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TownTalk: Caring For Historic Cemeteries And Tombstones
Imagine this scenario: You’re a property owner in rural North Carolina – say, Vance County – and you come across what you think may be an old cemetery, unmarked and long-neglected. What’s a landowner to do? Your first call could be to the N.C. Office of State Archaeology. A chat with staff archaeologist and
TownTalk: Melissa Elliott Helps Those Recently Released from Prison
It’s hard enough to find a job that offers a liveable wage – Melissa Elliott defines that job as one that pays at least $20 an hour. But that search becomes exponentially more difficult for those men and women who have been incarcerated and are looking to get back on their feet. Gainful employment and
TownTalk: Mark Pace Named Granville Citizen Of The Year
Mark Pace said he is scheduled for ten appearances in which he portrays the historical figure John Penn – a signer of the Declaration of Independence with ties to Granville County. No doubt Pace has done his fair share of research into Penn’s life, which was lived in relative obscurity after he signed that historic
TownTalk: Fore! VGCC 38th Annual Golf Tournament Ready To Tee Off
In her new role as executive director of the Vance Granville Community College Foundation, Tanya Weary is preparing for the annual golf tournament, which has raised more than $1.3 million for the college over 37 years. This year marks the 38th annual event, and Weary told John C. Rose on Monday’s Town Talk that registration
TownTalk: Career Day At LB Yancey School
Students at L.B. Yancey Elementary in Henderson got a chance to interact – virtually – with a range of professionals during last week’s Career Day at the school. They also got the chance to share their career aspirations by dressing as doctors, nurses, civil servants and there was even one funeral director. The theme for
TownTalk: Chris Wright Talks New EMS And Fire Dept. Building
Any time a call comes in about a motor vehicle crash, first responders spring into action. Whether it’s local law enforcement or a state trooper who dashes to the scene, there also will be a fire truck or rescue squad that responds as well. Such was the case Wednesday when more than 20 emergency type
TownTalk: Pink With A Passion Hosting Walk For Cancer Awareness, Survivors
Join Pink With A Passion on Saturday, April 9 at the Warren County Recreation Complex for a walk to celebrate cancer survivors and to honor the memories of loved ones whose lives cancer has claimed. Amena Wilson, president of Pink With A Passion, and Elaine White, vice-president, invite the public to come out to show
TownTalk: GEF Hosts “Arts In Bloom Gala” April 28
There’s a certain satisfaction artists have when they create something that others also admire and appreciate – “budding” artists (pun intended) in Granville County will have the chance to experience that feeling of satisfaction next month at the Granville Education Foundation’s Arts in Bloom Gala and Silent Auction. GEF Executive Director Jennifer Cufalo Carpenter invites
TownTalk: Fentanyl Is Killing America’s Future – Young People
Patricia Drews is on a mission – it’s a mission that won’t bring her daughter back, but she is determined to try to help other families learn more about what she calls drug-induced homicide that took the life of her only child. Her daughter, Heaven, died in 2019 – one of approximately 200 young people
TownTalk: Embrace Henderson Event Is Only A Few Weeks Away
After a COVID-19 delay, Embrace Henderson’s Family Spectacular is returning to Saddlerock Farm on Saturday, April 9 for a fun-filled event for children and adults. Embrace Henderson’s Kevin Kilgore told WIZS that the group is glad to get back to its mission of coming together to host events, revivals – and the Family Spectacular –