped that those who begin their own gardens will share seeds after harvest to keep the project ongoing from season to season.

“The community played a large role in the plant and seed selections at the library,” Wilson notes. “We asked what they would like to see growing – most said tomatoes – so we made sure we offered tomatoes. The library values community input in all our projects and this one wouldn’t have been possible without it.”

Packets offered were also selected based on local soil conditions and other criteria that would make them “region friendly,” with many of the seeds available being donated by interested community members in support of this project.

To continue the message of sustainability through gardening, the Thornton Library also announces the addition of an on-site community garden. Planted just outside the front entrance and in the surrounding area, plantings include strawberries, peas, okra and other seedlings, as well as lavender, mint and cooking herbs.

“Visible and open access gardens are a way that my family has always enjoyed the growing season, especially when we didn’t have a place to grow ourselves,” Wilson explains. “Open gardens also gave us a chance to learn about new plants or varieties we may not have seen before.”

To continue the message of sustainability through gardening, the Thornton Library also announces the addition of an on-site community garden. Planted just outside the front entrance and in the surrounding area, plantings include strawberries, peas, okra and other seedlings, as well as lavender, mint and cooking herbs. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt)

Through mulch donated from a local business and in garden beds constructed by library staff and volunteers, seedlings are just now peeking through the soil. Taller plantings and bush varieties such as tomatoes and blueberries can also be spotted along the library’s exterior walls and around the corner to the side entrance.

As these plantings grow and mature, community residents are encouraged to come by and keep track of the garden’s progress, and to share in the harvest once the produce has reached its peak.

To provide hands-on instruction in using fresh ingredients in the kitchen, cooking demonstrations and samplings have been scheduled at the Thornton Library during the month of May, with all ingredients provided. The “What’s Cooking at the Library” series kicked off on May 8 with a class on making homemade pasta. Demonstrations continue on May 15 with Sultan’s Pilaf, and on May 22 with Versatile Salads and Dressings. These programs are being held at 2 p.m. in the library’s large conference room.

The Richard H. Thornton Library is located at 210 Main Street in Oxford and is one of four branches of the Granville County Library System, which also includes the South Branch in Creedmoor, the Stovall Library and the Berea branch.

For more information about programs and presentations offered through the Granville County Library System, visit or call 919-693-1121.

‘Parent University’ Participants Treated to Youth Performances, Guest Speakers

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

Granville County Public Schools’ “Parent University” kickoff on April 30, 2019, was a resounding success. The evening was punctuated by youth performances from around the district. When parents and special guests arrived, they were treated to the crescendo and raucous sounds of West Oxford Elementary students led by teacher Michael Epps.

Once inside, there was more musical excitement from the drumline of Mary Potter Middle School led by Mr. Detroit Yancey.

(Photo courtesy GCPS)

The special guest speakers were evangelist and former district and superior court judge Carolyn Thompson, founder of Abigail’s Ministry. Mrs. Thompson spoke about several child safety topics and gave parents strategies and best practices.

Our next guest speaker was Ms. Dedra Eatmon, founder and CEO of Tassel to Tassel. As a college transition strategist who imparts life skills and empowerment through her organization, she challenged our parents and kids to hold each other accountable and set goals for the destination of college.

The event also featured several choral selections from Stovall-Shaw Elementary and their choir, as well as Mary Potter Middle Schools’ Alyssa Hester who contributed beautifully to a great event.

After the event, there were community organizations and district student support departments represented to provide parents and guests with resources and support for their role as parents.

Granville County Public Schools extends a huge thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the event’s success!

(Photo courtesy GCPS)

New VGCC President to Address Graduates as College Celebrates 50 Years

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Dr. Rachel Desmarais, who earlier this year became the seventh president of Vance-Granville Community College, will serve as the principal commencement speaker for the college’s graduation exercises on Friday, May 10, 2019. As VGCC celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, Desmarais follows in the footsteps of the school’s first president, Dr. Donald Mohorn, who was the commencement speaker at the first such ceremony, back in 1970.

Dr. Rachel Desmarais, who earlier this year became the seventh president of Vance-Granville Community College, will serve as the principal commencement speaker for the college’s graduation exercises on Friday, May 10, 2019. (VGCC Photo)

Jose Angel De Leon of Henderson, president of the VGCC Student Government Association, will be the student speaker.

Nearly 500 students are scheduled to be honored during ceremonies beginning at 6 p.m. at the gazebo by the lake on the college’s Main Campus in Vance County. For those unable to attend the event in person, VGCC will broadcast a live video feed from the ceremony online on its YouTube channel (

The VGCC Board of Trustees selected Dr. Desmarais to become the college president in December 2018, while she was serving as the executive vice president and chief operating officer of Forsyth Technical Community College.

