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TownTalk 4-13-21 NC Medicaid Open Enrollment
Vance County residents enrolled in Medicaid have until May 14 to choose from one of six managed health plans that best suit their needs, and the local Department of Social Services is sponsoring a couple of drive-thru informational events to help in the decision-making. The first event is scheduled for Friday, April 30, with a
TownTalk 04-12-21; Capt. Derrick Smith, Henderson Salvation Army Service Events
The local Salvation Army is the site for several upcoming activities to benefit the community, from medicine giveaways to summer camp, as well as a donation event Saturday to collect food and personal hygiene items. The Henderson Rotary Club is partnering with the Salvation Army for the April 17 event as part of its Day
TownTalk 04-08-21 History Of Franklin Co. with Eric Medlin
Although a native of Creedmoor and Granville County, when Eric Medlin was inspired by a professor at NC State to write a book on a local North Carolina county it wasn’t Granville that he chose to write about but Franklin County. His book, A History of Franklin County North Carolina, has recently been published by
TownTalk 04-07-21 Juvenile Offenders; Gun Violence
What are some of the steps taken in North Carolina when a juvenile is a suspect or person of interest in a crime? For one thing, it matters if the crime is a felony and if so what letter. Felonies are grouped by letters, with letter A, for example, being first degree murder. A felony
TownTalk 04-06-21; Easter and The Next 3 Months and The Pandemic
TownTalk Broadcast Audio 4-6-21. WIZS Radio · TownTalk 04-06-21 Thoughts On The Covid 19 Pandemic
TownTalk 04-01-21 Powerful Tools For Caregivers Classes
Family members who find themselves caring for a loved one – especially those caring for someone with a chronic health condition – often need to find ways to cope with the stress that comes along with the care they give. A virtual workshop called Powerful Tools for Caregivers, sponsored by the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of
TownTalk 3-31-21: Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! Please enjoy today’s TownTalk broadcast audio. WIZS Radio · TownTalk 3-31-21 Thoughts On Easter
“The Hope of Easter” Billy Graham Radio Special
“The Hope of Easter,” a Billy Graham Radio Special and production of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, aired Tuesday, April 30, 2021 at 11 a.m. on WIZS. The program will air again on WIZS 1450 AM / 100.1 FM on Easter Sunday at 4:30 p.m. If you would like to listen online, the audio is
TownTalk 03-29-21; Pastor Frank Sossamon Retiring from SHPHC
The Rev. Frank Sossamon knows precisely where he was on the last Sunday of June, 1985. He was preaching his first sermon as pastor of South Henderson Pentecostal Holiness Church. This Sunday – Easter Sunday – he will preach his final sermon as senior pastor to a congregation he has served for almost 36 years.
TownTalk 03-25-21 Covid Vaccinations For First Responders
Thank you for listening to WIZS Radio, Your Community Voice! Continued discussion about covid vaccine availability to first responders such as EMS, Fire, Police, Deputies and Highway Patrol. TownTalk Broadcast for 3-25-21. WIZS Radio · TownTalk 03-25-21 Covid Vaccinations For First Responders