Vance Commissioners Discuss Fire Trucks, Possible Board of Elections Move

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100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

The Vance County Board of Commissioners held a regularly-scheduled monthly meeting on Monday, August 5, 2019. Vance County Manager Jordan McMillen provided WIZS a briefing on items discussed:

Fire Trucks

The Board is considering the donation of two fire trucks to fire departments in need – a 1994 model and a 1984 model that will be available if the Hicksboro Fire Department accepts the available 1994 truck.

“Regarding the fire trucks, we must provide notice and create the necessary donation documents, so the Board did not take action on formally donating either [of the vehicles]. They did declare the 1994 County truck as surplus with the intention of donating it to the Hicksboro Fire Department at the next meeting,” McMillen explained.

“The old Kerr Lake station truck is the 1984 model which Hicksboro will be giving back to the County once they take on the 1994 model. Watkins Volunteer Fire Department has now declined interest in the 1984 model, so that will still be on hand if another department needed it.”

Vance County Board of Elections

The Vance County Board of Elections has requested a move to the former Eaton Johnson Middle School building, 500 N. Beckford Drive, Henderson. According to McMillen, the Vance County Properties Committee will meet to discuss this further and “may have a larger discussion on the Henry A. Dennis Building in the future.”

“Once the Department of Social Services moves to the Eaton Johnson building, we will have some spaces come available which will afford us the opportunity to make some departmental moves should the Board decide to do so.”

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