Once a student at Forsyth Tech, Desmarais became an adjunct instructor at the community college from 1996 to 1999 while also working in the private sector. She joined Forsyth Tech full-time in 2002 and served in a variety of academic and administrative roles over the next 16 years.

Jose Angel De Leon of Henderson, president of the VGCC Student Government Association, will be the student speaker. (VGCC Photo)

Desmarais earned her doctorate of philosophy in instructional design and technology from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va., in 2015 after getting her master’s of science in information technology management from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 2003. She earned a bachelor of music degree in voice performance from Mars Hill College in 1992.

She was also among fewer than 40 aspiring and emerging community college presidents nationwide who were chosen for the Aspen Institute Presidential Fellowship for Community College Excellence in 2017-2018.

De Leon is graduating from VGCC with a degree in Criminal Justice Technology. A graduate of Norlina Christian School, he has earned Dean’s List and President’s List honors at the college and has been inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa honor society.

De Leon plans to continue his education at North Carolina Central University, where he will complete a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. His long-term plan is to earn his Ph.D. in criminal justice or criminology and become a college professor.

Students serving as graduation marshals will be Caroline Williamson of Bullock; Ebony Cotton of Franklinton; Hannah Edwards, Evin Swilley, April Zuniga-Trejo and Leslie Zuniga-Trejo, all of Henderson; Gricel Arroyo of Louisburg; Miranda Brown of Oxford; Rana Alashmali of Timberlake; and Ronnie Brodie, Jr., of Wake Forest.


April Zuniga-Trejo of Henderson

Caroline Williamson of Bullock

Ebony Cotton of Franklinton

Evin Swilley of Henderson

Gricel Arroyo of Louisburg

Hannah Edwards of Henderson

Leslie Zuniga-Trejo of Henderson

Miranda Brown of Oxford

Rana Alashmali – Timberlake

Ronnie Brodie, Jr., of Wake Forest

National Weather Service

Hurricane Preparedness Week: Inland Flooding & Disaster Supplies

-Information courtesy Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations


All week long the National Weather Service will issue informative messages to help you prepare for the hurricane season. Today’s topics include inland flooding and assembling disaster supplies.

Inland Flooding

Inland flooding is the most deadly and serious threat hurricanes bring to inland areas of North Carolina. In September 1999, inland flooding occurred with Hurricane Floyd and claimed 35 lives in North Carolina. Hurricane Matthew in October 2016 generated record flooding across much of the coastal plain of North Carolina, claimed 28 lives and left thousands homeless and entire towns under water.

More recently, Hurricane Florence produced devastating inland flooding and resulted in 11 flood-related deaths in North Carolina.

Overall, most hurricane deaths over the past 30 years have been the result of flooding, many of which have occurred in automobiles as people attempt to drive through flooded areas where water covers the road.

It is important to realize the amount of rain a tropical system produces is not related to the intensity of the wind. Weak hurricanes and even tropical storms have caused disastrous floods throughout history. For example, in 2006 the remnants of Tropical Storm Alberto moved over central North Carolina dropping 4 to 8 inches of rain from Sanford to Raleigh, resulting in major flooding along numerous creeks.

So what can you do? Anytime a hurricane or tropical storm threatens, think flooding. It is very important to determine if you live in an area at risk of flooding. If your yard or nearby roads around your home flood during ordinary thunderstorms, then you are at serious risk of flooding from torrential tropical rainfall. Those living near creeks, streams and drainage ditches should also closely watch water levels. Remember, extreme rainfall events bring extreme flooding typically not experienced in the past. During extreme events, even those areas which normally do not flood are at risk.

Always stay aware of road conditions and make sure your escape route is not becoming flooded by heavy rain. Never attempt to cross flowing water; instead, remember to turn around, don’t drown. The reason that so many people drown during flooding is because few of them realize the incredible power of water. A mere six inches of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult. It takes only two feet of rushing water to carry away most vehicles. This includes pickups and SUVs. Never allow children to play near streams, creeks or drainage ditches. As rainwater runs off, streams, creeks, and ditches fill with running water that can easily sweep a child away.

Finally, have an emergency action plan and know your homeowners and flood insurance policies. Flood damage is not usually covered by homeowners insurance. Do not make assumptions and remember to check your policies.

Assemble Disaster Supplies

You’re going to need supplies – not just to get through the storm but for the potentially lengthy and unpleasant aftermath. Have enough non-perishable food, water and medicines to last each person in your family a minimum of one week. Electricity and water could be out for at least that long.

You’ll need extra cash, a 30-day supply of medicines, a battery-powered radio and flashlights. Many of us have cell phones, and they all run on batteries. You’re going to need a portable, crank or solar powered USB charger. Before the storm, be sure to fill up your car or a gas can. If the power goes out, you will be unable to pump gas.

