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Local Gold at Portis Gold Mine: TownTalk 12-28-20 with Tim Fisher
Modern-day gold prospectors like Tim Fisher have tools and technology that simply weren’t available to folks who ventured to California and Alaska to make their fortunes during the era known as the Gold Rush. What Fisher undoubtedly does share with those earlier prospectors, however, is an enthusiasm and curiosity about what may lie just below
Vaccine Here; TownTalk 12-23-20 MPH CEO Beard Beard
Vaccine is here. Maria Parham Health is administering within guidelines. Last week Maria Parham Health CEO, in talking about Covid-19, said, “It’s been an amazing journey and amazing to watch our healthcare providers in our teams step up over the last year in spite of everything that’s gone on. So I would definitely use exciting
TownTalk 12-22-20; Vance County Schools Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson On Return From Covid
Vance County Schools developed and last week adopted a plan for the return to face-to-face learning. But when? The plan itself calls for two days of face-to-face instruction and a staggered entry. The entry would begin with PreK then K and 6 grades followed by grades 1 and 2 and finally grades 3-5. Self-contained EC
TownTalk 12-21-20 Brian “Doc” Miller, Vance Granville Community Band, And More
Brian “Doc” Miller is experiencing a case of Sousa rehearsal withdrawal. This condition, brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, is not affecting Miller’s enthusiasm for teaching and conducting musicians. And that’s a good thing, because he can’t wait to get the band back together. In this case, the “band” is the Vance Granville Community Band.
TownTalk 12-17-20: Pete Burgess; The Man; The Farmer; The Community Advocate
— written from WIZS Staff contributions plus information from a VGCC press release A farmer must cultivate his crop to ensure a productive yield. First comes the groundwork – literally. The field has to be ready for planting and then kept weed-free so the young plants can flourish. Often, the ultimate success of the crop
TownTalk 12-16-20; Covid, New WIZS Morning Host Steve Lewis
Listen to TownTalk on WIZS 1450 AM / 100.1 FM each weekday from 11am until 11:30am. The Wednesday, Dec 16, 2020 edition of TownTalk reviewed the latest information from Granville-Vance Public Health pertaining to local availability of the Covid-19 vaccine. Also, in segment two of the show, the newest member of the WIZS staff was
Town Talk 12/15/20: Terrell Blackmon, Henderson City Manager
100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL Henderson City Manager Terrell Blackmon appeared on WIZS Town Talk Tuesday at 11 a.m. Blackmon briefly discussed his time with the City, stating the start of the COVID-19 pandemic shortly after his arrival in January has made for an interesting first
Town Talk 12/14/20: Cara Gill Of S.a.M. Child Advocacy Center
100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL Cara Boyd Gill, founder and director of S.a.M. Child Advocacy Center in Henderson, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Monday at 11 a.m. S.a.M. Child Advocacy Center is a 24-hour, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that serves children who are victims of physical abuse,
TownTalk 12-10-20 Local History With Mark Pace
Emigrating Over the Horizon; Where Did They Go? WIZS TownTalk host Bill Harris and guest Mark Pace discuss emigration from Old Granville County. What were the reasons people left the area in the early to mid 19th Century? The need of land was one reason and land was cheap in areas such as Tennessee and
Town Talk 12/9/20: Mayor Eddie Ellington With Brandon Boyd
Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington appeared on WIZS Town Talk Wednesday at 11 a.m. Ellington was interviewed by WIZS guest host Brandon Boyd. Prior to discussing his role as mayor and the City of Henderson’s present standing and future outlook, Ellington talked about growing up in Henderson, his Castello Loughlin family history and the creation of