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TownTalk: Henderson Rec P.U.L.L. Event To Bring Community Together
Events like the upcoming P.U.L.L. event are just part of the reason why the local parks and recreation department were honored at a national conference that focuses on ways to curb gang activity and gang violence. Shantel Hargrove, youth services outreach coordinator for the Henderson Vance Recreation and Parks Department, said she and director Kendrick
TownTalk: Classes Offered To Support Family Caregivers
A six-week online class designed to help family caregivers do the very best they can for their loved ones – and for themselves – is set to get underway in early September and Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments staffer Susan Tucker wants folks to know how helpful the program is. Tucker speaks from first-hand experience:
TownTalk: Council Approves Updated Minimum Housing Code
The Henderson City Council unanimously approved the revised minimum housing code at its meeting Monday, putting in place an updated framework for making sure that dwellings – especially rental properties – are maintained to comply within acceptable guidelines. “They adopted the code last night with the exception of Section F,” City Manager Terrell Blackmon told
Town Talk: Sossamon Discusses District 32 Candidacy
The following is part of WIZS’s continuing coverage of candidates running for local and state office in the November election. Frank Sossamon has participated in several organized community forums lately as part of his campaign for the District 32 seat in the N.C. House. There have been two in Vance County and one in
TownTalk: NC Hospitals During The Civil War
Wade Sokolosky has done a lot of research on the Civil War. He’s from Beaufort in Carteret County, so he’s familiar with nearby Fort Macon. In fact, his great-great uncle was an artilleryman who was captured at Fort Macon and later lost his life in the Battle of Goldsboro. And when Sokolosky was in
TownTalk: 911 Dispatchers Recognized For Their Role In Saving Woman In Burning House
When we see firetrucks or emergency vehicles dashing down the road with sirens blaring and lights flashing, chances are that the men and women in those vehicles are on their way to help someone in distress. But an important group of people who aren’t on those trucks are vital team members – they are the
TownTalk: Garrison Seeks 4th Term, Discusses Water, Sewer Projects In District 32
Several towns in the area have recently received state and federal funding to make improvements to water and wastewater services, and N.C. Rep. Terry Garrison said it was important to him to make sure projects in his district were on the state’s “radar” to get that much-needed money. Garrison is seeking his fourth term as
TownTalk: Perry Library Plans Community Read Program
The idea of a “community read” is pretty basic: Invite the community to read the same book and then come together to discuss it. That’s exactly what is happening now at Perry Memorial Library, and Assistant Director Christy Bondy said the library has the chosen book – “The Best of Enemies” – in a variety
TownTalk: Welcoming Capt. Joshua Keaton To The Henderson Salvation Army
The training that the Salvation Army provides to its leaders is thorough, to be sure. But no two places are exactly alike, and Capt. Joshua Keaton and his wife, Capt. Amanda Keaton, are still learning about Henderson as they jump in to the day-to-day operations of their new assignment. Capt. Joshua Keaton was John C.
TownTalk: City Of Henderson Takes A Look At Minimum Housing Standards
The Henderson City Council called a special meeting for noon Wednesday to review a draft of the city’s revised minimum housing code. The board could approve the revised code at its regular monthly meeting on Aug. 8. WIZS News received a copy of the 17-page code, with its proposed edits, changes and additions highlighted. City