-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools
Wilton Elementary School celebrated their 5th annual Leadership Day on Friday, April 26, 2019. Wilton Elementary is a Stephen Covey “Leader in Me” school and has achieved Lighthouse certification.
The event was attended by family and community members. It was led by their Student Lighthouse Team and included special performances by Wilton’s Show Choir, a Family Feud game with the Student Lighthouse Team and special presentations by a speaker from each grade level.
Attendees were also invited to visit classrooms as students demonstrated their leadership skills in the classroom. Guests could also visit the media center where students shared information on the different extracurricular opportunities at Wilton such as Show Choir, Student Lighthouse Team, Girls on the Run, Clubs, PAW Patrol, Spelling Bee, Battle of the Books and CLAWS.
Guests then met back in the gym for the grand finale in which all students in the school came together to sing.
The event was enjoyed by all and Wilton greatly appreciates the parent and community support!
Wilton Elementary School students sing for guests in celebration of their 5th annual Leadership Day on Friday, April 26, 2019. Wilton Elementary is a Stephen Covey “Leader in Me” school and has achieved Lighthouse certification. (Photo courtesy Granville County Public Schools)