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TownTalk: Kerr Lake Regional Water Systems Keeps The Water Flowing
A recent groundbreaking ceremony at the city’s water treatment facility is a tangible indication that all the t’s have been crossed and the I’s dotted to set in motion an expansion project that will, once completed, double the facility’s output to as much as 20 million gallons of water a day. This is good news
TownTalk: Henderson City Council’s Fire Department Update
The Henderson Fire Department enjoys a rating that puts it among an elite group of fire departments across the country, and Acting Fire Chief Curtis Tyndall said he was proud to present information about how the department measures up to industry standards during Monday’s City Council meeting. Tyndall thanked the city for helping the fire
TownTalk: CultureFest Coming To Oxford This Weekend
CultureFest is coming to downtown Oxford and organizers hope that all those who take part in the festivities will leave with a greater appreciation not just for diversity, but for all the things that different world cultures share in common. “It’s back and bigger than ever,” said Ajulo Othow, one of those planning the event.
TownTalk: Around Old Granville: The History Of Area Newspapers
It wasn’t that long ago that people had to wait until the local daily or weekly hit the front stoop, sidewalk or mailbox to get the latest news and information. In today’s world of breaking news reports and computers that, with a few keystrokes, pull up news from across the globe, the physical newspaper has
TownTalk: What’s Happening In May In Granville County
If the phrase “a rolling stone gathers no moss” applied to a geographic entity, then Granville County would be that moss-less stone. The array of activities is dizzying, and Tourism Director Angela Allen shared just a glimpse into what’s in store for May on Wednesday’s TownTalk with WIZS’s Bill Harris. First up is Quittin’
TownTalk: Henderson Kiwanis Club Celebrates 100 Years
The Kiwanis Club of Henderson observed 100 years of service to the community during a special celebration that featured proclamations by city officials, reflections on the civic group’s history and a reminder of the club’s mission to be advocates for children. Art Falkner, current president of the local Kiwanis Club, was a guest on TownTalk
TownTalk: Watkins VFD Plans BBQ Fundraiser
Watkins Volunteer Fire Department’s upcoming barbecue and chicken fundraiser on Friday, May 5, is one way the firefighters have to help make sure the residents inside their fire district – and beyond – have everything they need when it comes to fire, EMS and other services. Assistant Fire Chief Brandon Link said this is one
Community Resource Festival
By all accounts, Thursday’s Community Resource Festival at the Vance-Granville Civic Center was a success as hundreds of participants visited more than 60 vendors to learn about services they provide and more. For Michelle Walker, this event was the culmination of months of planning with community partners to help local residents learn about available programs
TownTalk: VGCC Concert Band To Perform Monday Night
Join the VGCC Community Band for its spring concert at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 1 at McGregor Hall. Director Brian “Doc” Miller says the 40-plus member band will perform in the style of a good, old-fashioned band concert. And if you look closely, you may see an unusual percussion instrument that Miller himself will
TownTalk: Remote Area Medical Returns To Henderson
For the second year, Duke Remote Area Medical is bringing a pop-up clinic to Henderson to provide free medical, dental and vision care. RAM is partnering again with Vance Charter School, which is hosting the two-day clinic on Saturday, May 20 and Sunday, May 21. The school is located at 2090 Ross Mill Rd. The