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The Local Skinny! Night Out Against Crime is Tuesday, Oct. 19.
Vance County’s Night Out Against Crime is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 19 on Breckenridge Street, and there will be lots of activities for families to enjoy, according to Lorraine Watkins and Tonya Moore, a couple of the organizers for the annual event. Originally scheduled for September, rainy conditions forced officials to move the annual event...
The Local Skinny! Home And Garden Show 10-13-21
This week in the garden with Vance Co. Extension: Now is the time to dig your sweet potatoes. Get outdoor container plantings ready for cold weather. Start planning your season extension materials. Cardboard, row covers, plastic canvas Consider adding ornamental grasses to your landscape. Check cole crops; they may need top dressing with nitrogen if...
The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance
The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for October 12, 2021. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email to be included. JOB OPENINGS IN VANCE COUNTY – Week of October...
The Local Skinny! Events In Downtown Henderson
Various organizers have a lot planned for everyone in the area. Friday, October 15 – From 5 p.m. until 8 p.m., it’s the Hispanic Heritage Festival at 200 Breckenridge Street. Dr. Alice Sallins, chairperson of the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission’s Promotions Committee, said, “It will be such a great honor to have the culmination activity...
The Local Skinny! Domestic Violence Awareness Event Scheduled For Oct. 23
Sheriff Curtis Brame R. Brame and the Vance County Sheriff’s Office is teaming up with Clearview Church in Henderson to provide a program designed to remember victims of domestic violence as well as to raise awareness within the community about a problem that is all-too-prevalent. The public is invited to the third annual “Think Community”...
Home and Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. THIS WEEK IN THE GARDEN 1 Check your cole crops for insects. Ex Harlequin bugs, cabbage worm, loopers, aphids 2 Use the NC Extension Plant Toolbox to find trees or shrubs for any situation. 3 Start collecting your season extension frost protection materials. Cardboard...
The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance
The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for October 5th 2021. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email to be included. JOB OPENINGS IN VANCE COUNTY – Week of October...
The Local Skinny! The History Of Old Granville Co. To Be Presented At Oxford Senior Center
If you’ve ever been curious about the history of our area then an upcoming four part series will be a great opportunity to learn. Local historian Mark Pace of the North Carolina Room, Thornton Library in Oxford will be going in depth on the area’s history from pre-historic times to the present. The series will...
The Local Skinny! Architecture Survey Is Underway In Vance County
Nine Oaks, Hibernia, Blackenhall…these are names of some great, historical Vance County homes. Unfortunately, they no longer exist. Either destroyed by disaster, allowed to slowly deteriorate or, in the case of Hibernia, swallowed by the creation of Kerr Lake. However, Vance County still has many pieces of historic architecture still standing. Some of these are...
Home and Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Vance County Regional Farmers Market Update. If finished with your garden consider planting a cover crop to protect the soil and add nitrogen to your garden for next year. Example – Crimson clover. Avoid using organic soil amendments when planting trees and shrubs unless...