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TownTalk: Fixing Economic Development
Broken economic development past for Henderson-Vance and the new life that could be … plus politics. Click Play WIZS Radio · TownTalk: Fixing Economic Development
TownTalk: Holiday Happenings In Granville County
‘Tis the season for Christmas parades, chats with Santa, and holiday shopping. Granville County is gearing up for events all across the county, and Granville Tourism Director Angela Allen said there’s something for everyone, from Creedmoor to Grassy Creek and everywhere in between. Allen spoke with John C. Rose and Bill Harris on Wednesday’s Town
TownTalk: Police Chief Marcus Barrow; Henderson City Ordinances
City officials have begun the task of updating ordinances to comply with a Dec. 1 deadline that will affect whether violations are considered a criminal infraction that could lead to arrest or a civil infraction that could result in a fine. Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow explained the process to John C. Rose on Tuesday’s
TownTalk: Grace Ministries Prepares 2000 Meals for Thanksgiving
G.R.A.C.E. Ministries is partnering with several churches in Vance and Granville counties to distribute a couple of thousand plates of food Saturday, Nov. 20. Jamie Elliott, one of the founders of G.R.A.C.E. Ministries, said he welcomes the community to come join in, whether you’re interested in helping prepare the food or whether you want to
TownTalk: Louisburg College Oral History Project Tells Students’ Stories
Louisburg College alumni have an opportunity to record their favorite memories of their days on campus as part of an oral history project underway now. So far, the college has received close to 600 entries, and Alitha Palich tells alums there’s still time to send in submissions. Palich is vice president of institutional advancement at
TownTalk: Gang Free Working To Vaccinate Families
Gang Free Inc. in Henderson is one of 10 sites across the state selected to partner with NC Department of Health and Human Services and Healthier Together to offer a six-week-long family vaccination clinic. Melissa Elliott, founder of Gang-Free Inc. said 56 individuals participated in the Nov. 6 kickoff event at 940 County Home Road.
TownTalk: Lisa Harrison Praises Area Healthcare Workers; Appears Before Congress
If you receive a postcard in the mail from Granville Vance Public Health in the next little bit, Lisa Harrison surely would appreciate it if you agree to help out with a project that is currently underway in the two-county area. Harrison, GVPH director, said the health department is conducting its community assessment to
TownTalk: Salvation Army Prepares For Bell Ringing and Other Events
Area retailers are gearing up for the annual Christmas shopping season and the leaders of the local Salvation Army have numerous ways that area residents can join in while sharing hope with children in the community. One way is by volunteering to ring the bell by the iconic Red Kettle that is synonymous with the
TownTalk: Red Cross Offers Different Kind Of Aid To Veterans Returning To Civilian Life
In just a few days, communities all over the country will officially observe Veterans Day – American flags will flutter in the breeze along main streets, schools and federal institutions will be closed and, at least locally, military veterans will be treated to free meals as a way to thank them for their service. Tributes
TownTalk: KerrTar COG Loan Program Helps Small Business
The Kerr-Tar Region Council of Government’s “Open for Business” loan program continues to disperse money to small- and medium-sized businesses in its five-county area and Director Diane Cox said there’s still time to apply. The Kerr-Tar COG received $1.1 million as part of the federal government’s effort to help businesses weather the COVID-19 storm. To