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Pat Christie, 2020 inductee into the Carolina Beach Music Awards Hall of Fame appeared on WIZS Town Talk Wednesday at 11 a.m.
The mood was jovial as WIZS Beach Blast host Trey Snide interviewed Christie, who happens to be his father-in-law.
From Durham, NC, Christie said he started playing the guitar when he was nine-years-old and has been involved with several bands throughout his music career, including The Spring Fever Band, The Fabulous Hot Dog Daddy O’s and The Castaways.
The Castaways were inducted as a group into the Beach Music Hall of Fame in 2014, but Christie said his induction as an individual this year caught him by surprise.
“I am very humbled, honored and pleasantly surprised,” said Christie. “I actually found out on my way home from Myrtle Beach. Peter Carpenter, the president of the Carolina Beach Music Association announced it on the radio. It means so much to me because beach music has been such a big, big part of my life.”
Good friend and fellow Daddy O’s and Castaways bandmember Phil Doc Wilson called in to Town Talk to surprise and congratulate Christie on his induction, as well as to give him a bit of a ribbing.
Pat Christie (pictured above) inducted into the 2020 Carolina Beach Music Awards Hall of Fame.
“I want to tell you what I’ve told you the whole time I’ve known you,” Wilson said to Christie. “When I grow up, I want to be just like you, but wait a minute, I’m older than you are!”
Wilson then commented on his long-standing friendship with Christie, congratulated him for his accomplishment and jokingly asked if the induction meant the two could now stop competing with one another.
Christie responded with a laugh and said, “Don’t you know when you’re nominated for the Hall of Fame they put you out to the big Beach Music pasture.”
Snide, whose Beach Music Blast on WIZS was inspired, in part, by Christie and his connection to Beach Music, said he was extremely proud of his father-in-law.
“I am trying to find the words to best explain how excited and proud I am of Mr. Pat,” Snide said. “He is extremely humble. As you can hear in the audio I did with Mr. Pat, he did his best to try and give credit to others. This is the man I respect, look up to and am proud to call my father-in-law.”
Snide continued, “We celebrate his success in this world we call Beach Music and his induction in the 2020 Beach Music Hall of Fame. Carolina Beach Music would not be the same without Mr. Pat Christie. For his passion, his dedication and all the years spent on the road in bands such as The Castaways, The Fabulous Hot Dog Daddy O’s and others, we officially say thank you. Thank you for being you, and thank you for making Beach Music great.”
Be sure to listen to the Beach Music Blast live on WIZS 1450 AM, 100.1 FM or at www.wizs.com (click Listen Live) from 12 until 1 p.m. every Monday – Friday.
To hear the interview with Christie in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.