Register For SBA Webinar Friday At 2 PM To Learn Funding Options For Small Businesses

The U.S. Small Business Administration is hosting a webinar Friday afternoon to discuss funding options that are available to small businesses, including new and existing resources to contend with inflation.

The webinar is part of “The Bottom Line” series, hosted by the SBA and Small Business Majority

Register here for the webinar, which begins at 2 p.m.

“Understanding how to deal with the impact of inflation as a result of the pandemic and other global factors, and knowing where to look for an navigate available resources to tackle it can sometimes be daunting,” according to information from the USBA. Speakers during tomorrow’s webinar include USBA Senior Advisor, Office of Capital Access Veronica Pugin; Gary Cunningham, president and CEO, Prosperity Now, Stephanie DeVane, vice president of the National Urban League’s entrepreneurship & business development and Mark Madrid, USBA associate administrator, Office of Entrepreneurial Development.

Click this link to register:

Cooperative Extension With Jamon Glover: Sharing, Pt. 1

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Little Ducks Raise Big Bucks

It’s always fun when the weather is right, people are excited, ultimately kids benefit and somebody wins something.

That’s what happened this past Saturday at the Duck Derby in downtown Henderson, and Garry Daeke, development coordinator with Franklin Granville Vance Smart Start sounded nothing but pleased when WIZS caught up with him late Monday afternoon by phone.

“It went great. We had a beautiful stay. We had a good steady crowd all day. When we did the race itself, we lined the sidewalks almost all the way down. I guess we got a 150 people out there I think. It was very nice,” he said.

And while it was about fun, games, education and getting out in one’s own downtown, the bigger purpose that’s often right there too is money.

Daeke said, “We had sold 1,779 tickets pre. And we sold about 200, I think (at the event). So right at 2,000 duck tickets sold. We’ll get the final numbers after we back out the expenses. With the ticket sales and sponsors, I think we’ll do about $10,000 net.”

He said the winners came from a smattering of locations across the three county area including the $1,000 winner having purchased the ticket at the event. Winners not present were notified by phone Monday.

Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Vegetables to plant now Chinese cabbage, Garlic, bulb onions, spinach
  • Plant tall fescue NOW. Discussion about choosing grass seed.
  • Any vegetables growing now still needs 1 inch of rain or irrigation
  • Consider adding late-season pollinator forage to your garden.
  • If renovating your lawn make sure you pack the seed into the soil. Good seed to soil contact is a must for good seed germination.
  • Avoid pruning. Wait until late November at the earliest.
  • Soil Test season is now! 1 week analysis time
  • Divide perennials to spread and reinvigorate them.

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Recap: Duke Blue Devils Annihilate Aggies to Extend Win Streak

— text and picture by Patrick Magoon freelance writer for WIZS

Building on two high-scoring wins, the Duke Blue Devils amplified their momentum during Saturday’s exciting victory against North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State’s Aggies.

There was no shortage of fans cheering on the Blue Devils during their second home game of the season. For the first time since 2019, Duke University’s Wallace Wade Stadium hosted over 32,000 fans. The fans’ electrifying energy, echoing across the stadium, overwhelmed the Aggies.

The Devils’ offense, led by quarterback Riley Leonard, started hot, executing a 38-yard passing touchdown in fifteen seconds. Stunned and overpowered by Duke’s potent offense, the Aggies allowed two additional scores in the first quarter. Leonard completed 11 of his 12 pass attempts before the conclusion of the first half and finished the game with an impressive 98.9 QBR rating.

After achieving a comfortable lead, Leonard exited the field to provide an opportunity for other offensive assets to showcase their abilities and allow Duke’s ground game to take charge. Backup quarterback Henry Belin IV finished 5-for-6 for 43 yards, and running backs Jaquez Moore, Jordan Waters, and Eric Weatherly collectively rushed for 122 yards on 16 attempts.

On defense, Duke’s starters were nothing short of exceptional. Right out of the gate, the pressure from the Blue Devils’ front seven was immense. After Duke’s second scoring drive, defensive tackle Aeneas Peebles broke through the Aggies’ offensive line, took down quarterback Jalen Fowler, and knocked the ball loose. Defensive tackle DeWayne Carter, who was in the right place at the right time, scooped up the fumble and ran it down the field for a touchdown. That touchdown extended Duke’s lead to 21 in the first nine minutes into the game.

Duke’s defense acquired 75 tackles (11 for a loss), four sacks, and deflected two passes. Linebacker Nick Morris Jr. led the team in tackles, and Jaylen Stinson, Brandon Johnson, Cam Dillon, and Peebles earned a sack.

