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TownTalk: Pink With Passion Focus On Cancer Survivors
The second “Pink With A Passion” cancer walk planned for Saturday, April 15 in Warren County grew out of one woman’s desire to pay it forward. Amena Wilson is president of the nonprofit group, which she founded after a 2017 breast cancer diagnosis – thus, the color in the organization’s name. But Wilson told John
TownTalk: Vance County Republican Convention Coming Up
Local Republican Party leaders are putting the finishing touches on plans for upcoming county conventions, that vital first step of electing delegates that will ultimately select delegates for upcoming state and national events in advance of the 2024 elections. Jimmy Barrier chairs the Vance County GOP, which plans to have its county convention on Friday,
TownTalk: The Future of Economic Development in Vance County
Economic development across Vance County seems to be perking up, and if 2022’s report is any indication, the trend is on an upward trajectory. County Economic Development Director McKinley Perkinson is scheduled to present a review of 2022 at tonight’s monthly meeting of the county commissioners, and she’s going to paint a rosy picture. She
TownTalk: Geneaology Basics, Pt. 2
There is so much information at our fingertips in the 21st century world of genealogy, but people who want to learn more about their ancestors still have to use those tried-and-true research to obtain the most accurate results. Bill Harris and Mark Pace, North Carolina Room Specialist at Oxford’s Thornton Library discussed different types of records,
TownTalk: Economic Summit To Be Held In Littleton
The Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments and the Kerr-Tar Workforce Development Board are teaming up to host a regional economic development summit later this month with the theme “Innovate 2023: Question. Design. Thrive.” The half-day event will take place in Littleton at the Lakeland Cultural Arts Center on Thursday, Mar. 23 and will be packed
TownTalk: Shamrocks Coming To Downtown Henderson
Make plans to visit downtown Henderson on St. Patrick’s Day for Shamrocks on Breckenridge. You may not find a pot of gold, but there will be plenty of other items to enjoy, from food trucks to live music. Amanda Walker Ellis, vice chair of the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission board invites the community to join
TownTalk: Rural Water Apprenticeships Are Available
How many times a day do you use water? Morning showers, preparing a pot of coffee or washing dishes after a meal are just a few of the many ways we use water throughout the day. We turn on the spigot and expect clean, safe water to come flowing out. But it takes a lot
TownTalk: Purr Partners Prepares For Kitten Season
Having a pet can be a wonderful experience – who doesn’t love the idea of a cute little furr ball greeting you when you come home after a hard day’s work? But with pet ownership comes responsibilities, in addition to general care and trips to the vet, and Lawanna Johnson sees the consequences first-hand when
TownTalk: Osteopathic Medicine Helps with Those Aches And Pains
There are lots of reasons why people develop arthritis – either we’re genetically predisposed to achy joints, we’ve suffered an injury that later brings on pain or it could be just simple wear-and-tear on our bodies that produces the aches and pains we associate with getting older. But Mark Messmer, a doctor of osteopathic medicine,
TownTalk: CyberHIRE 2023 Makes It Easy To Find A New Job
Job seekers and employers will get a unique opportunity to “meet” later this week during a Cyber Hire event sponsored by the Kerr-Tar COG. Employers from across the five-county region – Vance, Granville, Warren, Franklin and Person – will make presentations that will be livestreamed to a site in each of the counties, where prospective