Vance County Schools
For Immediate Release
February 14, 2018
There were 17 Vance County Schools teachers honored at the Vance County Board of Education meeting on February 12, for their students’ outstanding performances on state testing for the 2016-2017 school year.
Each of the teachers was presented a state bonus check for their outstanding efforts as part of an award program approved by the N.C. General Assembly.
The award program recognized the achievements of the teachers and their students in categories including third-grade reading, Career and Technical Education (CTE), high school advanced placement courses and grades 4-8 reading and math.
Those honored by the board included:
Susan Hughes, fifth-grade math teacher at Dabney Elementary School
Yolanda Pulliam, third-grade reading teacher at Dabney Elementary School
Susan Fletcher, third-grade reading teacher at Aycock Elementary School
Francis Brown, CTE teacher at Southern Vance High School
Dr. Lisa Webster, fourth-grade reading and math teacher at Zeb Vance Elementary School
Justin Wrenn, third-grade reading teacher at Dabney Elementary School
Hollie Powell, fifth-grade reading teacher at Aycock Elementary School
Iris Lacson, third-grade reading teacher at Clarke Elementary School
Bonita Williams, fourth-grade reading teacher at Clarke Elementary School
Debbie McCune Glanz, fourth-grade math teacher at E.O. Young, Jr. Elementary School
Adith Williams-White, sixth-grade math teacher at Henderson Middle School
Randy Scarboro, eighth-grade math teacher at Henderson Middle School
Kevon Grant, fifth-grade reading teacher at L.B. Yancey Elementary School
Alona Chiong, fifth-grade math teacher at L.B. Yancey Elementary School
Estelle Mangum, fourth-grade math teacher at L.B. Yancey Elementary School
Tammy Pulliam, fifth-math teacher at Zeb Vance Elementary School
Colleen Tyburski, fourth-grade reading teacher at Zeb Vance Elementary School
Among the local teachers recognized and receiving state bonus checks was Susan Hughes, who placed among the top two-percent of math teachers in the state with her students’ achievements in 2016-2017. Hughes is shown second from left in the photo and is joined by colleagues, Yolanda Pulliam, center, and Justin Wrenn, beside Pulliam, in being honored. Joining them are Dabney Principal Michael Putney, far left, and Board Chairwoman Darlynn Oxendine and Superintendent Anthony Jackson, at far right.