What’s next?

Duke (3-0) will travel to Kansas for a matchup against the Jayhawks (3-0). Both teams are operating under a new head coach, and their rebuilding efforts are moving in the right direction.

Fresh off of a 48-30 win against Houston, the Jayhawks are eager to test the limits of Duke’s potential. Considering Kansas is averaging 53 ppg, their offense poses a real threat.

Perry Memorial Library

TownTalk: Green Book Series Coming To Perry Memorial Library

— courtesy of Perry Memorial Library

Click to Listen — TownTalk: Green Book Series Coming To Perry Memorial Library

The Perry Memorial Library will host a Community series that includes authors, Calvin Ramsey, Candacy Taylor, and Gretchen Sorin. The series will focus on the Green Book. The Negro Motorist Green Book was a guidebook for African American travelers that provided a list of hotels, boarding houses, taverns, restaurants, service stations and other establishments throughout the country that served African Americans. It was an annual guidebook that originated and was published by African-American New York City mailman, Victor Hugo Green from 1936 to 1966, during the era of Jim Crow laws.

On Monday, September 26th at 4 PM and 7 PM, author Calvin Ramsey will join us in person for a book discussion of his 2010 children’s book, Ruth and the Green Book. The story follows a young girl named Ruth who travels with her family from Chicago to Alabama to visit her grandmother. She learns of the Green Book which with its guidance and the kindness of strangers helps her family safely navigate travel during the Jim Crow era. Ramsey was born in Baltimore, Maryland and grew up in Roxboro, North Carolina. He is a playwright, photographer, and folk art painter. He is a former Advisory Board Member of the Robert Woodruff Library Special Collections at Emory University in Atlanta. He is also a recipient of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major for Justice Award.

Candacy Taylor will join us virtually on Tuesday, September 27th at 4 PM in the library board room to discuss her book, Overground Railroad: The Green Book and the Roots of Black Travel in America. The library has the adult version as well as the Young Adult adaptation available to readers to sign out. This book is a historical exploration of the Green Book and black travel with Jim Crow America across four decades. Taylor is an award-winning author, photographer and cultural documentarian working on a multidisciplinary project based on the Green Book. She is also the curator and content specialist for an exhibition that is currently touring by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES). Taylor was a fellow at the Hutchins Center at Harvard University under the direction of Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. and her projects have been commissioned and funded by numerous organizations including, The Library of Congress, National Geographic, The American Council of Learned Societies, The National Endowment for the Humanities, The National Park Service, and The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

To conclude, our community read series, we will be joined virtually by Gretchen Sorin on Monday, October 3rd at 6 PM in the library board room. Sorin will discuss her book, Driving While Black: African American Travel and the Road to Civil Rights. Driving While Black charts how the automobile fundamentally reshaped African American life, and opens up an entirely new view onto one of the most important issues of our time. Sorin also co-created the PBS documentary, Driving While Black with Emmy-winning director, Ric Burns.

Gretchen Sorin is distinguished professor and director of the Cooperstown Graduate Program of the State University of New York. She has curated innumerable exhibits―including with the Smithsonian, the Jewish Museum and the New York State Historical Association―and lives in upstate New York.

This community read series is funded by the American Rescue Plan: Humanities Grants for Libraries; an initiative of the American Library Association (ALA) made possible with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

The library has 25 copies of each author’s book to sign out at the circulation desk. “We are thrilled to be working with these three distinguished authors to discuss the significance of the green book” said Assistant Director, Christy Bondy. Henderson has three green book locations that have been identified. A zoom link will be provided prior to the virtual programs for those who cannot come to the library.

The library is located at 205 Breckenridge Street. For more information, call the library at 252-438-3316 or visit the website at

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Learn To Construct Livestock Fence During Oct. 25 Workshop

The old saying that “fences make good neighbors” could be amended to “good fences make neighbors happy” to describe an upcoming hands-on workshop that involves creating a safe fencing plan for livestock.

The day-long class will be held on Oct. 25 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Butner Beef Cattle field lab, located at 8800 Cassam Rd. in Bahama, NC 27503.

Whether you want to create new fenced pastures or just want to hone skills needed to keep fences in good order, this workshop is for you.

“A good fence is a critical component of a successful livestock operation no matter what species of animals,” according to a press release from Kim Woods and Matthew Place, livestock agents in Granville, Person and Warren counties, respectively.