To learn more about what to include in your disaster supply kit, please visit

For more information about hurricane preparedness…please visit the following web sites:

Granville County: Compost Bins & Kitchen Caddies Now Available

-Press Release, Granville County Government

“Reduce – Reuse – Recycle” comes to mind when most everyone sees the “recycle” symbol, but it also has another message and meaning that goes deeper, “Collection – Processing – Utilization.”

This can be accomplished by composting in three easy steps: 1) collect food scraps or residuals, along with leaves or shredded paper; 2) place items into the compost bin or pile to let the “processing” occur; and 3) use the finished product in your gardens, indoor plants, on your lawn and many other applications.

Since approximately one-third of food produced for human consumption is wasted, everyone should strongly consider backyard composting.

Outdoor compost bins and kitchen caddies are now available for purchase. Contact Granville County Recycling Coordinator Teresa Baker at 919-725-1417 or if you would like to get started today.

National Weather Service

Hurricane Preparedness Week: High Winds & Insurance Coverage

-Information courtesy Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations


All week long, the National Weather Service will issue informative messages to help you prepare for the hurricane season. Today’s topics include high winds and secure an insurance check-up.

High Winds

The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale classifies hurricanes into five categories based on their sustained wind speed at the indicated time. Hurricanes reaching Category 3 and higher are considered major hurricanes because of their potential for significant loss of life and property. Category 1 and 2 storms are still dangerous and require preventive measures.

It is important that you know your hurricane warning terminology – the difference between watches and warning:

Hurricane Warning: An announcement that sustained winds of 74 mph or higher are expected somewhere within the specified area in association with a tropical, subtropical, or post-tropical cyclone. Because hurricane preparedness activities become difficult once winds reach tropical storm force, the warning is issued 36 hours in advance of the anticipated onset of tropical-storm-force winds. The warning can remain in effect when dangerously high water or a combination of dangerously high water and waves continue, even though winds may be less than hurricane force.

Hurricane Watch: An announcement that sustained winds of 74 mph or higher are possible somewhere within the specified area in association with a tropical, subtropical, or post-tropical cyclone. Because hurricane preparedness activities become difficult once winds reach tropical storm force, the watch is issued 48 hours in advance of the anticipated onset of tropical-storm-force winds.

Tropical Storm Warning: An announcement that sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph are expected somewhere within the specified area within 36 hours in association with a tropical, subtropical, or post-tropical cyclone.

Tropical Storm Watch: An announcement that sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph are possible somewhere within the specified area within 48 hours in association with a tropical, subtropical, or post-tropical cyclone.

Keep in mind that even tropical storm force winds of less than 74 mph are capable of tossing around debris and causing damage similar to that seen in inland areas during Hurricane Fran especially in the Raleigh area. For this reason, you should seek shelter from the wind in a sturdy building as the hurricane moves inland and before the onset of tropical storm force winds. Tropical storm force winds usually strike hours ahead of the actual hurricane’s eye. For this reason, many emergency officials typically have evacuations completed and personnel sheltered before the onset of tropical storm force winds.

Hurricane-force winds can easily destroy poorly constructed buildings and mobile homes. Debris such as signs, roofing material, and items left outside become flying missiles in high wind. Falling trees cause extensive damage to power lines, towers and underground water lines. This can cause extended disruptions of utility services and you need roofing contractors to fix things. Damaging hurricane force winds can be just as devastating as tornadoes.

You can protect windows by installing hurricane shutters or prepare 5/8 inch plywood panels. Garage doors are also very susceptible to high wind and fail frequently in tropical storms and hurricanes when wind gusts exceed 70 mph. Reinforcing garage doors with affordable braces significantly increase structural integrity.

Things you can do before a storm threatens include assessing your home’s landscaping and assess the threat from falling trees. Trim back any dead limbs as well as large overhanging branches. Pick up all loose objects around the house including lawn furniture, grills, and potted plants. Lastly, have a plan of where to seek shelter in your home if high wind threatens you. Talk with your family and let everyone know where your predetermined safe room is in your home. Interior hallways, closets and bathrooms are the safest locations. Always stay away from windows and exterior doors.

Secure an Insurance Check-up

Call your insurance company or agent and ask for an insurance check-up to make sure you have enough homeowners insurance to repair or even replace your home. Don’t forget coverage for your car or boat. Remember, standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flooding. Whether you’re a homeowner or renter, you’ll need a separate policy for it, and it’s available through your company, agent or the National Flood Insurance Program at Act now as flood insurance requires a 30-day waiting period. Finally, know where your insurance documents and contact information are located, and be sure to take them with you if you have to evacuate.

For more information about hurricane preparedness, please visit the following web sites: •