Angel Hodges, the grandmother of Colton Maddox, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Thursday at 11 a.m.
Hodges announced an upcoming fundraiser for Colton, a local three-year-old boy who was diagnosed with skeletal dysplasia (dwarfism) in addition to multiple other medical conditions.
According to Hodges, Colton has been hospitalized 30 times, been active in five therapies a week, sees 12 doctors regularly and has had many sedated procedures.
Each year, the family, including Colton’s mother Kelsey Maddox, also returns to Wilmington, Delaware to follow up on identifying Colton’s very rare form of dwarfism.
To help cover Colton’s medical and travel expenses, the group Colton’s Adventures will hold the Third Annual Spaghetti Plate and Silent Auction Fundraiser at Kerr Lake Country Club in Henderson on Friday, August 28, 2020. Events will be held from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m.
The $7 meal will include spaghetti, salad, bread and dessert. Plates will be available for takeout, curbside pickup and business delivery.
Tickets can be purchased in advance at Mike’s Barber Shop located at 1702 Parham St. in Henderson or at Skippers BBQ from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday-Friday. Plates may also be purchased at the event. For more information, please call LeAnn at (252) 432-2045 or email
All proceeds will help pay for expenses that insurance does not cover, including equipment, travel and transportation costs. The family hopes to raise enough money to purchase a “ZipZac” for Colton – a miniature, low-to-the-ground wheelchair made for younger children with mobility issues.
“We were told that when Colton was born that he was probably only going to live for a couple of hours,” said Hodges. “So, we fully went to the hospital not expecting to bring a baby home with us, and now he’s three years old. The good Lord has answered prayers, and his little life has just been so joyous to us.”
To hear the interview in its entirety, go to and click on Town Talk.
Colton Maddox (Photo courtesy Kelsey Maddox)
Colton Maddox (Photo courtesy Kelsey Maddox)