The $40 cost per person includes lunch and all materials, and participants should dress appropriately for the weather and bring gloves and eye protection. There will be some indoor classroom work to discuss the economics of fencing and construction materials, as well as state laws regarding fencing. The group will then head outside and actually build a fence.

The event is sponsored by several fence product companies.

Fences keep animals in the safety of their pasture while – hopefully – keeping predators out. “Building a good fence that will last a long time is not near as easy as making the decision that you need a fence,” however. Come to the class to learn more about proper design and construction.

Visit to find the registration page. Mail it, along with your payment, to

Granville County Cooperative Extension,

Attn: Kim Woods

125 Oxford Loop Rd. Oxford, NC 27565.

Make check payable to Granville County, with “Fencing School” in the subject line.  Registration is limited to the first 30 people in order for everyone to have adequate hands-on time with tools and materials.

To learn more, contact Kim Woods at 336.599.1195 or 919.603.1350 or Matthew Place at 252.257.3640.

H-V Industrial Park Phase III

Vance Commissioners Pave The Way For Construction Of Shell Building At Industrial Park

In a special called meeting Monday, the Vance County Board of Commissioners moved closer to fulfilling the concept of construction of a shell building on the campus of the industrial park.

The board approved a resolution to sell a 7.15-acre parcel to the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park, Inc. for $185,900, on which a 50,000-square foot shell building will be constructed, according to agenda information, which was confirmed Tuesday by County Manager Jordan McMillen.

Jordan told WIZS News Tuesday that all was approved as proposed.

In related business, the board also approved a construction loan agreement, two future advance deeds of trust and two promissory notes which total almost $3 million to complete the engineering, construction and maintenance of the shell building.

One loan for $500,000 at 0 percent interest because it is tied to funds from the state budget appropriations, according to information previously presented to the board. An additional $2.4 million loan is provided at 4.5 percent interest with interest beginning at such time that draws are made. This loan is for engineering, construction and maintenance of the building, which the county wants to have ready for prospective business and industry looking to locate in the area.

According to the loan documents, the building is to be completed within 18 months and provides two years – until Oct. 1, 2024  – for all principal and interest to be due and payable back to the county. The loan agreement includes separate promissory notes and deeds of trust for each of the loans. Funding for the project comes from the county’s economic development fund.

County leaders have been working on this concept for some time, with the idea that the county would be able to show prospective business and industry the local commitment to boost economic development.

Community Partners of Hope

TownTalk: Community Partners Of Hope Helps Homeless Men

Delthine Watson’s got the math memorized: 365 times 365 equals 133,225. But when you apply that simple calculation to the plan for the Community Partners of Hope men’s emergency shelter, the result can have life-altering consequences.

Watson, community network specialist for Community Partners of Hope, has complete faith that the community will help bring to fruition the dream to have the shelter open all year long. That plan is inching toward reality now – the shelter is opening a full month early this year, beginning Oct. 1. It previously had been open November through March.

“This year, with the support of the community, and listening to the community, we are opening up Oct. 1,” she told WIZS’s Bill Harris on Tuesday’s Town Talk. “We’re excited about that. But she is equally excited about the 365 Dream Team Campaign that calls for 365 entities -individuals, groups, clubs – to give $365 toward the goal of having the shelter and the services it offers open all year long.

Theirs is the only men’s shelter in the area, and Watson said they have clients who come from nearby counties, including Mecklenburg County, VA, for a warm, dry place to sleep. But the services end early in the morning and, as Watson points out, “during the daytime, they’re still homeless.”

The shelter is a place where men can get a hot meal, charge their phones, have a hot shower and a clean change of clothes, she said.

But once the shelter has its own space and can stay open all year, there could be opportunities for additional services and training to further help clients improve their life situations.

“Just imagine,” Watson said, “we could be able to operate all year, we could get a building…our dreams would come true.”

The $365 – she certainly welcomes more and understands if donors need to give less – would “help us do the things that we need to do – that we want to do.”

Bringing men from homelessness to some type of self-sufficiency is the goal, but Watson acknowledged that each client may have different needs.

Shelter Manager Darryl Jones helps clients a great deal, Watson said, and encourages the ones as they make life choices that take them from homelessness toward self-sufficiency.

Hearing updates from clients who have gotten their lives back on track definitely make for “feel-good moments,” Watson said. “But we don’t have enough of those.” Through additional programming, some life-skills programming and other services, she said the shelter could give the men what they need and what they are looking for.

Visit or call 919.339.1426 to learn more about the 365 Dream Team Campaign.

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