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TownTalk: Rob Montague and the NC Forest Service, Storm Ready
N.C. Forest Service Gives Advice To Keep Trees Healthy, Withstand Storm’s Wind, Water There are lots of good reasons to have trees in the landscape – they provide shade in the summer, homes and food for many animals as well as income for many landowners who manage larger tracts of woodland or tree farms. And
Town Talk: Retired Colonel Helps Fellow Veterans, Stops In Henderson On 10,000-Mile Fundraiser Ride
The numbers are staggering: Since it started in 2014, RIP Medical Debt has paid medical bills for more than 2.7 million families to the tune of $4.5 billion – that’s billion with a “B” – $90 million alone to veterans and families of veterans. And if Mikel Burroughs, a retired Army colonel, has his
TownTalk: White Coat Ceremony Officially Welcomes Two Residents To MPH-Duke Partnership
According to Maria Parham Health CEO Bert Beard, it took almost four years to come to fruition, but two new physicians donned their white coats during a ceremony Wednesday to celebrate the beginning of a residency program that focuses on providing care in rural areas. “This is a tremendous day for Maria Parham,” Beard told
Town Talk: Rebuilding Hope’s SOS Project Works On Home Repairs While Spreading Gospel
Rebuilding Hope Ministry continues to fulfill its mission of helping people in the community with construction projects like roof replacement and building wheelchair ramps. The Servants on Site program sends out church groups to make repairs, also to spread the Gospel and to live their faith through works. Robbie Parham, promotion director for Servants on
Town Talk: Police Chief Barrow Discusses Trends In Gun-Related Violence
The headlines in newspapers and online news sources across the nation seem to proclaim daily the latest incidents of a shooting or other gun-related crime; and the city of Henderson, unfortunately, is not bucking that trend. Guns and gun violence are hot topics of conversation these days, from the locals at the barbershop to politicians
TownTalk: July 4th Safety Tips
From grilling to swimming, these tips will help keep you safe for the 4th of July weekend. Please keep this information in mind. Disclaimer – This is not advice. Click play or read below. WIZS Radio · TownTalk: July 4th Safety Tips – Press Release Courtesy of the State of North Carolina – As the
SportsTalk: Duke athletics has a long and distinguished history
Granville County author and historian Lewis Bowling knows a thing or two about Duke University’s rich athletic history. Not only has he been a fan of the Blue Devils all of his life, he has also written two books, Wallace Wade: Championship Years at Alabama and Duke in 2012 and Duke Basketball: A Pictorial History in 2014.
TownTalk: Buzz Into The Bee Jubilee June 26 at Granville Expo Center
Get up close and personal with bees – without getting stung – at the 5th annual Bee Jubilee Saturday in Oxford. Christi Henthorn, president of the Granville County Beekeepers Association, and event organizer said there will be something for everyone at the event, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the
TownTalk: Drive In To Job Fair Friday At Raleigh Road Outdoor Theatre
The Raleigh Road Outdoor Theatre’s main feature on Friday is not the latest Hollywood movie – it’s a 5-county job fair sponsored by the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments. Forty employers will be on site to talk to prospective job seekers about their employment opportunities. Desiree Brooks spoke with John C. Rose on Thursday’s Town
Simmons: Casket, Monument Business A Continuation Of His Mother’s Idea
Allen Simmons is building upon an idea his mother had some years ago to help families during a time when they may feel most vulnerable – when they are making decisions about funeral expenses. Simmons has started a business in Henderson called Alight Caskets and Monuments and he said he wants to give families affordable